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New Member - Trees

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New Member - Trees Empty New Member - Trees

Post  Trees Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:38 pm

Character Name: Trees

How You Heard About The RP Society:
I was member on my Giant, Arbols, before I quit for a while and now I'd like to join for good on my main character.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I'd say at least six years off and on. Started out on boards and such Very Happy

Is English Your First Language? Yes. I also speak Castellano and I'm trying to learn Danish QQ

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Gently radiating its love, the Sun’s warmth was accepted happily throughout the forest located somewhere in Eastern Spain.

Near a grove of strawberry trees our hero stands tall basking in the light, “Ah! What a glorious day it is! The sun shines with such vigor that I feel as though I deserve a light snack!” Whilst preparing his meal a cool breeze begins and he automatically starts to dance and move about. As this happy scene transpires, something evil his way comes.

Beginning to indulge in his sweet snack, he does not notice the group of men with tools and trucks close in on his surrounding area. The men, fifteen or so of them, got out of their trucks and carried with them baskets and tools. Upon hearing grass crinkling beneath footsteps, he becomes aware of the men. Not frightened, he thinks to himself, “Perhaps they are here only for fruit or maybe cork. I’m not worried”. Just as he surmised the men began to gather fruit and cork and other things quietly. Quietly that was until one man came up to him.

“Is it cork that you seek?” He asked the man who held a curious stick with a sharp, shiny head. Almost as if he couldn’t hear; the man pulled his arms behind his right shoulder and swung. A jolt of shock and agony shot through our hero as he writhed in pain, but he was so badly hurt from the first attack he could do nothing but scream out; his pleas fell on deaf ears.After sustaining multiple blows our hero fell to the ground, motionless. He could do nothing as his life slowly faded away, and he spent his last moments relishing a simple sensation in silence one last time: the Sun’s warmth gently radiating its love upon him.

Owls flew overhead as our hero lay on his back atop a pristine-white surface with a strange symbol carved into it. He slowly came to realized he was alive. Still lying down with eyes closed he wondered where he could be. Suddenly he heard a woman’s voice and he sat up and gasped. Again he gasped at the sound of his own gasp and his rapid movement, and then his eyes opened wide for the first time and he beheld a beautiful woman dressed in black.

The woman giggled softly before she spoke, “You will have much to learn, Trees.”

What type of character do you play? Bard. Formerly an archer, I have reset all of my combat skills in anticipation for Bard skills.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I'm on Summer break so I am on extremely often, but that will be ending soon and I will be limiting myself to nights only as band will be starting in a few weeks.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Trees Empty Re: New Member - Trees

Post  Glaceon Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:45 pm

CONSIDERING you were in the guild -shouldn't- need the approvals and stuff.
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member - Trees Empty Re: New Member - Trees

Post  Auramune Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:17 am

He doesn't. He may need to go through mentoring, but that's somethin' else.

Just apply to the guild stone. I think I remember you xD.

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New Member - Trees Empty Re: New Member - Trees

Post  Trees Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:27 am

I'm really depressed that no one has commented on my bio. I thought it was clever. QQ
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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New Member - Trees Empty Re: New Member - Trees

Post  Adhamh Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:35 am

Your sig <3_<3
Cromm Crunch
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New Member - Trees Empty Re: New Member - Trees

Post  Kayeori Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:40 am

I'm with Ani on this. Your Sig just stole the show your Bio was starring in. After reeling back from that I did read the bio and it's quite creative. Very nicely done sir!
Dessert Dragon
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