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IC House Location Thread.

Mari Eir
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IC House Location Thread. Empty IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Thu May 05, 2011 10:27 pm

I'll make this and edit as necessary. Any house locations to add, just post or PM letting me know the -exact- location, or as best as you can. Also, if you made a post somewhere else, please repost here so I don't have to go digging through 1000s of posts where houses are. I'll make a general map of the house locations once I get enough spots and get all the map .jpgs. I'll also make a list, incase maps aren't your things. If you want your homestead to be counted as a house, let me know so I can visit it, add to favorites, and find it's location if that is. Otherwise, post and let me know the location IC. This should prevent some issues with house building and kingdom building, and other issues stated in the Q&A thread. Also, if this would be better thrown in a different section, feel free to move it there. Also, Solea will be considered part of Rano, since the Star Mark is one of the Rano Ancient Medals you must find for the Elf and Giant Beast Mode quests. P.S.: Let me know if that map of Uladh is fine, or if I should get separate maps for each uladh region.

Rini & Kirinne - Tara across the street from the bank.
Kirinne - Small farm on the outside of Tara. (Homestead)
Jack and Honeko - Southern Tara, outside the main city.

Tir Chonaill and Sidhe Sneactha
Elsie - Old Ciar Moongate Location.
Zez - Brown Star in the "forest"

Duguld Isle and Dunbarton
Nia - Small house in Duguld

Gairech Hills and Bangor
Lilieath - House by Fiodh Dungeon.

Sen Mag Plains, Osna Sail, and Emain Macha
Oscar - The flowerbed in Emain Macha
Dalvar - House on East Most island near Sen Mag.
Gypsy Base/Kurohi's house - Bottom of Sen Mag Plain, along the wall/border.
Corenite Bandit Guild Hall - Reddish-brown Box. Third house down from the first fork from the north.

Abb Neagh and Tailteann
Zaxier - In Tailteann, behind the church in a house.
Soifa - House in Tailteann, Red X thing.
Corrib Valley and Blago Prarie
Mariella - Northern Blago

Morva Isle and Port Ceann
Teme - South of Bangor, in Morva Isle

Aura - Small Cabin in Karu Forest
Karutan - Somewhere in Karu? (Not marked)
Mariella - Solea, Vales Cave Wall.
Ternock - Around the middle of Kaypi Canyon.
Iraselle - House on a hilltop between Karu and Muyu.

Aura - Small area between Reus River and Par Ruins. (homestead)
Aura - House in Vales.
Markasha - Small plot of land in Physis (Homestead)
Retsu - Southeast of the Whirlpool mark, directly west of the Vales mana tunnel
Temo - Along Reus River in Physis on the western shore, directly north of the L in Lunae Valley. (Homestead)
Soifa- Above the Unflyable Bird Mark.
Adhamh - Directly to the left of the Barba Mana Tunnel. (Homestead)
Glacia - Cave System built into the mountains, entrance is hidden.

Nia - Oasis in the desert. North of the Fish Mark. (homestead)
Eeleh - Above the E in Rupes Desert.

Mariella - Little Beach House above Cor, East side.


Shadow Realm
Emy - Shadow Tail
Lily - Shadow Tara
Rousan - Shadow Tail/Abb Neagh

Port Cobh
Adhamh/Nai - House on the hill, Orange Roof
Mariella - House on the hill, Green Roof, has Stairs to the door.
Soifa's Bordello, The Golden Hind - Mountain Side Cave Furnished like a building inside, marked with Grey.

Belvast Island
Dominion of Belvast
Zeffie: Northernmost Middle house near the stairs.
Soifa's Cafe - Dark Blue, corner house north of fountain.

Last edited by Glaceon on Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:13 pm; edited 42 times in total
Glas Ghoblehht
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Auramune Thu May 05, 2011 11:29 pm

A few of my characters houses are in very specific locations, so I'll probably be taking the maps and circling who's is where.

I can tell you that Aura's homestead is located in the small area between Reus River and Par Ruins. There's a couple of trees there to indicate when you're actually there. There's also a cave on the far side of Renes(i'll mark it on the map). There's also a small cabin in Karu forest, and a house in Vales that belongs to Aura(well, belongs to Flower now.)

Nia's is a small oasis in part of longa desert. Not THE oasis, but she is building hers in to an oasis. But she has a small house in Dugald.

Emy and Lily's houses are both in the shadow realm. Emy's in shadow Tail, Lily's in shadow Tara.

Rini and Kirinne live in Tara across the street from the bank. K's homestead is a small farm on the outside of Tara that she helps the owners do stuff on.

Markasha has a small plot of land in physis.

Karutan's.. is somewhere. I forget xD.

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Thu May 05, 2011 11:41 pm

Yea, takin the maps and throwing your spots on there would be helpful, and just PM them to me, or send the maps via MSN.

For ALL:
For some things, marking a map and sending to me will help out. Still post for the list though. I will have a list under the maps so you know whose house is where. The map will just mark the general area. I have maps on my photobucket, so I will edit them there and it should update here.

Also, I'll be noting whether it's a Homestead or not used to identify the place.

