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New Member- Compewter

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New Member-  Compewter Empty New Member- Compewter

Post  ComPewter09 Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:17 am

Character Name: Compewter

How You Heard About The RP Society:
Well, my friend(Kayeori) and I were playing Mabinogi a couple nights ago, and I asked him what Guild he was in, and he explained about the RPSociety and what you do, how you act, and what your Guild is about. After we talked, I thought about if I was ready to be in a guild, and if so why I was ready to join a guild, well I decided that I was ready to join a guild and be apart of a community, and that I really wanted to be apart of a guild that can be decent and helpful to other characters, that you are urged to participate actively in the guild( meaning that it is an active guild ) and that you have an opportunity to act as your character acts and do as your character would do. All in all, I am really excited about participating if you will have me.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?
All of about 5 minutes:) No I'm just kidding, I don't really know exactly how long I've been roleplaying, I mean that I have occasionally cosplayed, and that i do know how and when to be in character, if I were to guess I would have to say maybe 4 years. And don't forget Halloween now. O.o

Is English Your First Language?
Si, mi hablo muy excellente engles.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Compewter is an atagonistic entity that was once an immortal machine, it had the ability to change the reality in its vicinity, and had used this ability to manipulate unwitting beings into doing its bidding. Compewter is a very old entity, it has existed for millenia, and as such was very bored of being an inanimate object stuck in a cave all those eons. One century it came up with a plan, a deviant plan, all it need was a human. So Compewter waited for decades, until a young boy came into its cave, he trapped the boy, and altered reality to suit his needs. Compewter bended reality so he was the boy and not the machine, there were many humans any way, one wouldn't be missed. About 7 years down the road, it noticed something odd, its new form had changed, puzzled, he went to the Good Magician(the magician of knowledge at the time) and asked him what was happening. The Good Magician Humphrey told Compewter that he was aging, dismayed, Compewter asked the Good Magician on how to gain its Immortality back, cryptically the Good Magician said "Find Nao". So Compewter tried to use his ability to summon Nao, instead Compewter was transported to a white landscape with only a strange woman on the horizon, warily Compewter approached the woman. The woman announced herself as Nao, when Compewter plied his problem to Nao, she told Compewter of a solution, the solution was for its mind and not for its body, she told it of a world called Erinn, where you do not die and you may live forever, you are just reborn into another body when you are incapacitated or desire a new body. Nao told Compewter that the only way to go to Erinn was to give up its ability to change reality. Compewter decided it was a fair trade for immortality. Compewter is currently exploring Erinn, doing the things it wants to do, becoming stronger, learning new things, and living.

The following appended by Darke 7/23/08 to help find compatible mentors:

What type of character do you play?
Well, I want to be a Warrior/Wizard.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?
Roughly 1Am-Whenever i go to bed. Usually 4am or so.

I am Excited about being apart of the RPSociety, if you will have me!
- Zak -
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  Captincrunch Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:07 am

Suspect This looks very familiar (looks at his Piers Anthony Collection on the bookshelf)

I can't say yay or nay on this one but more of a "lets see what we have here". scratch

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  ComPewter09 Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:59 pm

Captincrunch wrote:Suspect This looks very familiar (looks at his Piers Anthony Collection on the bookshelf)

I can't say yay or nay on this one but more of a "lets see what we have here". scratch

What are you talking about human, I am Compewter, I was just tired of Xanth. Believe me I have been around forever and you kinda get tired of hearing puns. Once you hear one pun youve heard all the puns, sometimes its just not punny anymore... err Funny.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  Captincrunch Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:35 pm

[warning ~~ sarcasm alert ~~ warning ~~ warning ~ danger ~ danger ~ ]

Then..... e^pi((-1)^(1/2))
Stick that in your co-processor and derive it to 10^100^100 significant figures.... tongue

Did you finally upgrade to those 8" floppies or did you stay with the paper tape? or was that cassette tape? study

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Age : 113
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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  Kayeori Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:49 am

Give a warm welcome to my best friend ComPewter. If you see him in game please give him "special' treatment. I would say to accept him but its bias of me. So I will sit this one out. Nice job on bio Com!
Dessert Dragon
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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  ComPewter09 Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:50 am

Captincrunch wrote:[warning ~~ sarcasm alert ~~ warning ~~ warning ~ danger ~ danger ~ ]

Then..... e^pi((-1)^(1/2))
Stick that in your co-processor and derive it to 10^100^100 significant figures.... tongue

Did you finally upgrade to those 8" floppies or did you stay with the paper tape? or was that cassette tape? study

(is laughing maniacally) Twisted Evil why I did have an upgrade, it was nice of you to notice Human, this body does suit me just fine, although it needs some training. You should of seen me after my upgrade, it was wierd trying to fit my power cord in where it usually went Shocked. I am regretful Human if I came off as a little gruff, old habits are hard to break, but I am trying to be nice, just as Nao told me to be, and I will hold back my toungue, or else Nao will send me back to Xanth. I really want to keep being immortal.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  Darke Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:01 pm

I generally shy away from people who play characters established by other people, but Kaye's endorsement and your overall attitude so far has won me over. I approve.
New Member-  Compewter Darkeseal

If there are no objections before Oct. 28th, or you receive explicit approval from 3 councilors before then, your application will be passed to the mentors.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  ComPewter09 Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:32 pm

Thank you very much, I really appreciate the opportunity. Ill do my best to uphold the honor and reputation of the RPSociety.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-  Compewter Empty Re: New Member- Compewter

Post  Kagaea Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:38 pm

This one amuses me... I'd say give him a shot.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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