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Taehyeon Seong, wolf girl! :I

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Taehyeon Seong, wolf girl! :I Empty Taehyeon Seong, wolf girl! :I

Post  Jordiya Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:54 pm

Name: Taehyeon Seong
Age: Appears to be 10 at the moment; Varies (Milletian)
Race: Human-Wolf Hybrid - Milletian
Ethnicity: Korean
Gender: Female

Appearance: She has a sweet face, topped off with short hair tied back in a short ponytail. Her wolf ears usually stick up and are easily noticeable. She also has a slightly bushy tail that is the same color as her hair with a white tip.
Hair Color: Dark Red-Brown
Eye Color: Deep Red

Personality: She is shy at first to most people, but is a sweet girl once she warms up to someone. Her thick Korean accent makes communication difficult. However, her accent has died down quite a bit from her time spent in classes.
Likes: Meat, meat meat! Games, Exploring new areas, Sleeping, Dresses, Drawing/Painting
Dislikes: Loud noises, yucky veggies, creepy people, mean people, evil people, clingy people, bossy people, etc etc

Bio: Warning! It came out WAY longer than I thought it would! x__x!

:: South Korea, 2012 ::_________________________________________
"And the winner of the art contest is... Taehyeon!" The entire school cheered and clapped. Taehyeon stood up shyly and waved around, walking up to the stage. Mrs. Park, the principal of the Elementary School stood at the podium, tall and smiling, holding an award out. "Congratulations," she said with a warm smile, followed by a nice, big hug. The bright lights on the ceiling were shining right at Taehyeon; she could barely see her friends waving wildly for her attention. She walked off of the stage and sat down, a few children whispering their congratulations.
The rest of the day was pretty normal. A kid spilled the Elmer's Glue, another kid bumped into someone's art project, and there was plenty of whining. When the bell rang at 3:00, all of the children squeezed out the door, dashing down the halls and out of the front doors. Taehyeon was the last to leave, as usual, walking at a normal pace. Her mom wouldn't be there to pick her up today. She was sick in bed and Dad was taking care of her. So, she had to walk.
It was hot outside. Cars whizzed by. A few rude kids made fun of her for walking alone as they passed by in air conditioned cars. "I wish they could be nice. They don't have to be so mean and make fun of me," she though to herself. A few minutes passed with no traffic and a cooling breeze started blowing. Taehyeoon could see her house in the distance. It was the big, white one on top of the hill. "Almost there.." she mumbled to herself.
Out of nowhere, a black Ford truck slowed down to Taehyeon's walking pace, idling beside her. ...She paid no attention to the car, knowing what danger could be waiting. The window rolled down. "Hey, girl! Do you want to go somewhere fun?" the strange man called out. Taehyeon kept her head down and walked even faster. The truck kept stalking beside her and she kept speeding up. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Taehyeon reached her home.
The front door opened quickly and closed with a slam. Taehyeon was in her home now. Safe.. She peeked out of the window. The black truck was driving away. "Taehyeon-a! What was that loud noise?" her father called out. She explained what had happened on her walk home. "I see.. I'm sorry for not picking you up. Your mother is feeling better today. I'll pick you up tomorrow." he said with a smile. The two hugged and watched the news.
The doorbell woke Taehyeon up. It was still dark outside. She sat up in bed, wondering who it could be. It rang again. "Dad! Someone's at the door!" Taehyeon called. There was no answer. Dad was probably asleep still. She sighed and opened the door, yawning. A stranger picked her up quickly and carried her off, holding her with an iron grip. Taehyeon called for help, crying and flailing. The man threw her into the truck and slammed the door. She looked out the dirty window and saw her dad running out of the house, still in his pajamas. The truck started up and sped off.
Taehyeon opened her eyes slowly. The room was white. She glanced around, unsure of where she was. There were a few things around the room; A desk, a chair, some papers and a computer. She tried to sit up, but something was holding her down.... What was on her wrists and ankles..? Starting to sweat a bit, Taehyeon looked around again. The room appeared to be some sort of lab. Holding down her wrists and ankles were thick, metal braces. She took a closer look at the desk; there were strange tools on it. The door opened. The strange man from the black truck stepped in, wearing a white lab coat and holding a leash tied to a wolf. A few people followed in after him. A older woman with a kind face and tousled hair, a man with a mean face and no hair, and another man who looked like he had been scratched by a cat.. 500 times. They circled around her and mumbled amongst themselves in a foreign language. The woman placed a mask over Taehyeon's nose and mouth. The woman's face was kind, but her eyes were evil. A sweet-smelling scent filled the mask. Taehyeon felt drowsy. She fought to stay awake. The woman looked at the other three men and pulled out a large needle. The bald man pulled out a bottle of a strange liquid, and the man with scratches adjusted a large, strange device over Taehyeon's chest. Taehyeon started screaming, thrashing and crying---as much as one could who is nearly asleep---before she slipped away into a deep sleep.
- - -
She sat up, quickly. Time seemed to be going fast. There were large, gumdrop hills around her. Confused, she stood up and started to look around. She found chocolate bunnies hopping around. Everything seemed so... happy. She couldn't help but smile and laugh as she danced around. Up ahead, there was a chocolate river! She ran up to it and pushed some chocolate up into her mouth. After eating the delicious, rich chocolate, she felt as if she could fly.. and she was! She was flying over the candied world, looking at Sour Patch Kids playing games and Swedish Fish jumping out of the chocolate rivers.
She landed and sat down for a minute, enjoying the candy paradise. Things seemed to slow down now. Taehyeon relaxed, lying on the soft ground.
Some time had passed. Everything seemed to slow down even more. It started to feel.. sad. Taehyeon looked around and saw giant, dark clouds rolling over the candy land. The candy land seemed to be changing, too. It turned into a dirty, dark, old, dusty piece of land. The chocolate river was flowing away, being replaced by sludge. A loud rumble filled the air, a brilliant lightning bolt lit the now-trashy land. She rose up into the air, scanning the area for a safe place. One last gumdrop hill was sitting in the distance and Taehyeon flew toward it. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck Taehyeon and-
- - -
Her eyes flew open. She was breathing hard. "It was just a dream..." she thought to herself as she sat up. She appeared to be in a cage.. how strange. Wasn't she just in a white lab..? A soft thump caught her attention. Other noises caught her attention. Small things. Flies buzzing around. Footsteps from an unseen place. "Wait.. why am I just sitting here?" Taehyeon thought. She kicked the flimsy cage door open and stepped out, stretching. Some footsteps were getting louder and louder, approaching her. The large, metal door opened and the woman stepped in. Taehyeon hid quickly, managing to remain unseen until the woman diappeared behind a pile of boxes. The door was still open and Taehyeon made a dash for it. She flew through the white halls. Surprisingly, nobody was around. Taehyeon smiled and kept running. A window was open and she dove through it. Taehyeon expected the ground to be closer than it was. She was 5 stories high! Below her was a dense forest; she grabbed onto a tree branch to keep from hitting the ground. She dangled for a bit, looking into a window. There was a similar lab inside with another child strapped to a metal bed. An old man spotted the girl and shouted, getting attention and speaking into a radio. Taehyeon let go of the branch, landing on the ground surprisingly easily, and ran into the forest full speed. She could hear heavy footsteps behind her. Someone.. or something.. was following her. Despite never being in a forest, she few through the trees and plants with ease. The trees thinned out ahead and she could see the sky. She leaped through the last of the trees into the clearing.
She landed, planting her feet in the ground. In front of Taehyeon was a sheer cliff. The footsteps behind her were moving faster.. and getting louder. She could see shadowy figures in the trees now; It was now or never. Without giving it a second thought, Taehyeon leaped over the edge of the cliff.
The wind felt great. For a second, she felt as if she were flying. She opened her eyes and looked down. There was a large city below her; it looked like Seoul. She was falling near a tall, reflective glass building. She looked at herself. Ears..? A tail...? ...What did the people do to her..? Some citizens below were looking up at the falling girl. Some screamed, some gasped, some were calling for help. Before anyone could react Taehyeon hit the ground and everything turned black.

