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The Adventures of Kariia, the Wandering Cat

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The Adventures of Kariia, the Wandering Cat Empty The Adventures of Kariia, the Wandering Cat

Post  Daemonash Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:02 pm

“Summon Kariia!” Daemonash had just exited Ciar dungeon, fomor scrolls in her hands.

“Seriously?” the cat mewled impatiently. That’s nearly all she was called out for. To hold on to scrolls. “I can fight!” she meowed. “I’m better than that stupid mutt Jekyl! Or even your idiotic polar bear! I am lots smarter!” Sadly, her ranting and raving fell on ears unable to understand kitty speak.

After a bit of deliberation, Kariia finally decided on what she should do. “You probably won’t even notice I’m gone until you need someone to hold you’re stupid fomor scrolls!” And with a final, angry mewl, she ran off into the sunset.

With sunset, came night. With night, came cold. The poor Siamese kitten was shivering her tail off. She was completely lost, and became more so with every pawstep. Her ice blue eyes dashed every which way, trying to recognize some landmark. Her ears pricked to the sound of a cracked twig. “Wh- who’s there?” she mewled nervously. “I’m not scared!” she yowled, her fur standing on end.

“Hahaha, look at this, kitty says she’s not scared.” The laughing snarl came from her left.

“I can smell her fear a mile away,” another snarl, this time from her right.

Moonlight hit the two shadows, glistening off of their midnight fur. A shine of green from their eyes pierced the darkness. Two massive black wolves circled around the helpless cat.

Kariia hissed and snarled, trying to be as frightening as she could. She mustered up the courage to summon up a bolt of lightning.


The lightning struck one wolf. With a roar of anger, the other pounced at her. She clawed at his face, bloody streaks across the side of his head. He snapped at her, teeth ripping into the air next to her face. The first wolf recovered from the shock. He gathered up his strength and pummeled into Kariia.

“Get off of me you filthy, flea-ridden, dog!” she snarled, clawing at his face. Suddenly, a sharp yelp came from the other wolf. A flash of silver cut in the air and the wolf that had her pinned was thrown to the side.

“Yes!” her savior exclaimed. “That was the tenth fomor scroll! Now I can buy that helmet!” Kariia watched him as he ran off. A sharp breeze created new shivers that overtook her small body and she ran after him, hoping her savior would lead her to somewhere warm.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 18
Join date : 2010-07-09
Age : 30
Location : Virginia

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