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Axel, the Starborn.

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:35 pm

IC Skill Name: Racial Trait
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: None.
Description: This is the enabler that allows Axel to use his special skills. Axel has two start marks on his right palm, though, one blocks the other. The star symbolizes the connection between stars, since he has two he can only connect to two starts. Palala, which increases his mana abilities. And Luililata, which increases his dark powers. Since his powers are based of mana, if he loses the concentration or runs out of mana, most of his skills will be useless. Because of his racial powers, Axel is able to absorb pure mana that he expelled form his body and didn't use.
Explain relation: Just an IC skill. No actual IC or OOC boost.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Mana Cannon.
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Smash
Description: Xaver wraps a light coating of mana around his target, he wraps mana around his hand and lets out a devastating attack. He absorbs any mana not used, so he won't lose as much.
Explain relation: Smash animation holds the target as well, and lets out a super falcon paunch.
Notes: If Xaver has no mana, he can NOT do this.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana Mirror
Power Class: Physical/Defensive
OOC Representation: Counter
Description: Axel focuses his mana to create a small ball around him. While this ball is around him, anyone who punches him(Does does a mid or upper body attack), will be delayed by the mana, the mana ball will spin quickly around, keeping the force of the attack, allowing Axel to hit the target with not only his strength, but the one of the attack's as well.
Explain relation: Counter does damage like that, as well as have a small animation delay.
Notes: Axel has to stay still in order to keep this focused.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana Shield
Power Class: Defensive
OOC Representation: Defense
Description: A weaker version of the above skill, Axel makes small ball that moves around him quickly, any attack that hits him will be delayed by the ball, the ball will fly to the attacker, trying to delay the person for a while. If the attack is strong enough, it'll go through the ball, and hit Axel, though the person may still be delayed.
Explain relation: Defense stops the target when they hit.
Notes: Axel needs to concentrate to make the ball protect him all around, thus forcing him to stay still or walk.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana Pulse
Power Class: Defensive
OOC Representation: Windmill
Description: Axel concentrates to create a small mana barrier around his waist, when he chooses, he can release it as one big pulse, it spreads around him, knocking most targets within distance hard and far.
Explain relation: Windmill does the same.
Notes: Due to the concentration required, he can't move while using it. He also has to wait a while before he can do anything else.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana Charge (So creative?)
Power Class: Physical/Defensive
OOC Representation: Charge
Description: While he still needs a shield for protection, Axel uses his mana to try and give him and push, allowing him to run faster. The mana also protects him a bit from arrows.
Explain relation: Practically the same skill.
Notes: Due to the mana pushing him, and the concentration required, he can not turn.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana grasp.
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Final hit
Description: Axel uses his mana to lock on to a target(Targetting in-game), he then teleports himself to the target. He uses his mana to try and restrain the target and unleash a barrage of hits on it. If the target is hit with a powerful attack, they will be knocked out.
Explain relation: Final hit practically holds the target in place.
Notes: No mana, no using. IC wise, the target can still try to get out of it. A successful one will be cause by ping OOC, or other forms of blocking things.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Lack of wand
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: OOC wand, not IC
Description: Axel is able to use all skills that require a wand without one. Though, this comes with a cost, it takes more mana, does less damage, and it takes longer to cast.
Explain relation: It's using the without a wand.
Notes: This means :Adv magics, chain casting, blaze, party healing, meditation.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: Mana Gear
Power Class: Artificial
OOC Representation: Gear(Swords, tools, armor, shields, ect)
Description: Axel is able to craft solid objects out of mana. Though, they must always be touching him, and depending on the size or the amount of objects he has, his speed will be lowered. He loses mana per second they are out. If he is knocked down, or the concentration is broken, they will temporarily disappear.
Explain relation: Tools are tools.
Notes: Meaning, if he has an armor of mana, when he is smashed, the armor is gone which leaves him open for an assault jump.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: The Dark Star
Power Class: Transformation.
OOC Representation: DK
Description: Axel uses his second star to contact Luilita, giving him an armor of darkness. This enhances his strength, as well as gives him more life, mana and stamina. Though, taking in too much darkness can be fatal for him. He has to end it before it kills him.
Explain relation: DK effets, just a different way to obtain it.
Notes: This in no way affects the actual star. Just his sensitivity and connection to it.
Level 1

