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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Glaceon Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:59 pm

Trouble. The one word Glacia used to always cause, and now the one word she wanted to avoid. She heard all the stories, and all the rumors floating about. Glas Glaihbleann reborn. Plagues striking towns. Uladh seemed to be a trouble spot. Glacia was a Royal Alchemist, but had decided to join with the Mobile Alchemist unit again. In doing this, she moved to Iria with her pet tiger, Snow. She traveled around, looking for a place to move into, or create her own home. Her past thoughts reflected back on her. The time she spent in Par, learning from the Mirror Witches. As she walked across the Ice Bridge from Courcle, The crisp wind of Physis refreshed her. It had been a long time since she felt it. It felt quite relaxing. She knew the wind well. She looked into the distance and saw a mirror witch playing in the distance. One she had known from her first adventures in Erinn. She smiled a bit then continued walking.

She wasn't headed in any particular direction, just walking. Her memories were so vivid of her travels in Physis. She continued on, trying to find a good place to start a small home away from all the trouble. She walked over by Par dungeon, and looked at it. She called this place home once...but now it's just a memory. She continued off again, in no direction she knew. She eventually lost where she was. She found a small flat area, and built herself a small cave in the mountain. She led Snow in, then proceeded to cover the entrance, and blockade it so she wouldn't be found. However, if one looks closely, it's easy to see where it is. She continued digging a bit more, as well as melting snow to create a decent sized cave, one big enough to sleep in. The snowstorms in Physis get bad, so this would be a good place to spend the night, she thought. Perhaps tomorrow she would meet a Mirror Witch, and find some food. The possibilities were endless. Whatever she did...the wind would blow.

((Will put up a map here of where her minicave is. It's very hard to find where it is, as she concealled it quite well, and the wind will blow snow over it. She can hear noises outside the cave, so she will still be able to get owls if anyone sends her one.))

Last edited by Glacia on Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty Re: The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Retributix Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:26 pm

Karis wrote: built herself a small cave in the mountain. She led Snow in, then proceeded to cover the entrance, and blockade it so she wouldn't be found. However, if one looks closely, it's easy to see where it is. She continued digging a bit more.
((I'm curious as to how exactly she dug the cave out?))
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty Re: The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Glaceon Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:42 pm

Retributix wrote:
Karis wrote: built herself a small cave in the mountain. She led Snow in, then proceeded to cover the entrance, and blockade it so she wouldn't be found. However, if one looks closely, it's easy to see where it is. She continued digging a bit more.
((I'm curious as to how exactly she dug the cave out?))

((We have shovels (homestead), Pickaxes, and Glacia is an alchemist, so using a golem/flame burst to Dig/melt snow away to create a hole wouldn't be an issue. multitudes of other character also have small caves. ))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty Re: The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Retributix Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:58 pm

((I forgot there was Flame Burst... I was concerned, since well, rocks frozen together generally don't like to be dug.))
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty Re: The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Glaceon Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:50 pm

((Haven't updated this for a while, and no posts have been made on the Bulletin for a while...))

Years had passed. To Glacia, it felt like a lifetime. She wondered sometimes what the world outside her cavehouse was like. She remembered the stories and rumors of the Glas running about, rumors about the chaos and turmoil with everything. She looks towards where the way out was, and just stared for a while. The cold air within the cave made no sounds. She wondered if anyone from her past was injured. Her time alone had helped her refresh her soul and spirits, but she doubted others would have had a change of heart. She had a change of heart, but somewhere in her soul, a hatred still burned. She had been practicing magic, and had company over a few times, from a few Mirror Witches she had known from when she was younger. Needless to say, she had gotten stronger. Her cave had everything she could have wanted for living.

However, she decided to travel to Vales, to possibly find a better place to be, and to put her skills to use. She needed a fresh start, and she was going to attempt to make one.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Empty Re: The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman.

Post  Glaceon Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:05 pm

Glacia had walked long and far. She had been brushing her summoning abilities up, managing to earn the trust of the Thunder Spirit, which she named Zekrom. She travelled the world in search of a new home, and had finally found it. She entered Port Cobh, the fresh sea air catching her. So maybe it wasn't the fresh sea air, but rather the scent of freshly cooked fish. Using the money she made from her mercenary work, she bought a house in the port, and decided to open a small resturant, speciallizing in seafood and other meals. The fish haul in was always great, and she would trade with the local fish trader for ingrediants when she didn't get a good amount of her own. Overall, her new life was going to be nice.

((Alright, new OOC info. Glacia has moved into Port Cobh, and taken ownership of one of the houses, as I will provide a map as to which one. She has a shop where she sells seafood, freshly cooked. Anyone wishing to buy any should talk to me via note, so I can make the dish ahead of time, or get the materials. But yea, just a change in pace for Glacia, and she also keeps a waxen wing on her person, just for safe keeping.))

The Path of a Wandering Swordswoman. Cobh_h11
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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