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~New Member Application~ Eridel

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:52 pm

1) Character Name: Eridel

2) How You Heard About The RP Society: a long time ago. When I last logged in, I was very active with this guild, but never got around to joining.

3) How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: I've RP'd with this guild on many occasions. As embarrassing as it is, I started RPing in WoW >.>; total time, I've been involved with Role-Play for about...4 or 5 years.

4) Is English Your First Language?: ~Yes~

5) A Short Biography Of Your Character: A quiet, sort of socially shy male. Very talkative to any close friends. Dependable. Has a wide love of music. His latest interest has been Shakespeare's appearance in Erinn. He's bi. (So am I, and single~ *-*...yes. I'm hinting.)

5a) ~BACKSTORY~: Milletian. Of the stars. Alien. Eridel's memories start when he woke up on a white celtic-cross shaped platform, greeted by a beautiful pale girl with blue eyes and white hair named Nao. She informed him that she was the Goddess of the Soul Stream, charged to bring new Milletians, or, people like Eridel, to Erinn. Unable to find the voice to talk to the girl, she picked out a shining light from the perceived air around them. Nao proceeded to bring forth a body to place the soul into. Once 'born' into the Soul Stream, he was able to ask Nao what had happened to him, to be in a place called the 'Soul-Stream' and going to some unknown world called 'Erinn'. Nao answered his questions minimally, to his discontent. She finally told him that all would unfold if he would give it time.
Waking up on the outskirts of Tir Chonaill, finding himself fully clothed, Eridel walked cautiously into the town, peering into the schoolyard and eventually stumbling into the square. The village chief, watching from the hill above the square, asked if he was okay. Upon looking closer, he seemed to realize that he was talking to a Milletian. Taking him under his wing, Duncan taught Eridel the basics of life in Erinn, and had him help the townspeople. After meeting Lassar, and failing miserably at most magic, Dilys, and failing miserably at doctoring injuries, and finally Caitin, and burning all the food he tried baking, Eridel became fast friends with Ranald and Trefor, seeming to find a deep attachment to combat, especially the use of a sword. Setting on a path to become a Knight, Eridel began his life in Erinn.

6) What type of character do you play?: The Warrior. He's very defensive, which is reflected by the sword and shield.

7) What is your Mabinogi schedule?: when I feel like logging on. Basically, any time from 2~10 pm on weekdays and whenever I feel like it on weekends. Surprised

Last edited by Eridel on Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Kenelm Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:49 pm

Hmm... I find myself wondering about your character's history... Do you think you'll eventually write a more in-depth biography?

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Vayne Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:39 pm

Yes. I don't see anything...wrong, per se. However, I'd really like to see your bio expanded a bit before I'll give any sort of approval.

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:59 am

On the biography. I haven't written anything in about a year, thus the juices ain't flowin very well. :l I -do- plan on expanding, it'll take a little time since I need to get back into Mabi's story, need to develop his character further, etc. I also wrote that late at night. Wasn't planning on it at the time. But excuses shall play no feather! Yes: expect more details. I'll get into doing it this week or so ^^

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:31 am

Wonderful. We all have writer's block sometimes, I understand. We'll be patient, it's not like the guild is going anywhere!

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:47 pm

Despite wanting more, it's still an alright skeleton. I don't mind offering an approval for now and having you figure it out through actual RPing.

'course, if you want you can add me in-game(Soifa) and I'll see if I can help you flesh out your bio, either through just suggestions or actual roleplaying.


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:50 pm

Well besides the 3 rps and 3 dungeons.

He doesnt HAVE to rp, he could just be a reliable person. D:<

Sweet Tart Sucubus
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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:57 pm

In my opinion, the bio is just fine xD. I've made characters from scratch, literally just looks, not even a name.

And hello~

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:58 pm

Same. It's actually kind of a fun way to go about it.

"This is what she looks like...okay! Let's go!"

And then I figure it out as a go along.

Normally turns out really well, if you give the character enough love.


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:55 pm

wow, refreshed the page and find a slightly philosophical discussion.

I have no greater love than creative writing. If I could give birth to characters the way you're describing, writing fiction would be so much easier. Now for some unknown reason, I can write SHORT STORIES that way...but actual stories...I have to start with a name, usually I pull it out of thin air. The setting will then take over the character's background, which is why making a bio for Eri wasn't easy. I've never really lived in Erinn, just sort of walked around in it. After spending about a day in the life of a newbie, I was able to get a feel for the people of Tir Chonaill (and god it took awhile). Anyway, with about a day of research on a Nexon-translated Korean game, I've pulled a story for this character. Hopefully it'll work out =w=;

Nice to meet you all, I hope to have a fun time here ^_^

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:04 pm

Only things!

Despite 'friendship' with NPCs, don't expect to be able to 'puppet' them and have them do things they normally wouldn't do. Ranald isn't about to hand out free things to everyone he's 'friends' with.

Nao is not the goddess. She's merely the guide. She works for Morrighan, I believe.


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:19 pm

lol I wasn't expecting to implement any of the NPCs into his story, other than the idea that they helped him get started. I do have some questions about the special NPCs like Price, etc. though. Because he's involved in every character's development in the Generations...or is that another topic?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Glaceon Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:44 pm

Our Characters do not undergo the Generations, as it's mainstream quest and certain "One-time-only" things happen in them. Since we can't have 10k people running around with a legendary sword of the gods that there is only one of, it's been decided that the only person that has done the generations is Lorna, which isn't any of us.
Glas Ghoblehht
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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:52 pm

Despite our characters not taking place in the actual generation quests, it doesn't mean they can't have transformations. Anything that's done in game can be altered a bit for a personal story.

If you have an idea for your transformations, then just post them and someone will be willing to help tweak it for you or let you know if it's okay. ^_^

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:02 pm

Example: Soifa's demigod is not THE demigod. It's her using energy she intakes from dream-eating that she cannot properly digest(DUE TO REASONS).

And she doesn't have brionac IC. Or any special sword.

I just ignore it, really.

'course, Elves and giants could probably do that questline ICly..or similar to it. But that is going to be changed to doing g1-2-whatever for elf/giant trans, I believe.

ANYWAY I'm rambling. Just letting you know about the Nao being a shepherd and whatnot. Still approve.


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:04 pm


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:44 pm

I've never really thought of Nao as goddess of anything other than the Soul Stream...o.o;
thanks for answering the Gen. questions. Paladin is all I'll need for Eri, considering his ambitions...I'll look into more of the character development stuffs.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Xeek Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:33 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:Only things!

Despite 'friendship' with NPCs, don't expect to be able to 'puppet' them and have them do things they normally wouldn't do. Ranald isn't about to hand out free things to everyone he's 'friends' with.

Nao is not the goddess. She's merely the guide. She works for Morrighan, I believe.


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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:55 am

I feel like Morrighan's not related to Nao, since at the end of g15, Morri gets pissed as all hell *-*

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:25 am

Eridel wrote:I feel like Morrighan's not related to Nao, since at the end of g15, Morri gets pissed as all hell *-*

At the end? How about through xD She has been mad at you since like.. g12?

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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:02 am



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~New Member Application~ Eridel Empty Re: ~New Member Application~ Eridel

Post  Eridel Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:22 pm

Xeek wrote:
Eridel wrote:I feel like Morrighan's not related to Nao, since at the end of g15, Morri gets pissed as all hell *-*

At the end? How about through xD She has been mad at you since like.. g12?

I've never been past g9 lol!

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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