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Fionnuella, ghost of the past

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:14 pm

IC Skill Name: Fionnuella's love
Power Class: Summon/Symbiotic
OOC Representation: Maid Partner
Description: Soifa misses her sister so much. She's looked for ways to bring her back but she just can't. During one of her attempts, Soifa slightly succeeded, a small child with pink hair and soft skin appearing momentarily, but vanishing soon after. The child wouldn't respond to the name of her deceased sister, so Soifa had to call her something else. Fionnuella is a summon, tied to Soifa, a manifestation of her departed sister( least a close copy of her). Uses Soifa's food energy to be summoned. Causes her to become slightly hungry when she summons her. Drain will be shown with an adv magic casting. Fionnuella cannot go too far(outside of camera view), or she will vanish. To be resummoned, Soifa must wait a little while(1 minute)
Explain relation: Fionnuella is my maid partner. All limitations of the maid partner applies.
Notes: Exact same as maid partner..just...she's not a slave or anything. More of a companion.

Despite only having one summon, if she ever wanted to, Soifa could not amass an army of these, as summoning more than one at once would drain her too fast at once and she would die, and come back in 3 days.
Level: 1

Last edited by Soifa Toten on Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:27 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:23 pm

Easy question: What do you mean "Manifestation"? You kind of implied it, but to make sure we get it solidly down, what are the commonalities between the 'sister' and the 'partner' and what are the obvious differences? Just because it's not clear if this is necromancy or something else that created this. =P

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:30 pm

It does look a bit iffy, just creating a thing out of thin air. I'm curious as to how she created the child as well.

I think for commonalities would be just the looks and maybe voice. Personality seems to not be the same.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:32 pm

It's not necromancy, more of just a summon that looks like Roze(pink hair, light skin). The phyiscal differences are the maid looks more human than Roze did, and has darker eyes.

Personality...similar, actually. She's sweet and nice. Fionnuella is a mental construct summoned by Soifa, using her energy(the same energy that powers the roswell) and a large amount of willpower to make her look like, and act like, a person.

No necromancy is involved, Dell, don't worry.


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:06 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:Fionnuella is a mental construct summoned by Soifa, using her energy(the same energy that powers the roswell) and a large amount of willpower to make her look like, and act like, a person.

Cool so far. Thanks for assisting in understanding. However, does this statement above imply that this costs Soifa something to summon Fionnuella? Also, is she effectively 'recreated' every time you summon her, or does she reside somewhere when not active?

... I guess another question is does Fionnuella have a soul...? Doesn't seem like an obvious question, but... Seems like it'd be a good thing to ask. =D

Just making sure I understand your concept in it's entirety. -nods-

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:08 pm

Nah, no soul for her.

She's a soulless monster! D:<

It causes Soifa to become slightly hungry with each summoning, though I'll likely just use some heavy cost adv magic to show a drain on something.


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:15 pm

So... it's more like an unconscious projection of an image of a person, if I'm understanding this correctly? So that would then imply the memories aren't the summons, as the 'being' doesn't necessarily exist. Fion's memories would be based upon Soifa's memories, as a projection of her magic upon reality... Correct me if my understanding is incorrect.

But either way, what keeps her in the realm? And... if it's the case she is a living being rather than a projection, where does she go when unsummoned? =D

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:20 pm

She's living in the sense you can physically smack her and knock her out, which causes her to vanish. Distance also causes her to vanish(though that doesn't happen OOC, it'd happen IC with her)

The energy used to make her solidifies into her form, which is how she becomes physical and attackable. Yes, her memories would be based on Soifa's, and once unsummoned her memories could be accessed by Soifa, though since she can't go too far(outside of camera view) without vanishing, there's not much she hears that Soifa doesn't anyway. Her knowledge is based on her masters, though she's weaker(she'll grow stronger in time, but won't ever match her master's strength.)


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:24 pm

And... I believe we talked about this, but what are the limitations of skill use? What prevents Soifa from summoning 10 of these things at one time?

Also, if Fion is knocked out and disappears, what are the parameters for resummoning her?

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:36 pm

Normal cooldown time for the partner is 60 seconds. When she's unsummoned, Soifa has to take the time to sort her mind and collect her energy or attempting to resummon her will be met results.

If the time of the maid is used up completely, then that means Soifa is too hungry to summon her until she feeds enough.(Which would be a lot)


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:49 pm



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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Xeek Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:20 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:-bump-
Lets bump each other's thread =D

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:17 pm

No. Get out unless you have a question. >_>


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:26 pm

-this is me bumping my own thread-


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Mithos Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:30 pm

-This is me giving you an approval-

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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:24 pm

-pokes thread- Anyone have anything to say at all?


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Dellinger Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:57 pm


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:04 pm

It has been over 24 hours since the last post, so..bump.


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Fionnuella, ghost of the past Empty Re: Fionnuella, ghost of the past

Post  Vayne Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:33 pm

..Approved. Was wanting to hold off; but approved.

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