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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:37 am

Diren Shadowstep. (Real last name: Takahashi)
Half-Human Half-Incubus / Milletian.
Sons by blood: Kurai, Kei and Kazuya. Daughters by blood: Yumiki(Deceased) and Roseline. Brother by bond: Ethice Lophet.
Writing, studying medicine.
Weapon of Choice:
Bow and Arrow, scythe.
Favorite Food:
Steak, raw fish.
Theme Song:

Facial expressions:
Hair Color:
Horn Color:
Eye Color:
((Because alot of people think he looks like a girl when I say, Thin yet toned. x.x))

How He Came To Be In Erinn:
Turns out his real past has come back to his memories! What he thought was his past, was all lies he was told, from someone that claimed he knew him in his old world, when he came to Erinn. His real death was still being thrown off a cliff, but it was not with another man's was his own! Yuki Takahashi, the daughter of Nel Sukimura.

Turn's out, back in his world, feeding Cubi was much more different from Erinn. They would bite someone, and taste their blood, but actually drain life-force from them. Or of course, strong emotions as well, which they absorb just by touching the person's shoulder, arm, head, etc. Unfortunately for Diren, he can't do that in Erinn.

Diren recently remembered Nel, one day she found him almost drowned near the river, his father walking away from him. He was 12 years old at the time, Nel took him to her home, tended to his wounds, and talked to him about his father......He told her he was abused because he was a half-blood, his father hated half-bloods! It had to either be a full-blood human, or a full-blood Incubus! and Diren had been neither, he was half of each. His father enraged, beat him mercilessly for years ever since he was just a toddler. When Diren turned 14 years old, he had been thrown outside and beaten into unconsciousness. Nel brought him home, and noticed he was weak, and he told her he's been feeling hungry all the time, but never understood why. Yumiki, Diren's mother, never told him about the Cubi-hunger before she thought he wouldn't get it, being half-human afterall. But he most certainly did, and Nel told him. She told him to close his eyes and open his mouth, when she did, she made him bite her wrist and taste her blood. He fought it for a while, but reluctantly swallowed the blood, and passed out. When he awoke, he felt stronger, less sickly, and the hunger he'd been feeling was gone. He went back home when his wounds had healed enough, but that day he came home to an angry Incubus.....A blood-thristy, knife wielding Incubus. Takuya, Diren's father, dragged him outside by his hair, and shoved his head in the river, holding him down for at least 2 minutes. Thinking Diren finally drowned, he pulled him out and took out a knife, stabbing him in the back multiple times just to make sure. Diren screeched and screeched, finally when Takuya cut off his tail. Nel heard the pained scream that echo'd through the entire village, and came running. She say the blood drenched Diren on the ground, fighting off Takuya, yes, that's right, Diren finally fought back. They kicked, punched, clawed, bit, and scratched, all while rolling around on the ground. Takuya managed to kick the younger of the two off, and stab him in the abdomen. Diren screamed, and closed his eyes, feigning death. Takuya grinned and stood up to walk away, when Diren pulled the iron dagger out, and threw it at Takuya's head.

Takuya had been stabbed, and dropped to the ground dead. Diren saw Nel, and passed out from blood loss, only to wake up 2 days later in her home once again. Nel allowed him to stay in her home after he killed his father in self defense, took care of his wounds, and in return, he tended to her rose garden, and kept her company, as well as helping her around the house with chores since she lived alone. When her daughter moved back in with her after Yuki's father passed away from Illness, he fell in love. Yuki and Diren soon got married at ages 14 and 15, his mother had gotten married when she was 16, so they thought it would be a good idea to start off early. Months after their wedding passed, and the villagers weren't too pleased with Yuki marrying someone who's half-Demon, thus they came up with a plan to get rid of him, and possibly Yuki in the process, Nel had no knowledge of the villagers planning this. Yuki and Diren went out for a walk near the waterfalls Diren had proposed to Yuki in the winter, enjoying their time together, and wondering weither their child would be a boy, or a girl. Diren was actually excited, but worried that he may turn out to be -just- like his father. The villagers finally put their plan into action, and someone shot Diren's wing with an arrow. He grabbed Yuki, and pulled her close to him protectively, looking around. Seeing a villager standing there with a bow and arrow, they were surprised, wondering why, when suddenly another ran up, and pushed the two off the cliff. Really, they only wanted to kill Diren, but Yuki got in the way. Both fell down the large cliff by the waterfall, but Diren couldn't just let Yuki die. While falling, Diren took off his Yukata and wrapped it around Yuki, before holding her close and allowing himself to hit the ground before her. He'd taken alot of damage all his life, he figured he could handle it, or at least -die- trying to save her. And that he did, he didn't die on impact, but his wounds were too great to save. Nel found them, Yuki had been going into labor, and Diren was barely conscious.

Only minutes later, he found himself in Nel's home, fighting for his life, gasping, and bleeding constantly, he couldn't speak, he could barely breathe, and couldn't even move, his entire body had been broken...He saw his baby girl only for a few moments. He smiled, happy to see her and Yuki were both alright, Yuki smiled back, held his broken hand gently, and placed his hand on the child's. His eyes teared up, and with a broken jaw, he barely mouthed to Yuki "" before everything faded into black, only able to hear Yuki scream his name, and beg him to stay awake, then all sound faded.

