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Embers of Obsession

Mari Eir
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Embers of Obsession Empty Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:42 pm

It was funny. Okay, maybe "funny" wasn't the right word, but he still smirked when he thought of it. Fire. That's it. FIRE. Of course it scared him at first. This beautiful thing almost took over him once, but now he can control it.. It's amazing, it's wonderful, it dances and captures the mind... And he couldn't take his eyes off of it.
So he used all his time up, focusing around it - Experiment after experiment, kept secret from the watching eyes of the others. He loved it. It wraps it's beautiful hands around everything he would send it to overcome.... And so he did. It started small. Twigs, bundles of grass, etcetera.
Then he moved up. Potatoes, various fruits, and some small bushes. He had to see how it effected everything. Eventually he moved himself up and killed a rat, engulfing it in the extravagant flames. He couldn't get enough. He CAN'T get enough... And he's not going to stop.

Last edited by Kalamiko on Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:59 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Title)
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Mari Eir Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:44 pm

((So... is this an unnamed character, or you just forgot to say who it was?
Mari Eir
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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:46 pm

(( If I want you to know who it was, you'd know, trust me. =P Yeah, I kept the name out on purpose. Plus, there's a pretty big hint in there to who it is. =o ))
Kosher Dill Troll
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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Auramune Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:47 pm

<<And where at? ...Lol, I think I know. Since it's a guy.. and fire... It's little dude isn't it? That Lily tortured?>>

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:50 pm

Auramune wrote:<<And where at? ...Lol, I think I know. Since it's a guy.. and fire... It's little dude isn't it? That Lily tortured?>>
(( *Thwack!* You're not supposed to say that! D=< ))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Auramune Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:52 pm

<<How do you expect people to post back if you don't leave somewhat of a who- and where? If you're just making a story, go to the story board.>>

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:57 pm

Auramune wrote:<<How do you expect people to post back if you don't leave somewhat of a who- and where? If you're just making a story, go to the story board.>>

(( I know, people are supposed to reply, but I just like making people think about who it is =P Sorry, it was my fault. X_x Editing title, but shushshush with the OOC chatter. >:l ))
Kosher Dill Troll
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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Auramune Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:29 am

<<It's not so much ooc chatter as much as an explanation. :p>>

She'd been watching from afar for quite some time. The boy was an experiment, she decided, after they let him go the first time, to see how someone could develop.. mentally, socially, and physically after having been placed through such trauma.

A golden envelope appeared in front of him. Just poof! Like magic.

In the land where the Light shines brightly
You, who seek Paradise, can be granted access.

Follow the stream and meet in the valley beyond the great ancient tree.
Purge all in your way by the great holy flame.
When none but ashes remain, the door to Paradise shall open.

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Vayne Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:47 am

((No surprise for me who it was, seeing as, y'know. You PM'd me over how he's been sneaking out, for just in case he'd notice that. Yeah, he would. :l ))

Vayne noticed. He wasn't stupid, and he had been working on being a much better father. What did he notice? How often his son snuck out, and ashes. His boy would do well to cover up his tracks rather than leave burned grass and fields as proof of his deviant behavior. He had not, however, caught him in the act. He knew it was him, oh yes. It was too much to be coincidence. But he knew how much greater an effect he would have if he were to actually show up during one of his son's...outings.

He also wanted Emain to be aware that they were dealing with a delinquent. No, not a delinquent. Damaged goods, he reminded himself. He felt his own embers begin to rekindle the hatred for the woman who had done this to his son. He made a silent apology to Lymilark for what he'd do to that woman once he found her. He'd scar her for life; smile in vindictive glee as he peeled the skin off of her face with his claws, popping and removing her bones, showing them to her. There were none in the world whom he had so much loathing for such as her. Only she could bring out such a monster inside of him. These memories of his son, unable to do anything but twitch in agony in a bed at the Tir Healer's...because of her...they awakened feelings Vayne hoped never to encounter again, and she was going to pay for it.

...After several long moments of these thoughts, he reprimanded himself for such vile thoughts, and posted a note upon the bulletin in Emain.

I would like to speak to the active head of Emain, regarding an issue of delinquency and the burned crops in the area, when you have the time. Please get in touch with me when you can.

--Vayne Aurelius/De 'Romanus

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:51 pm

(( Woohoo! =D Comments. ))

Rieken was a little dumbfounded. For one thing, what's with this golden letter?
He may be obsessed, but he's not stupid. A moment flashed when he thought he should show the letter to his dad, but the moment passed and he simply decided(Not so much decided as automatically) to burn the letter. He giggled as he did it.

