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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Jordiya Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:35 pm

TALLIE AGNES - While she possesses no true "powers", she makes up for it with skillfully performed tricks.

IC Skill Name: Sharp Eye
Power Class: Sensory
OOC Representation: Unexecuted Windmill (See Description/Relation)
Description: Closed Mimics and Chests. Well, they seem identical. Tallie can spot a difference, though. If she looks at a Mimic closely and for long enough, she can see the lid moving ever so slightly. Regular Chests don't breathe.
Explain relation: Well, if you load Windmill and hover the cursor over chests, it will show the icon with the arrow and circle if it's a mimic. If it ISN'T a mimic, it will show the arrow with the X. I do this all the time OOCly, so I'm trying to let Tallie do it ICly, too~ If it's necessary, I'll omit this one if anyone asks me to without question. It might be a little.. meh.
Notes: Tallie can't tell them apart instantly. It takes her at least 10 IC minutes; sometimes longer if it's a darker dungeon or the mimics are made of something other than wood. ie: Ice, sandstone, metal
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Weakening Arrow
Power Class: Projectile/Status Effect
OOC Representation: Support Shot
Description: By dipping the arrowhead into a weak poison, Tallie can weaken an enemy for a short time. During this time, the enemy becomes weak and they take slightly more damage. However, the poison she uses is very weak, so it wears off with no side effects quickly.
Explain relation: Well, Support Shot weakens monsters. It also raises melee damage for a short time.
Notes: Tallie only takes the poison with her when she goes to exceptionally dangerous places, so she won't have it in everyday, pesky quarrels.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Shattering Arrow
Power Class: Projectile/Area of Effect
OOC Representation: Crash Shot
Description: Tallie has special crystal arrowheads. They shatter upon impact, usually hitting other enemies nearby. Now, they don't just shatter randomly. Tallie infuses a small amount of mana into the arrow, causing the shards to aim for nearby creatures. However, Tallie can only hit about three enemies, even if there were 10 in range. Arrowheads aren't THAT big.
Explain relation: Crash Shot, splash damage, yep yep. And it DOES take mana to load it, right...? I forgot. -can't access Mabi atm- :c
Notes: If Tallie has no mana, she can't make the arrowhead shatter. She has few crystal arrowheads, so she uses them sparingly. They CAN break in her quiver if someone can get to them. She can NOT do this with regular arrows.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Power Shot
Power Class: Projectile
OOC Representation: Magnum Shot
Description: By using slightly larger arrowheads with sharper points, Tallie can deliver a bow that knocks an enemy backwards. However, the larger arrowhead can throw her aim off; she must take more time to aim. If Tallie manages to hit in the right spot with two enemies standing near eachother, the arrow will hit both. It is an indirect hit, so it is much weaker than a direct hit.
Explain relation: Well, Magnum = super damage/splash/knock back/slow loading speed.
Notes: It's tiring to use the heavier arrows over and over again. If Tallie is too tired, she cannot handle the heavier arrows well.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Mysterious Armor
Power Class: Transformation
OOC Representation: Paladin
Description: In times of Danger, Tallie will start to get a strange feeling. Large black wings with shoot form her back and white, glowing armor will "grow" all over her body. She can't talk during this state. She will have little to no memory of it, either. The armor gives Tallie great protection. She is also very energized, almost as if she can never get tired. Tallie's aim improves dramatically, also; she can deliver much more lethal hits. Lately, Tallie has been trying to control the Mysterious Armor, but she's had no luck. She obtained the ability by taking Paladin Training Courses. Although she succeeded, she thinks she failed because she can't control it. (She's not mentally mature enough yet)
Explain relation: Trans. Def/HP/Stam/Dex boost.
Notes:Because she can't control it, she can't waltz into Rundal and trans at the boss room to prepare. It usually only happens when Tallie is seriously injured, scared out of her mind, or being greatly threatened/overpowered.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Animal Calling
Power Class: Summoning
OOC Representation: Summon pets
Description: With an assortment of handmade whistles, Tallie has trained her pets to respond to them; each whistle making a unique sound. If the whistles are lost or misplaced, she can call them by calling their name. Her pets always wander around her at a distance, playing and watching over Tallie. If Tallie is in a situation and cannot call her pets, they will come automatically to help.
Explain relation: Well, since Tallie doesn't have special magic powers (aside from IG magic), she can't summon them ICly. Sooo, I use whistles to represent the animal coming to Tallie. It would be like "-Tallie blows into a horse-shaped whistle, a brown horse trots up to her shortly after-"
Notes:If Tallie can't reach her whistles, can't call them, and is in a closed area, they can't come. Period. Only a few small pets follow her into dungeons, usually staying out of the way. This means no random dragon out of nowhere, or no horse running up to her so she can go through a long hall faster, etc.
Level: 0..?

TALFRYNE ELI - While Eli DOES have special powers, they are few in number and aren't devastating attacks.

