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New Member - Sho Marufuji

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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:54 pm

How You Heard About The RP Society: I've seen them around Dunbarton a few times before, but I finally decided to look into it when someone doing the Tara Bank Part-Time Job, brought me to his homestead to give me a gift. (Shout out to Rayleight 8D) I chatted with him for a bit to get some more juicy info, and then chatted with your almighty Goddess, so here I am. :3
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? About 5 or 6 years now, started out in GaiaOnline and currently reside in my own private forums.

Is English Your First Language? Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: A small boy laughed and cheered as he taunted the animal, twisting the toy wand around in figures before finally letting the cat catch it with a pounce. A concerned mother watched longingly from within the house. “Sho!” she called out from the window, her tone cross but worried. “Come inside! Get some tuna for the kitty and then go wash up.” She said with a soft smile. Sho trudged to the window and took the can of tuna from his mother allowing her to give him a hug. “Oh look-Your brother’s home.”
This prompted Sho to look up excitedly. His joyful expression quickly turned into that of horror. Thundernyan was still playing in the driveway, oblivious. Then, several things all happened at once. The mother held her hand high in the air to signal to her eldest son and screamed. Sho bolted forward quickly, yelling. The cat, scared to near death by all the sudden noise, bounced away in fright. The driver swerved dangerously to avoid hitting it, tires screeching.
The elder brother batted the airbag and looked up, his jaw dropped in horror. Sho looked back at him with bleary eyes, pinned against the tree by his midriff. “R-Ryo…” he coughed feebly, slumped against the hood of the car. The last thing Sho heard was a soft, strangled sobbing noise that he had never heard escape from his brother, and the insane screaming of his mother, who held him in her arms until he left their world.
Sho woke up in a bright white area, his glasses missing and his clothes different. Everything was blurry, but he wondered idly if this was heaven. A burst of white light, and a woman appeared. “Hello Sho Marufuji.” She said. “Welcome to the Soul Stream.”
Before Sho could ask the strange woman how she knew his name, she asked him to choose his destiny. “Destiny-?” he asked. “Well- Magic is cool but- Oh!” He was toppling backward, and he fell, feeling his world swimming all around him. His stomach heaved and he gasped, stumbling when he stopped and falling into dirt. Practically blind and clueless in a strange place, Sho knew that this was no heaven. No- It had to be a coma induced dream. He only hoped that he’d be able to wake up soon.

[[Okay, some clarification here. 1. Sho IS dead, but he's merely in denial, 2. This was actually about 800 words and after talking to someone, I took out some of the creative language and fluff to try to narrow it down to the bare basics at 380 ish words. I won't say I like it being that short though. 3. Although Sho started out as a mage, he didn't bring the wand he had from before his death but it's merely supposed to be a creative reference so that he'd be comfortable with a real wand. 4. Thundernyan is an actual pet I have, and since it's my favorite one I figured I'd worm her in somehow. xD ))

What type of character do you play? Sho is a doormat in social situations and is an easy target for bullies due to his short stature and low self-esteem. He is easily discouraged when criticized and will respond with apologies and offers to give up. If he is praised in this sort of mood, he will deflect compliments and continue to further degrade himself until someone snaps him back into reality by either shouting or being sternly firm. Sho is modest and kind, though often complains when he feels as though he has been kicked to the curb; no one tends to notice these sour remarks. He works best with rangers in combat, using magic to help keep the enemy at bay, and will even bravely resort to dual wielding melee to buy some time if the enemy gets a little too close.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Mondays-Fridays 4pm~-9pm~ I idle a lot due to usually being urgently called for various things. Saturdays-Sundays Sometimes 8am~ - 9pm~ with periods of rest in between or sometimes 3pm~-10pm~ Of course, sometimes I might not get on at all. Of course if I happen to be away for more than a week, I’ll try to tell someone via my 3DS.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Join date : 2012-02-25

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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty Re: New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  Mari Eir Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:13 pm

Looks good to me. Short, sweet, and sad. He's a normal kid. Something I can definitely appreciate. I look forward to his revelations of being dead and away from his family forever unless they too die. 8D

That probably sounds a lot more morbid than I intended. :I Approved. xD
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty Re: New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:48 pm can get on websites..

on a 3ds?

Why am I not doing this more?

I approve, by the way.


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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty Re: New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:07 pm

Soifa Toten can get on websites..

on a 3ds?

Of course. 8D It has a built in web browser that I adore so very very much. It doesn't work too well on image heavy sites though, and flash isn't supported, but it's great for reading and researching quick tidbits.

Well I mostly use it for instant messenging, roleplaying, and reading jokes. |D
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty Re: New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  Teoxihuitl Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:49 pm


Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member - Sho Marufuji Empty Re: New Member - Sho Marufuji

Post  ShoMarufuji Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:56 pm

/le screaming in joy. :'D
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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