The next was he could sense someone watching him when he went out. No one was ever there, though.. It was weird(If Vayne would see him go out.. If not, cross that out. =D).
He simply decided to do a better job of covering his tracks. Rather than leaving the burned crops and plants/animals out above ground, he decided to bury them.

(( FYI, Burial site is to the right of the Osna Sail entrance FROM Emain *When you're going through it from Emain*, in those bushes. ))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Honeko Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:04 pm

It was people like -this- that gave pryomaniacs a bad name. The girl scowled at the ash and smoke of all the useful things and cute things and other things. She looked down at her hand, glowing with the fire in it and then quickly extinguished it hoping no one thought she was the culprit.

I have done many insane things. Expresso makes me giddy and burn things. Losing someone dear makes me angry and burn things... But I have always channeled my fire to a greater purpose... Fire is not just destruction, it is life... it is living, breathing... not something that is a tool. Not something you purposely hurt innocent people with.

She went over to the board and posted a note up:

If anyone knows who has caused these fires, please let me know. I wish to bring them to justice in the name of proper fire magic. Thank you~

-Kaylee Sheridan
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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Guest Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:19 pm

Delinquents! Fire-loving idiots causing trouble! Burning things...

Yiana was furious, this would not stand! That trouble-maker would be brought to justice, she'd make sure of that. The thing is...she had no idea who it or woman, adult or child...human or not. Her downed spirits were lifted when she did her daily stop by the bulletin. Maybe this...Aurelius man knew who it was...or was the culprit and would like to turn himself in! That'd make Yiana really pleased...but it wasn't likely. The elf scribbled two quick replies, posting them to the bulletin in response to the others.

Mr. Aurelius,
I would very much like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss this recent trouble. Perhaps at Loch Lios?

-Yiana Nerine

To Kaylee Sheridan,
Thank you for offering to help bring this trouble to justice, If you do capture this person, please bring them to the Emain Jail immediately, so we can question and convict him!

-Yiana Nerine


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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:33 pm

This was bad. Very, very bad.
Not horrible, but bad.
Definitely bad.
First of all, Dad had written a notice on the board.. He didn't think he could prove it was him, but.. It may be too close for comfort. And the other letter.. From a "Kaylee". He wasn't so worried about that.
He made the decision to trek a little farther from his home to continue this. He didn't want to get caught, after all. He decided he would move the burnings to Sen Mag.

...The thought never crossed his mind to simply stop...
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:35 pm

He was going over and over it in his head.
Was it a good idea?
Was it not?
He supposed he'd never know until he did it, but...
Well, he tried not to think about the moral consequences so much. He still had a conscience, even if it was slowly being assimilated to obsession. Eventually, he thought to himself, he would plan it out and do it. He smirked. All those huge, lovely pieces of kindling, would succumb to his beautiful plaything. Every thing would, eventually.....
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:37 pm

(( Triple posting, I know. He's OBSESSED! D=<!! ))

He couldn't STAND it anymore. Ever since he had thought of it, his midn kept swirling of thoughts about it. The plan was simple. Too simple to really CALL it a plan, even.

In the middle of the night of Lughnasadh, Rieken mounted Rashura(His TIGER!! =D), and slowly, silently, pawstep after pawstep, they approached the northeast side of Emain Macha, while Rieken himself held a small torch, not yet ignited. Sitting on Rashura a ways away from the buildings, he swiftly ignited the torch with his (Still rather weak, but strong enough to light a torch) fire magic, and threw it through the bottommost window on a lone building. He wanted only one building to burn as of yet. One to quench his needs. Swiftly, Rashura bounds away into Sen Mag, and from there they make their way to Taillteann, where they stayed.
(( So, Vayne, he wouldn't have returned to the house... ))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:07 pm

Rieken was lucky. The calvary, wasn't too far away, but far enough not to hear or notice the delinquent, but they were there to notice the fire. The guards were called to put out the flames, the lovely couple living in the house had escaped with only minor burns less house. Yiana was livid, stepping up the patrols and telling the guards to be even more strict with the law until this trouble maker was caught, even posting up a reward of 100,000 gold for any REAL information that could lead to this person's capture. The couple was allowed to stay in the Healer's House until their home was rebuilt. With all the recent plague business, and the fires that had yet to be answered for, the citizens were even more on edge than usual. Ms. Nerine sent a letter out to the leaders of the Uladh cities, each saying the same thing.

