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New Member - Juudai

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New Member - Juudai Empty New Member - Juudai

Post  Juudai Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:00 pm

Character Name: Juudai.
How You Heard About The RP Society: Shomarufuji got me interested in The RP Society.
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I have been Roleplaying in general for about two years, but only recently started to Roleplay Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
Is English Your First Language? English is my first language.
A Short Biography Of Your Character:

When it came down to it, Sho really was his best friend.

Up until around age nine, Juudai Yuki had been a very friendly and outgoing child. A drastic change struck when the boy discovered the wonderful world of video games, and he became so engrossed in them that most of his free time was seemingly spent in front of the television or lying on the couch wildly clicking away at the controls of one device or another. Initially most of his friends had video game systems to play along with Juudai, but unlike him the other boys much preferred going outside and having a real social life.

By age ten, his mother was sick of it all, and arranged for a family outing to the park that Juudai used to love. It came with little complaint from Juudai until he was told that he couldn’t bring any of his electronics with him, which was when he put up quite the fight to stay home, but nothing would change his mother’s mind.

The day had proved to be much more successful than his mother had hoped for. Juudai discovered his old and forgotten love for the Duel Monsters card game and seemed to have made a new best friend, all in just under two hours. Sho Marufuji, though timid and shaky during the first half hour of getting to know Juudai, quickly settled and became fast friends after the two began to bond over Duel Monsters, starting with Juudai’s observation of how Sho was arranging strategies, alone save for a woman a few feet away who was later pointed out as his mother.

A play date was arranged, and more and more after that where the two boys stole away to Juudai’s crawlspace in his bedroom for dueling and talking endlessly about different topics every day, occasionally taking the hint from Juudai’s mother to spend some time outside, where they would go to the park and have duels. Sho seemed to be much shier in public than in the comfort of Juudai’s home or his own, and Juudai soon found out why.

For the few years that he and Sho were best friends, Juudai dealt with bullies that picked on Sho many times, and he didn’t mind doing so; Sho was his friend and he didn’t like to see his friends get tormented. There was one occasion, however, where Juudai thought that Sho was doing well standing up for himself until things got a little out of hand, which was when the brunette stepped in and made Sho's bullies leave. The children eventually left when Juudai got slightly more aggressive, but not without some threats to Sho. Juudai brought Sho back to his house, where they had already planned to go after meeting halfway between their two homes, and immediately they went to the crawlspace, getting to be much smaller to them now that they were older, and began a duel.

Halfway through the duel between the two boys, both twelve by now, Juudai was once again winning. Sho had two of his best- or rather his favorites- in the graveyard already, Steamroid and Drillroid, and his only line of defense for Juudai’s next attack was the Gyroid he had set before ending his turn. Juudai had put the duel on hold, however, and asked if Sho was alright after the earlier incident in town.

“I could’ve handled them myself...” Sho had pointed out that Juudai suffered a black eye. At first, Juudai dismissed the comment, asking instead why the bullies picked on Sho so much. He wasn’t expecting an answer, but Sho gave one to him anyway, “They make fun of me for hiding behind you all the time, because you always go and protect me from them. I thought that maybe this time I could do it myself and make them leave...” Juudai would have never let Sho face his tormentors alone, and Sho insisted that he had to learn how to fight his own battles. It sparked an argument, the first real one of their friendship, and ended with Juudai calling Sho the most ungrateful friend ever and Sho leaving Juudai’s house close to tears, angry with the brunette. They didn’t speak for a few days. Those few days turned into a week, eventually a month, and then a little over a year passed and neither had bothered to get back in touch with the other. Juudai was lonely and began staying home again to avoid running into Sho at the park or in town, and Sho became more withdrawn after losing Juudai, becoming much closer to his mother and his big brother in order to have friendship with at least someone. What became of the bullies, Juudai didn’t know, but he was sure that they’d never easily give up targeting Sho.

He didn’t forget how much Sho's death hurt him. For the first time since he was seven, Juudai cried. He cried, nearly screamed as well, when he had finally worked up the courage to go and confront Sho after all this time and all he was greeted with was the scene of a car accident at the Marufuji residence. Juudai would never be able to get over seeing all of the paramedics and townsfolk gathered around the house, and what finally made him really break down was seeing for himself the body of his former best friend carried away.

What hurt Juudai the most was that he never got to apologize, and he never would.

A month later, Juudai was cleaning out his crawlspace, which was now cluttered with masses of junk and odd items, in the hopes of being able to hole up in there, and he found several Duel Monsters cards that were all too familiar. They were Gyroid, Steamroid, and Drillroid. All three were packed into a small plastic bag, underneath an old box of video games Juudai had stopped playing long ago.

For what seemed like an eternity, Juudai only hugged the cards to his chest and sobbed. He didn’t leave his room for two days, spending long and painful hours trying to connect with the duel spirits of the cards like he did with his own. He failed to do so and gave up, finding the cards proper storage in a nice little wooden box with decorative carvings. Despite his mother’s protests, Juudai kept the memento in his room beside his lamp, and every night he would spend at least half an hour just looking at the cards and remembering Sho.

Juudai’s mother was beyond alarmed. Her son went from happy, joyous and friendly to miserable and angry, and didn’t seem to be improving at all.

She once tried to take the cards, but Juudai snapped and once more spent days in his room and refusing to eat very much. This time he threw everything out of the crawlspace and lied down with the cards beside him in their box, trying to link their spirit with his once more.

“What do you want from me?” Juudai had asked while staring into the illustration of Steamroid, tears threatening to stream down his face at any moment.

