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Mero and Sain: HUNT FOR THE COPY!

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Mero and Sain: HUNT FOR THE COPY! Empty Mero and Sain: HUNT FOR THE COPY!

Post  Lenaliere Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:00 am

Sain awoke and hopped out of bed, once again forgetting that Mero had to sleep on the floor.
"Oof!" Mero groaned as Sain stepped off and ran into the bathroom. "What an interesting alarm clock..."

Mero stood up and looked around. With a smile he changed into his Odelia Wizard Outfit, put on a cylinder, and walked outside his room into the living room where Sain was waiting with his armor equipped and a claymore on his back.
"You're kidding right?" Mero asked him "It's ten in the morning!"
Sain rolled his eyes "Mom is still not around, I'm your youngest kid, and you work the nightshift. You have NOTHING to do."
"I could continue writing my book..."

The both of them laughed, then Sain patted Mero on the back. "Good one dad."
"I was hoping you'd forgotten that I finished it"
"Not today dad."
Mero opened the front door and walked outside "I'm picking where we go today, alright champ?"
Sain walked out and closed the door "Actually dad, I'm only a white knight. it'll be years until I'm a champion," he said before beginning to walk away
"You're always a champion in my book Sain," Mero said as he followed
"I know. That was corny."

The two of them continued travelling until they eventually reached Karu Forest. Mero sighed and looked around.
"That was the quietest journey we ever had," He said disappointed
"Yeah," Sain said with a yawn, "What're we here for again?"
Mero shushed sain and stood still. Sain stomped shortly after.
Mero continued to stay quiet. He loaded wind blast into his cylinder and gave Sain a motion that looked like the wave and someone flying.
"Oh boy, I never get to do this! Must be a good reason"
'It is a good reason Sain... I gotta prove I'm not crazy'
Sain grinned and pulled his claymore out of the sheathe, charging at Mero. Mero took a stance and aimed the cylinder right above Sain. Sain stabbed at mero's feet, and Mero jumped onto the sword.
"Here we gooooooooo," Sain exclaimed, Launching Mero into the air.
"Too hiiiiiiigh," Mero screamed as he went up... and up... and up...

At the peak of the jump, Mero regained control and started descending. He altered the angle of his body and shot the wind blast behind him to shoot himself at a shadow he saw in the tree.
"I've got you nowwwww," Mero screamed, putting his arms in front of him in an X to brace himself. The shadow tried jumping but Mero hit its arm and it tumbled down out of the tree on the other side. Mero landed in a bush and screamed as loud as he could
"My Arrrrrrm," echoed throughout the forest twofold.

Sain rushed over to where Mero landed and saw as Mero came out the bush, His cylinder crushed and pieces of it sticking out his arm. The next thing he noticed was the shadow standing up. It looked exactly like mero, albeit wearing a robe and a mask that covered mainly their eyes.
"What in blazes..."

The Look Alike and Mero stared at each other, both injured. Sain rose his sword and charged at the look alike before Mero yelled
"Wait!" He limped to Sain and looked at The Look Alike. "The heck's your name?"
"I am Maro Koigokoro. Hero of Justice, Protector of the Innocent, and-"
"The most unoriginal faker ever! Seriously you look like me!"
"Faker? You're the faker. I understand as I probably have many fans. Anyway, I have to run off! Justice calls!"

The Look Alike ran off clutching their arm, leaving Mero to watch and Sain to support Mero. Mero chuckled and then started walking away with Sain helping him.
"I got an admirer. I just hope I don't get confused for them."
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 496
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 28
Location : So far west of california that I'm west of the atlantic o3o

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