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New Member Silverakira

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New Member Silverakira Empty New Member Silverakira

Post  Silverakira Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:35 pm

Character Name: My name is Silverakira, although, I prefer being called Akira.

How have you heard of RPSociety?: Well, I have seen people running around from your guild, also I do know a few guild members within this guild. So, I decided that I would like to join because I do like role play, and I do see the guild members role playing a lot.

How long have you been role playing?: Well, I have role played from time to time. Most of my role playing was with an old friend back in 2009. So, I would say about 3 years.

Is English your first language?: Yes.

Short biography of your character: Silverakira was a young elf, who always seemed to get into trouble, and prefer to go by the name Akira. She was an archer, although she wasn't so good at it. She loved to wear odd clothing, such as panda ears. She was a loving elf even though she seemed to find ways to get into trouble left and right. Her parents protected her each time she had gotten in trouble, but she knew they couldn't protect her forever. Silverakira had a formal way of speaking; she seemed to use a lot of proper grammar, although sometimes she would tend to lose her grammar when she got angry. The young female seemed to love animals. She didn't like her formal name. Akira seemed to be very adventurous at times, and tend to get lost. She one day went out into the forbidden forest. Akira met up with this woman with her hair in long blond pigtails. The woman spoke of a world known as Errin, and how the world needed help from monsters called fomors. The small elf nodded and took the woman’s hand, following her through the portal that led to Errin, never to see her family again, although she soon becomes part of a new family, with new friends as well.

(Side note, Silverakira is normally a shy girl, but at times she can be very spunky and a hyper active girl. Also she loves sweets and to hang out with her friends. Despite her formal way of speaking, she does sometime speak informally when with friends. Akira soon liked to do dungeons and shadow missions in the mysterious shadow realm with friends. Also, she may be an archer, but she has learned healing skills from a wise man she had met long ago. )

Short summary of your character's style: As I have mentioned in my story above, Archer, but also I tend to be a healer depending on the situation. If a dungeon appears to be to strong for me, I will stay aside and become a healer.

What is you Mabinogi schedule?: Well, I tend to be logged on everyday. Although when school comes around, I stay logged on, but I am AFK until 3pm central time.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Mithos Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:11 pm

The story is pretty good, but there's one little detail that doesn't work... When you say she entered the forbidden woods and met a woman that lead her to Erinn, to be exact. The problem is that... The normal way to enter Erinn is via death in their homeworld (no matter the fashion), being transported to the Soul Stream and led to Erinn by Nao.

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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Silverakira Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:17 pm

Oops, I forgot about that. I can fix that if you would like?
Gummy Bear
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Mithos Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:19 pm

Please. =P It's the only thing stopping me from approving.

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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Silverakira Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:33 pm

Akira was a young panda hybrid, who always seemed to get into trouble, and prefer to go by the name Akira. She was an archer, although she wasn't so good at it. She was a loving girl even though she seemed to find ways to get into trouble left and right. Her parents protected her each time she had gotten in trouble, but she knew they couldn't protect her forever. Akira had a formal way of speaking; she seemed to use a lot of proper grammar, although sometimes she would tend to lose her grammar when she got angry. The young female seemed to love animals. She didn't like her formal name. Akira seemed to be very adventurous at times, and tend to get lost. One day she decided to go into the forbidden forest, the elders of her village had warned her of horrible creatures within this forest. These creatures were deadly, striking at anything that would cross their paths. Akira never believed in such a story, so she ignored the warnings and continued forth, going deep into the forest. She soon began to get lost, dark soon fell quicker than she had expected. Sounds could be heard near and far. Akira stumbled onto a damp, moist cave. Her mind screamed no, but her legs wouldn’t stop moving forward. She walked into the cave reaching to its end, she could see a large monstrous looking creature, its teeth sharper than blades, and its eyes glowing red. ‘Could this be the creature the village elders spoke of?’ she thought to herself as the monster attacked her, killing her on the spot. Her body fell limp to the ground, her eyes struck with fear, now closing into a deep slumber. Her mind woke as she fluttered her eyes open. Everything was white. She looked around to notice she was on a small platform. A woman with long blond pigtails appeared before her. She questioned if her eyes were deceiving her. Was this all just a dream? The woman turned to her, speaking of a wondrous place known as Errin. She told her that her name was Nao. Akira smiled at the woman before her. Nao told her she could be reborn into the world of Errin. The girl stood there, thinking everything over then nodded, agreeing to be reborn into this new world known as Errin.

( Slight Edit to that bio, Akira has a large jealousy that can make her do crazy things... And she has this little thing where she can pick up on little talents easily. [such as building a mini town out of rocks] She has also become a very good healer and is recently learning more Magic.)

Is that better?

Last edited by Silverakira on Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:48 pm; edited 3 times in total
Gummy Bear
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Cyler Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:00 pm

Friendly, loves animals, not so good's the female Hano!

Approved. Very Happy
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Mithos Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:00 pm

Much better. You get my approval! =P

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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Silverakira Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:01 pm

Yay! Thanks Smile
Gummy Bear
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Mari Eir Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:00 pm

Wow.. that monster wasted NO time.. Approved.
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Silverakira Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:42 pm

So, since Jabberwock said I can do this since I haven't RP my character yet, I was going to change one thing about my character. She is going to be a panda girl instead of an elf. Jabberwock said that there hasn't been many Panda hybrids so she was going to check into it. She had told me to just post this on the thread, so that's what I am doing. Smile
(Although my character is an elf, I'm usually starting to wear panda ears a lot. So I'm going to see how this works out)

Last edited by Silverakira on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Cyler Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:26 am

AshleyTwirl is a panda hybrid. .w.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Jordiya Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:08 pm

Cyler wrote:AshleyTwirl is a panda hybrid. .w.
-clears throat- 1 Panda < 30+ Cats/foxes/dogs/things-with-wings

;o I like panda idea. Pandas rock. :B

...Not like it makes any difference >_>
Cinnamon Hellhound
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Cyler Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:08 pm

Tallie Agnes wrote:
Cyler wrote:AshleyTwirl is a panda hybrid. .w.
-clears throat- 1 Panda < 30+ Cats/foxes/dogs/things-with-wings
Just pointing out that there IS actually already one to the "there is no others" comment. xD
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Jordiya Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:30 pm

Cyler wrote:
Tallie Agnes wrote:
Cyler wrote:AshleyTwirl is a panda hybrid. .w.
-clears throat- 1 Panda < 30+ Cats/foxes/dogs/things-with-wings
Just pointing out that there IS actually already one to the "there is no others" comment. xD
Nonono, "Not many others" Surprised
(That is, if you're referring to Jab o_o;;Wink
Cinnamon Hellhound
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New Member Silverakira Empty Re: New Member Silverakira

Post  Cyler Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:51 pm

I am...xD;
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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