Moments passed and Juudai was overwhelmed with mental images of Sho, ones of the bluenette so happy that it brought Juudai to sobbing with guilt.

“I miss him too...” Juudai picked up Gyroid and Drillroid from in front of him, and just as quickly put all of the cards back into the box, slamming the lid shut, “But he’s gone... I can’t say I’m sorry, I can’t ever make things right again...”

The Marufuji home was sent to Juudai’s mind through his spirit link with the Vehicroid monsters, and next the memorial left to Sho was shown to him. The remains of the boy rested below the memorial where they had been buried, as was his mother’s wish, and somewhere among now wilting flowers and other things that people left to pay respects, rested the deck of Duel Monsters cards that Sho had cherished so much.

“You guys want me to bring you... to Sho?”

Juudai got nothing more in response. He concluded that the cards were done with him and he knew what he had to do. Whether or not it would bring him peace was unknown to Juudai, but it was worth a shot.

Juudai would have alerted his mother that he was going out, for once in over a year, but she was gone, out getting groceries which half of would waste away because Juudai seldom ate. Instead, Juudai simply left with Sho's cards tucked away into the pocket of his coat. He took his time getting there, thinking up the right parting words for Sho.

He didn’t see any cars, and wondered if anyone was home. Even if they weren’t, he’d gone through too much with the cards alone just to give up and go back to his room to wait until he was motivated enough to try again. Besides, this had to happen now.

The front door was closed, but Juudai didn’t feel like testing to see if it was locked, so he went around the side of the house. Something caught his attention as he came to the back, the sounds before the sight. He heard laughter. It was evil and made Juudai angry for reasons he couldn’t imagine. There were splashes, and he remembered that Sho's family had an in-ground pool that Sho had never used due to lack of swimming ability.

Some were sitting on the pool’s edge, some were in the water itself, and Juudai recognized them all. These were the boys who used to torment Sho so much in childhood, and here they were on the one-year anniversary of their target’s death, laughing and playing and occasionally spitting insults toward the deceased bluenette. Now Juudai knew why he became so hurt and so enraged at them, it was the same reason he’d always loathed them; they just wouldn’t leave Sho alone. Most of what happened next was all a blur to Juudai. He’d confronted the boys, and rather harshly because of all of the built up emotion in his fragile spirit, and it turned ugly right away. At first, Juudai was sure that he would win the fight, throwing a few good punches and even managing to break someone’s nose, but everyone was taken completely off guard when the leader of the pack pulled a knife from the pocket of his pants. The next thing he knew, Juudai had a sharp pain coursing through his body, now mainly from his stomach, and now that he was weakened the same boy with the knife shoved him into the pool without much of a fight.

He could hear their voices still, a few frantic and others demanding different things from their leader. One boy shouted that it had gone way too far and was desperate to find someone to get help, and the leader turned on him and asked if he’d like to join Juudai. Before much else could be accomplished by the boys, something made them all even more terrified and they scrambled. Juudai heard the voice of Sho's older brother, Ryo, and next the shriek of Sho's mother. He couldn’t will himself to move enough to see what was happening, but managed to look up through the water he was floating face-down in to see the cards in front of him, stained with his blood and soaked by the cold water. His last action was reaching out for Steamroid, and if his body would let him he would’ve cried one last time.

He’d failed Sho, he’d failed the spirits of his cards. He couldn’t connect the cards with Sho's spirit to fix the severed bonds, and for the first time in his life, he couldn’t protect his best friend when he needed him. Sho would never know how sorry he was. Juudai would never have peace.

On the day of their fight when they were twelve, Sho had said that he and Juudai were no longer best friends. Juudai thought back to that despite the heartache, and it hit him that Sho would never know how wrong he was.

When it came down to it, Sho really was his best friend. They were best friends right down to the bitter, bloody end.

What type of character do you play? For the most part, Juudai is filled to the brim with energy and it makes him happy that, being a Ranger, he'll be able to drain it helping his friends. In Erinn, Juudai reunited with Sho and his outgoing, wild side began to surface after the years of gloom he had suffered. Juudai is impatient and hates spending too much time on one task, unless said task is all about having fun with Sho. On his own, he tends to wander aimlessly and doesn't get much accomplished besides making a few Ducats here and there through commerce between Cobh and Belvast when the deal brings enough profit for him to settle for.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? I'll be on Mabinogi almost every day of the week, however days will come up when I may be exhausted from work and I'll just pass out on the couch, or I have other things to do and don't get to playing that day. On days that I do have work, I could be on Mabinogi anywhere from 4 P.M. to around 2 A.M., and on days that I have off it depends on when I wake up and what I have to do before Mabinogi but most likely I will be on sometime between 9 A.M. and midnight, maybe later.

Last edited by Juudai on Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:15 am; edited 3 times in total

RPS Recruit

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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Dellinger Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:23 pm

If I may request this... please increase the font size of your bio? It's a bit... super-tiny and very hard to read, and getting that close to the computer screen was giving me a headache. From what I read of it so far, it seems good, but I need to read into it more before I approve it.

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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:14 am

I see that he I'm going to(I hope correctly) assume brought here by Nao and is a Milletian.

-hands you some feels- All of my feels, take them. I approve. ;^;


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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Zeznik Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:13 pm

Bump, She changed the font size

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:21 pm

Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:49 pm

Approved. Welcome to RP.

Mentors! Ready Pinkie Pie's canon party cannon!

Posts : 2938
Join date : 2009-07-23
Age : 34
Location : Washington, DC area

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New Member - Juudai Empty Re: New Member - Juudai

Post  Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:44 am

Actually, I changed the font size. >///>


Buuut, moving. And MLP is terrible. Very Happy


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