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Lysandr, The Third Guardian

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Lysandr, The Third Guardian Empty Lysandr, The Third Guardian

Post  Adhamh Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:41 pm

Name: Lysandr Shehad

Race: Thunder Dragon(Milletian)

Gender: Male

IC Partner: Adhamh

Likes: Learning, fighting, exploring, aiding others.

Dislikes: Those that hurt others.

Eyes: Dark blue.

Scale Color: Dark Blue

Humanoid Description: In his humanoid form, Lysandr stands at six-foot-four and is fairly muscular. His body is generally humanoid, save for a few things. For one, he has two long horns protuding towards the back of his head, curving upwards at the tip. He still retains his wings and tail, although smaller to fit his smaller frame. Instead of human hands and feet, he has draconic claws. Most of him is covered in a tanned human skin, except for his claws and foot-claws that are covered in dark blue scales.

Bio: Lysandr is a direct cousin of Tihkruvor and Mariella, being a grandchild of Irralselavra Shehad. Lysandr has a curious nature, always up for learning things. He ventured outside his forest to check out the nearby mountains. He flew around a sea of rock spires, admiring their beauty. The mountains in the area were very unstable though and prone to avalanches. He let out a louder-than-should’ve-been roar of excitement and the next thing he knew, boulders tumbled down and one managed to land on him. Gravity was not his friend that day and it sent him plummeting down onto a rock spire, killing him. Lysandr arrived to Erinn in his humanoid form. He arrived in Physis and was attacked by a group of Snowfield Bears. Adhamh and Conrí were in the area and saw the scene. They fended off the bears and took Lysandr into their home. Lysandr met with his cousin, Mariella Shehad, as well as unknowingly meeting his uncle Sartcharis Shehad. Adhamh is constantly helping Lysandr how to fight and teaching him things about Erinn. Lysandr has become very loyal to Adhamh and is now his Third Guardian. Much to Adh's disdain, Lysandr has become a sort of house-servant. He cooks and cleans and generally keeps the house. Lysandr finds this as his way of repaying Adhamh's kindness and hospitality. He even goes so far as to refer to Adhamh as his sire, also to Adhamh's dislike.

Personality: Though he tends to be the “big brother” type and watching over those whom he loves, always inquiring if they’re alright and giving his advice to those that need it. He's become servile and generally treats others with respect.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Join date : 2010-06-25
Age : 31
Location : Anywhere, everywhere, and nowhere all at the same time.

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Lysandr, The Third Guardian Empty Re: Lysandr, The Third Guardian

Post  Adhamh Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:59 pm

Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

Posts : 2261
Join date : 2010-06-25
Age : 31
Location : Anywhere, everywhere, and nowhere all at the same time.

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