Also, I'll visit homesteads and add to my map to find out where they are, just a heads up.
Glas Ghoblehht
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Mari Eir Thu May 05, 2011 11:53 pm

Um.. For Mari and Hyu's places.. the ones I know for SURe are:

Northern Blago
Solea (built into the cliff wall near the Vales side)
Cor Beach house (far east side)

Hyu may post more later.
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Thu May 05, 2011 11:56 pm

Also, for houses in the Shadow Realm, I'm going to put a dot on/near the Altar to denote.

Also seems I have to edit them manually and reupload each time, fun. Oh well, I don't mind.

Last edited by Espeon (glacia) on Fri May 06, 2011 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Glas Ghoblehht
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 12:00 am

You should just make another Aliech map. Edit it slightly so it appears darker and label it Shadow Realm for those who have homes in specific places there. It should be known that Noitar Arat can also be seen in the towns there every once in a while. They're mostly in Shadow Rath, though.
Mari Eir
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Eranor Fri May 06, 2011 12:07 am

Right next to the ocean in Port Ceann, ICLY up past the moon gate at the far end of the beach and beyond a ways.
Kosher Dill Troll
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 12:20 am

Edited the maps, double check and make sure they are in accurate places if not specified that a map would be given.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Mari Eir Fri May 06, 2011 12:29 am

Quite accurate. Razz Though the Uladh Map has tiny locations due to it's size. The general location of the hotel is accurate, though.
Mari Eir
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Dellinger Fri May 06, 2011 12:33 am

The flowerbed in Emain Macha (I believe it's the rightmost top part of that path, or I'm not thinking correctly with maps) is the location of Oscar Syiano's extensive manor. Most of the time the door is open to those he knows.

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Auramune Fri May 06, 2011 12:37 am

I thought that's where Dalvar's house was. Flower island? Near the road to Blago?

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 12:40 am

Dal's house is near Sen Mag I believe. If Oscar's house is the where I think I remember from the RP with Cal and him, it's right beside the gate to Emain's West side.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Dellinger Fri May 06, 2011 12:40 am

Not an island, specifically a fenced in garden of flowers (the small one) on the main road of Emain Macha (lower, by the water) and the road from the Paladin training grounds. This has been established for a while, but if I'm explaining the location wrong, maybe Dal can give me a hand.

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 12:42 am

I'll mark on the map where I think it is based off memory, just let me know if it's right.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Dalvar Fri May 06, 2011 12:44 am

No, no. Dal's house is on the east most island.
Near Sen Meg.

Eelah's house is on the east side of the Rupes Desert.
Just above the last "E".

Glacia is correct in remembering where Oscar's house is.

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Higura Fri May 06, 2011 4:49 pm

Muyu beach, and Sella Beach, are where Higs houses are. I chose my Physis Homestead, to match up with Sella Beach house. Neutral

I've had these homes forever. Neutral
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Temo Fri May 06, 2011 5:33 pm

Temo's sanctuary can be located along Reus River in Physis on the western shore, directly north of the L in Lunae Valley.

Retsu's atelier of mischief/"secret base" is in Physis: southeast of the Whirlpool mark, directly west of the Vales mana tunnel.

Jack's home is...somewhere along the southern outskirts of Tara. Near the farms. I'm not really choosey on exactly where and couldn't exactly pinpoint it when building the homestead. (Maps are WAY too small for that kinda accuracy.) So plant it wherever you feel is proper. Just...away from the bears. T_T

Teme's house is at the border between Bangor and Morve Isle.

Renascut Gypsy's main encampment (Kurohi's place) is along the southeast border of Sen Mag Plains.

Last edited by Jacquemo Rie on Fri May 06, 2011 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 9:10 pm

Editted, check for accuracy. Higs, hope the locations are okay for you. If not, let me know exactly where you'd like them, or send me a map via PM. Just take map from wiki and edit with paint ^^.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Xeek Fri May 06, 2011 9:28 pm

Well, to be honest, I am sort of scared to post Xeek's house locations, they are well hidden for a reason and I don't want a " I found it when I was randomly exploring" Soooo yeah, though in a moment (next time I remember) I'll PM glacia a location with a Xeek's houses and caves. Since some are outside of game boundaries

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Fri May 06, 2011 10:30 pm

@Xeek Want me to leave them off the maps and just toss them in the lists?
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Auramune Sat May 07, 2011 1:53 am

The entrance to Aura's realm/homestead will be the apple tree in Xeek's homestead. It'll still be in physis until Sunday, taking a full RL day for her to do it.

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Cyler Tue May 10, 2011 9:59 am

Elsie's house is where the moongate near Ciar use to be Very Happy *Outlined with Tree's so it looks like it is connected with the forest* : D
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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Glaceon Tue May 31, 2011 1:03 pm

Bump to remind people this is still up. Plan your house locations and post em here.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Guest Tue May 31, 2011 1:09 pm

Soifa will be placed right above the unflyable bird mark in Physis.


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IC House Location Thread. Empty Re: IC House Location Thread.

Post  Adhamh Tue May 31, 2011 2:26 pm

Adhamh's homestead is in the corner directly to the left of the Barba Mana Tunnel.
Cromm Crunch
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