He awoke in Erinn, lost, and unable to recover anything of his memory aside from his first name and that he was a half-blood Incubus.
When in erinn, many things happend, he found a new love, her name was Melody. But the humans locked him away in the castle dungeon for 200 years, thinking he was just a normal fomor. While in the dungeon, he snapped, lost his mind. His mind had split! The second half of him was made up of his Rage, pain, fear, and sadness. He wanted them all dead, he hated them. When he'd been saved from the castle dungeon, he learned to control the split personality for a little while when living with a sweet woman named Sarah. His mind had reverted, he acted like a scared and timid child because of his trauma and torture, but as the years passed, he's matured greatly.

Diren still has his childish moments, usually when something from his past comes back to haunt him in his dreams, when he's injured, or when he feels like he's losing his mind again. He always turns to the one person who's like a brother to him, Ethice Lophet. Ethice was the one that helped Diren realize Raiden isn't just filled with Rage, it's like another person is inside him, someone who felt ignored for the past 40 years. Raiden attacked people in the castle to -protect- Diren, not turn him into a monster. Raiden attacked people most of the time -because- he thought Diren needed protecting, but it just backfired and ruined things altogether. But now he understands, Diren doesn't ignore him anymore, and they've both developed the sides of themselves that they'd represented for eachother.

They're like annoying twin brothers in the same body really. It's fun for them now, Raiden laughs when he pulls pranks on Diren, Diren laughs when Raiden's pranks back-fire.......Diren now enjoys his life again, working as a doctor for Ethice's group.

Recently he's married a former German-model named Diedrich.

Other Info:
He loves to play the Mandolin and flute, loves to sing. Loves his children.
He still enjoys a smoke when he's stressed, angry, or just upset...
He'll even take a job as a private doctor for anyone who asks, house calls, and even opens his home up to those who need to get away from the world for their own mental/physical health.

Incubus Template.
Handsome and charming creatures that feed on the dreams and life energy of others. They are most commonly found in the castles near residential areas. Each castle is home to its own "family" of Incubi.
Racial traits: Incubi are stunning men with red eyes, bat-like wings, and clubbed tails.
Abilities: Life Drain(without a cylinder IC, with a cylinder OOC; can only be used during feeding), flight(flying pet), Incubic rage(DK or Pally transformation)
Weaknesses: Taming/Magic music/Enthrall, CoD, Cubic Hunger(a cubus who does not "feed" regularly will be driven first to madness, then to death), churches(cause a minor amount of pain and discomfort, no actual damage), sensitive wings, tail, and horns

Approved Powers.
IC Skill Name: Rage speed.
Power Class: Movement/Physical
OOC Representation: Shylock's step
Description: Diren uses his rage to create an adrenaline boost, allowing him to run very quickly for a short time. This causes fatigue, so he once he tires out, he can't use it again for a while.
Explain relation: Both skills give a speed boost, and have a cool down.
Notes: The skill works just as it does OOC, Just a different reason. Can only be used during Cubic Rage.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name:
Shadow blend
Power Class: Magical
OOC Representation: Hide skill.
Description: Diren uses mana to sink into shadows, turning into a shadow himself, thus completely hidden. He can also hop shadow to shadow, though if a spotlight where to be shined on the area, any shadows that were hiding him of course would disappear and he would re-appear.
Explain relation: Hide allows elves to hide(since i use an elf OOCly this would work), and Diren being type to lurk around in the shadows anyway, it makes sense that he would actually be able to hide in them.
Notes: He can only use it until his mana runs out.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Teleportation
Power Class: Movement
OOC Representation: Final Shot.
Description: Diren focuses his mana, and to show hes about to teleport a gray steam or mist surrounds his body. Allowing him to temporarily teleport short distances in the area, possibly for a quick get away or simply to dodge.
Explain relation: Final shot allows you to teleport to whatever space you click nearby.
Notes: It only lasts about 20 seconds, or 30 depending on how much he's practiced it.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name:
Mana Stethoscope...
Power Class: Magical(?) Sensory(?)
OOC Representation: Role play.
Description: Diren focuses mana into his hand and places it on one's chest or back, allowing him to sense their heartbeat as if listening through a stethoscope, this allows him to even hear two heartbeats if a patient is pregnant.
Explain relation: He's a doctor, This would be a great help to him when he doesn't have his equipment.
Notes: It takes quite a bit of focusing and mana each time and even a bit of stamina due to focusing so hard, so if constantly used on so many patients, he'll become exhausted. Though it only works on Organic materials in close quarters.
Level: 2

Last edited by Lynn17 on Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:36 am; edited 34 times in total
Gummy Sandworm
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:15 pm

Updated o-o
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:43 pm

Updated again xD
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:54 am

and again~
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:57 pm

Again 8D herrherr
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Tue May 01, 2012 7:09 pm

Totally had to fix a few things, such as his blood lust being part of his split personality and such.
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Mon May 14, 2012 7:27 pm

merp fixed again =w=;;
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:28 pm

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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:47 pm

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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:37 pm

+___+ Added the Cubi template, more appearance pictures, and his already approved powers :B
Gummy Sandworm
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Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi) Empty Re: Diren Shadowstep (Takahashi)

Post  Lynn17 Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:53 am

Finally fixed.
Gummy Sandworm
Gummy Sandworm

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