IC Skill Name: The Bright Star
Power Class: Transformation
OOC Representation: Demi god.
Description: Xaver uses his racial powers to call in the power of Palala, this increases his intake of mana 10fold. He also uses the mana to regenerate his health and stamina. Due to the mana around him, some attacks may not do as much damage, allowing him to recover from certain hits faster. This also allows him to release a large ball of mana, that an stun targets and do heavy damage (Wings of rage), Make a large protective Barrier out of mana (Wings of eclipse), or send his mana to stun and hurt targets (shadow spirits).
Explain relation: Demi god also allows this skills
Notes: This in no way affects the actual star. Just his sensitivity and connection to it.
Level 1

IC Skill Name:Star'd hand.
Power Class: Weakness
OOC Representation: None. IC skill.
Description: If his right hand is ever cut off, he can not use any of these skills. He will also regain mana slower than normal, and his attacks will be weaker.
Explain relation: IC skill.
Notes: His hand must be cut off. Once it's off , it can not be reattached(Unless by expert healing). If his hand is covered, or stabbed through the mana (where the picture is) it will not activate his weakness. If his hand it cut off, if he rebirth the hand will return, with the same powers.
Level 0

IC Skill Name: Mana's weakness.
Power Class: Weakness
OOC Representation: IC.
Description: If his mana ever runs out, he can NOT use any of these skills. (Except the transformation ones) Breaking his concentration can also cancel or weaken most of his skills.
Explain relation: No mana, no mana skills.
Notes: Meaning, loud noises, being drunk, ect.
Level 0

Posts : 5907
Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:09 pm

So, it's just like..smash..only without him actually running forward and punching? Or is there a limit to how close he has to be or what?


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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:08 am

Soifa Toten wrote:So, it's just like..smash..only without him actually running forward and punching? Or is there a limit to how close he has to be or what?

That was my fail in the description. It's the same thing as smash, but he uses mana to enhance his punch. Like blaze, without the explosion after. Basically, all the skills are the the same as their physical counter parts.

I was thinking about adding fly... but that might be a little too much?

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Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:36 am

So he still has to be close to someone to use it. Okay.
Approval from me.

And, you're not a pokemon. -smack-


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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:53 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:So he still has to be close to someone to use it. Okay.
Approval from me.

And, you're not a pokemon. -smack-

Just two more approvals to go then~

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Join date : 2009-03-28
Age : 31

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:34 pm

My question is this.

The marks on his hands, what about them allows him to connect to a star?

Could someone else get the marks and reproduce your powers?
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:42 pm

Teoxihuitl wrote:My question is this.

The marks on his hands, what about them allows him to connect to a star?

Could someone else get the marks and reproduce your powers?

No, maybe someone can make a spell to make a similar effect, but not his. His mark is attached to his soul you can say. It's special birth trait from his homeland. Stars give up a large amount of energy, the 'mark' searches for that energy and kind of creates a connection to it. You know how they say that twins have a mental connection? Axel has an energy connection to the stars his hand targets. Axel can't target more than 2 stars, due to his body only having two stars. In a way you can say he has Palala/the other star in his hand. If someone where to destroy Palala, they would destroy the star in his hand as well. And he wouldn't be able to attach himself to another star.

Did that explain it? If I didn't, let me know and I'll try again xD

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Age : 31

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:55 pm

What if they destroyed his hand?

Would it have the reverse effect on Palala?
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:38 pm

Teoxihuitl wrote:What if they destroyed his hand?

Would it have the reverse effect on Palala?

Nope, it's a one way street. He gets power from Palala, but he can't influence palala in any way.

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Age : 31

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Teoxihuitl Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:31 pm

Alright I can approve.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:37 pm


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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:57 pm

I know I only have two approval. But the forum only seems to have two active Colors approving powers. It's been 5 days without any form of concern, so can this be moved?

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Teoxihuitl Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:28 pm

Very sorry about that but must have 3 regardless if our other mentor and councilors are being somewhat inactive.

Tough it out!

That's all I can say for the time being.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Xeek Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:39 pm

Meh, it was a tough sell anyways xD.
It was done last time, so I figured it might work. *shrugs*

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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:22 pm

You raise a good point.

Where are my other colored names? >:I


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Axel, the Starborn. Empty Re: Axel, the Starborn.

Post  Vayne Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:25 pm

Sorry for the delay, home life has been hectic. Approved.

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