My friends,
My city is currently under some sort of attack, a delinquent has been starting small fires, and recently ruined the home of a nice family. I have yet to get information on who this person is, but when I do, I would very much appreciate any assistance in capturing this trouble-making, horrible -there are some crossed out words- ..person.

I will speak more at the meeting.

-Yiana Nerine, Emain Macha.


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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:48 pm

Rieken was a little disappointed. He took comfort in the fact he knew that the house he set on fire had PROBABLY been burnt, but he wasn't able to see it. He twitched a little. He thought it would satisfy him for the time being, but it didn't. He thought he needed more, and soon he would do it, whether he wanted to or not.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Auramune Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:52 pm

As the reward was posted up, Lily let out a giggle. Could she repeat the performance and have Yiana hand over another mil? Of course, catching Reiken wouldn't be as easy as turning her husband in previously. Would the reward be the same if she killed him? It was almost not worth it, for her, to do it that way. For now, she would stalk the child when he was moving around, and try to fend off anyone else who she noticed going after the bounty. At least it could be entertaining. Even if it meant getting her hands a bit dirty.

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:14 pm

(( Yar. Darn. Mmkay, Thanks =P ))

Last edited by Kalamiko on Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Vayne Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:16 pm

((Woah woah woah. Sorry, this is my town. A military town at that. Guards are everywhere. Sorry to say that he wouldn't get very far. The moment fire was seen, he'd be apprehended and the fire put out. Rain Casting. I mean, alchemists. Ya know? :l And suspicious activity wouldn't go unnoticed. ))

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:44 pm

(( Are Wanted Posters posted publically on the board? ))
Kosher Dill Troll
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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:45 pm

[[Yup. If they're in the Wanted Listings, it's public.]]


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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:07 pm

(( 'Aye, thanks again, Soifafa =D ))

Looking at the board, Rieken was, well... A teeny weeny bit afraid. Mostly because several other people were about to read the same things as he was, and he was still here. Utilizing a waxen wing he had stored away, He warped himself to Bangor, where he hurriedly equipped his Nathan's Snowcoat, and mounted Rashura. They made their way rather slowly(Rieken had never been around Bangor much, he wanted to see the scenery), but nonetheless they made it to Fiodh, where he stays hidden from adventurers and animals as much as possible. Thinking that just in case his father or anybody else is following him, he wrapped a Wolf Fomor Scroll in paper, before ripping quite a large piece of his favourite clothes, and tied it around the paper. Taking this, he dug a small hole behind the Goddess Statue at the entrance(at it's base, a little pocket), and slipped it in. He left the hole open, though the hole he made inconscpicuous. It had to be smelled.

(( ...And, a few people in Bangor may have seen the tiger, and also seen the poster, but I don't know. ))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Auramune Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:39 pm

The guards of Bangor had caught a glimpse of the boy before the coat was thrown on. Given their locations, almost all of the rustic town was easily visible. After a short time discussing it, a couple of guards followed after the boy as casually as possible, out of the town. A letter sent off to Emain, with the description of the child and tiger, and offering their location heading towards Fiodh. Instructing Emain that they would keep an eye out for now, but to send someone right away to try and capture the fugitive.

"Who does Fiodh belong to?" One guard whispered to the other.
He shrugged, "I'll send a note to Dunbarton as well in case this isn't our jurisdiction and request it."

-To Dunbarton-

To whom this may concern;

We have located someone fitting the description of the arsonist in Emain, he is traveling to Fiodh. We can trap him inside, but are unable to make the arrest if this is not within Bangor jurisdiction. We're requesting either permission or a couple of officers be sent this way to make the arrest.

<<2 Bangor guards, 1 archer and 1 melee, are now stationed in the entrance of Fiodh dungeon in the woodsy area. If Reiken goes inside, they will be watching for what was offered to the alter to he can be tracked down once inside. Just fyi.>>

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Embers of Obsession Empty Re: Embers of Obsession

Post  Kalamiko Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:57 pm

Rieken didn't notice the guards. They're guards, of course, they do their job.
After burying the package(( I don't know if the guards would have seen that.. )), Rieken and Rashura walk casually to the altar. Rieken himself begins rummaging around in his robe, while Rashura hears the squeak of a squirrel, and goes to the entrance, mostly blocking the view while he sniffed around. Rashura still didn't notice the guards. Rieken Crouched down and offered up a wolf fomor scroll, and goes poof into the dungeon. Rashura himself, and failing to locate the squirrel, moves behind the goddess' statue, laying down for a nap.

(( Would the guards have noticed what he dropped if Rashura blocked the view? It still wouldn't matter much, they most likely saw him bury something around the goddess statue. ))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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