IC Skill Name: Shield of Mana
Power Class: Defensive/Magic
OOC Representation: Mana Shield
Description: Using mana to create a thin layer of mana around his entire body, Eli can protect himself from any attacks. However, it takes quite a bit of mana to protect him, so he only uses it if he's in dire need.
Explain relation: Mana shield, super low rank lolol
Notes: He cannot use it if he has no mana, if he's low on mana, or he can't concentrate.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Light Feet
Power Class: Buff/Status Effect/Magic
OOC Representation: Shylock's Step
Description: By focusing a LARGE amount of mana into his feet, Eli can run extremely fast; 100% his normal speed. However, this doesn't mean he doesn't get tired. He gets tired quickly, often completely out of breath before the effect even wears off. It takes him a while to recover, and even longer to be able to use it again. If he uses it too much, he could pass out from exhaustion.
Explain relation:Shylock's Step = SUPER ELF SPEED TROLOL
Notes: It takes time to gather the mana and he CAN be interrupted. (ICly) It requires a lot of concentration and would use around 100 MP IC.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Mystic Aura
Power Class: Buff/Magic/Status Effect
OOC Representation: G13/14 Personas
Description: Using large amounts of mana, Eli can create an "aura" that increases certain traits depending on color. A red aura would increase his physical strength and stamina, allowing him to be more efficient in melee combat. A blue aura would increase his awareness and give him an increased will to live. A teal aura would sharpen his senses and allow him to concentrate much easier, allowing him to use magic much more efficiently.
Explain relation: Personas and stat boosts~
Notes: He can only use any aura of any color once a day. If he were to try to activate an aura twice in the same day, he would only end up wasting mana, gaining no effects.
Level: 0

Um.. yeah.. On "Explain Relation".. I didn't really know what to do.. xD
Ask questions if you need to, don't assume things. That just causes misunderstandings. :c

Also, if you want me to reword or further explain something, I'll try my best. c:

Last edited by Tallie Agnes on Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:30 am

A small tip: For "Sharp Eye" there is two other ways
Just letting you know, in case you wanted to try them xD

A few questions:

In Shattering shot, at higher ranks of Crash shot, the amount of targets go up to six. IC-wise, can she hit six? Or will the limit still be three?

In Mysterious Armor, how did she obtain the armor (just curious)? Is it some sort of unique thing?

In Animal Calling, can two of her pets be called at once (obviously, ICly)? Since Tallie doesn't use the common magic used to call pets, is she limited to the one at a time jazz-cake?

Finally, in Shield of Mana, isn't that just the same thing as mana shield? Or is there a difference?

Other than that.. you did a great job in explain relation and everything is worded good xD


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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Jordiya Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:20 pm

Xeek wrote:In Shattering shot, at higher ranks of Crash shot, the amount of targets go up to six. IC-wise, can she hit six? Or will the limit still be three?
Well, over time, she'd improve her mana control, so she could pull off six. I doubt I'm ever gonna rank crash though xD;
Xeek wrote:In Mysterious Armor, how did she obtain the armor (just curious)? Is it some sort of unique thing?
Well, she took the Paladin Training Courses. She just doesn't think she passed because she has like.. 0 control over it.
Xeek wrote:In Animal Calling, can two of her pets be called at once (obviously, ICly)? Since Tallie doesn't use the common magic used to call pets, is she limited to the one at a time jazz-cake?
Yeah, she can call all of them, actually. They actually follow her around as long as she isn't in city limits. She only calls one most of the time for specific purposes, like.. "-Tallie calls her dog to help her find a missing blahwhatever-", or it could be "-Tallie is sitting at the shoreline, a few animals roaming around her-" If.. that answers your question.. xD;
Xeek wrote:Finally, in Shield of Mana, isn't that just the same thing as mana shield? Or is there a difference?
Eh.. The only difference I'd say there is.. is that he learned to do it himself so it looks a little different. Not as efficient and you actually SEE the mana around his body. (If that even counts. xD)

EDIT: Also, thanks for the extra ways to check mimics vs chests! xD
I was super unaware of that. I'm gonna try that last one. It seems super quick/easy. c:
(Tallie's still gonna take some time to distinguish one from another, though)

Cinnamon Hellhound
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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:34 pm

Now, that wasn't painful at all was it? As far I am concern, everything is explained nicely. If I could, you'd have my approval.


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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Jordiya Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:02 pm

Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Thanks10
Cinnamon Hellhound
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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Auramune Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:06 pm

Tallie Agnes wrote: find a missing blahwhatever-

At first glance I thought it said "missing bathwater." xD

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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:16 pm

...I'm still stuck on the...shield of mana is the same as mana shield. >3>




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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Jordiya Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:33 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:...I'm still stuck on the...shield of mana is the same as mana shield. >3>



If you want me to, I'll just cross it out xD...
Cinnamon Hellhound
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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:04 pm

You dont have to cross it out cause Soifa is a butt~

Approved if you post a picture of a engine covered in motor oil.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Jordiya Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:17 pm


Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Motoro10
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Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers! Empty Re: Tallie/Eli's Not-Very-Cool Not-So-Powers!

Post  Vayne Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:33 am


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