:: Erinn, Soul Stream ::_________________________________________
Taehyeon woke up and looked around. The soft hoo'ing of owls overhead seemed calming in the all-white area. The platform below her had a strange symbol on it. A woman in a beautiful black dress appeared from nowhere. She explained what happened, Gave Taehyeon some bread, and sent her into Erinn. However.. Taehyeon couldn't understand the woman. She was clueless..

:: Erinn, Tir Chonaill ::_________________________________________
The white sky shifted to blue and she found herself in a small town. Unsure of what was going on, she hid in bushes and in trees. She worked up the courage to ask an adventurer to write a note for her to put on the bulletin board. The note was about seeking a teacher to teach Taehyeon whatever language the people spoke here. She took classes for a little while, however, she got frustrated and left, only knowing basic words and sentence structures. She usually hides and listens in to adventurers' conversations to learn more by herself. Unfortunately, she was making little progress and returned to the teacher, perfecting her language skills.

Yeah. Made it way longer than expected. Anyways, ignore my terrible sentence skills. I started going brain dead halfway through. LOL.... I wonder how many of you guys are actually going to read ALL of this. :I

Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Taehyeon Seong, wolf girl! :I Empty Re: Taehyeon Seong, wolf girl! :I

Post  Lenaliere Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:32 am

I read all of it! Such a sad yet interesting girl. I respect her somuchmoar Q_Q

PS: Way to give an interesting beginning to her wolfyness! Very Happy Woo! o3o Kidnapping! No it sucks, but still. Good job.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Age : 28
Location : So far west of california that I'm west of the atlantic o3o

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