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Tallie's Adventure Log

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Tallie's Adventure Log Empty Tallie's Adventure Log

Post  Jordiya Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:04 pm

The notebook is a nice one. It has a hard black leather cover and clean, white paper. On the front, the words: "Tallie's Adventure Log" are written. There is a lock on the book and the only key is on a necklace that is worn on Tallie's neck. It rests inside of Tallie's tent under her mat most of the time. She takes it with her when she goes on adventures, though, so she can write in it.

PAGE ONE - "First Journal Entry"____________________
I saw this book in the General Store today. The nice man at the store told me it would be a good book to write in, so I bought it. I'm not sure what I'm going to write in here, but I'm going to try to write every day if I have time! Maybe I could draw in here! Or write my adventure stories here. They both sound like good ideas. Wait, am I supposed to let people read these? I'll ask Hano later. I'm in my tent right now and it's raining. I'm planning on going to the deserts sometime soon! On my map, it says "Longa Desert". I've been to "Muyu Desert" and it wasn't that bad! There weren't any sandstorms and I managed to find some neat treasures! I lost them though, but they were cool! Raiya is sitting in here with me. I told her about my journal. She says she wants to write in it with me. I'll decide later. Well, I'm done writing now, me and Raiya are going to play some games!
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Age : 27
Location : In front of my computer, somewhere on Earth. c:

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Tallie's Adventure Log Empty Re: Tallie's Adventure Log

Post  Jordiya Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:35 pm

PAGE TWO - "Large Nails"____________________
So, Hano said I should only let people I really love read my journal. I guess that makes sense. Hano said he's going to build a house! Yay!! I'm trying to find some large nails. I found a lot of rusty ones, but I only want good ones. A good house has good nails. Well, I don't know, but I'm gonna get good ones anyways! I asked a man if he had any nails, so he offered me "a free nailing" but I'm not sure what he ment. I don't need anything nailed, I just need the nail itself. So, I said no. Good thing, too. He smelled bad and looked creepy. Anyways, it's pretty tough to find some good, quality nails. Well, I'm going to finish writing. I've got lots of work to do if I'm going to find twenty of these things any time soon!

Well, I'm writing this now on the same page because it's still the same day. I found a lot of these nails at the store after I had collected twenty of them. I just bought those because they were brand new and very clean! I hope Hano is happy! Well, it's been a long day. Time to go home and sleep!
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 27
Location : In front of my computer, somewhere on Earth. c:

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Tallie's Adventure Log Empty Re: Tallie's Adventure Log

Post  Jordiya Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:56 pm

PAGE THREE - "Found it!"____________________
Ack! I lost my journal for a little while, but I found it now! I have a lot of things to catch up on! Well, first of all, Hano gave me a cool new sword; the blacksmiths call it a "Wakizashi". It's a really strange name.. I guess it's pretty rare, too. I've never seen one of these before! I also found a pirate-looking sword. I haven't given Hano the nails yet. I haven't seen him in a while. Maybe he's busy or something. Anyways, I started doing the trading! You know, the Fomor trading with the wagons and things. I have 63,000 Ducats right now! The Ogre says I need 100,000 to buy a horse carriage, but I'm going to buy one when I have 125,000 at least, so I have a little bit of money left over. I'm almost ready to head out to Longa Desert! I'm trying to gather a few more supplies and some lighter clothes, but I'll also need to take a sturdy robe for the harsh sandstorms. Well, at least.. people say that there are harsh sandstorms. Hot days and cold nights, too. They say it takes a long time to cross on foot, but I'm going to do it! I know I could just take a Mana Tunnel there, but then there's no adventure to it! ...So, I found out that I'm a Milletian after all. Still not exactly sure what that means, but I'll ask some people later. I know that if I ever die, I'll come right back to life! That's pretty cool! But.. Hano says I'll also outlive the people I love the most. ...At least Hano is a milletian too! Well, I'm going to get some sleep.
Tallie's Adventure Log Good_n11
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 27
Location : In front of my computer, somewhere on Earth. c:

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Tallie's Adventure Log Empty Re: Tallie's Adventure Log

Post  Jordiya Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:24 pm

PAGE FOUR - "Crazyiness, Lightning, and a Personal Friend"____________________
Raiya's been teaching me Lightning magic! It's pretty hard. I went into the Rabbie Dungeon earlier today and practiced it. Talk about a tough time! Some adventurers say it's easy, but it was pretty difficult! Especially since I was trying to fight creatures with a skill that still needs practice. Haha.. Anyways. It's been kind of crazy. I learned that Diren and Glacia have been playing Baby Making Games. I also met Soifa. She's nice, not disgusting! She also.. "Unofficially adopted" me..? I don't know. She's still nice though, and she has a cute puppet and a weapon that looks like candy! She told me not to lick it though. Right now, I'm sitting in Sen Mag. Diren and Glacia are here, so I'm hiding behind a wall. I think I should go check on them because it's kind of quiet....

Oh okay. I just checked on them. I guess that Glacia got hurt and Diren is helping her. This journal is kind of fun to write in. It's like I can talk to my own personal friend. I can tell it anything, but nobody will know. Only me! You know, unless someone was reading this right now. That would feel kind of creepy. Eww.. Well, I guess I'm going to stop writing now. I'm kind of hungry.
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 27
Location : In front of my computer, somewhere on Earth. c:

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Tallie's Adventure Log Empty Re: Tallie's Adventure Log

Post  Jordiya Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:22 pm

PAGE FOUR - "Made a New Friend, Eli"____________________
Well, today I met a man named Eli. His name is actually Talfryne, but he asked me to call him Eli. He was playing a Mandolin in Emain, so I was listening. He even taught me to play a little! I'm not very good, but he says he's practiced for a long time. So, I'll just have to practice for longer to be even better than him! Anyways, still haven't seen Hano around, I'm getting kind of worried. The large nails got wet and now they're starting to rust so I'll have to get new ones.. Me and Eli went around to look for a house for him to move in to. We found a nice flat area in Physis and we built an igloo! He's really nice, but his humor is kinda.... stale. Like, he'll say something so seriously, then just say "Kidding~" and then kind of chuckle? I guess it's funny for him. I dunno. I should help him be funnier! Well, Eli said he'd help me on the Mandolin again, so I have to head over to his home. I might teach him how to be funny while I'm there. Anyways, bye journal!
Cinnamon Hellhound
Cinnamon Hellhound

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 27
Location : In front of my computer, somewhere on Earth. c:

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