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Nilats and Zero

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Nilats and Zero Empty Nilats and Zero

Post  Nilats Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:00 am

((I've been wanting to put this up for a while, just haven't had the time. But here it is!))

It was a bright day in Uldah, the birds were singing, Ferghus was breaking another weapon, and Nilats had missed his landing in Tir. Unfortunately for him he landed in the middle of Dunbarton and Bangor. He starts rubbing his arse as he got up, "Jeez, I figured Nao would've given me a softer landing." He then noticed something sniffing the back of his neck.

His eyes grew wide in panic, and as he slowly turned around he noticed the Giant Red Bear behind him. It's revealed to Nilats it's giant teeth, and after that a massively loud roar. This only caused Nilats to stumble back several steps, and to unsheathe his short sword. He shakily pointed the sword at the beast, "I-I've had a hell of a day... So I suggest you don't try anything Mister Bear..." Then it hit him, why was he scared of this bear? It made no sense, and couldn't explain why he had this sudden urge to cry out of fearing for his life.

The Bear rose up to it's hind legs and let out another terrifying roar. Nilats stood up, and regained his courage. He looked to the bear and then let out a scream of his own. The bear was actually surprised, Nilats noticed this by it taking a step back and going back onto all four of it's paws. Nilats took this time for his first strike, he charged the beast, and then stuck his sword into the middle of it's skull. With one swift kick he launched the bear a few feet back spinning. He fell to the ground panting, "Ya!... That's what you get!" He shouted, but there was a certain thought that he couldn't straighten out. "Why was I afraid of a stupid bear? It makes no utter sense..."

He then started to walk away form the scene until he felt the ground start shaking. He frantically looked around, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. But fate has a way of smashing you upside the head with a Warhammer. Nilats heard the roar that didn't match a bear, but before he could turn around to find out, he was struck upside the head with a Warhammer; tossing him into a near by tree. He could barely move, and his vision was blurred. He saw what looked like a Giant Human heading towards him. The Giant let out another roar, and then lunged at Nilats. Rustling in the tree above Nilats could be heard, but he was far to dazed to notice. All he could think about was how his second chance at life had ended before he could start it. "No..." He muttered, "I refuse... To let it... End like this!" He spun up from the ground, swiftly jumping under the Giant's arms. He swung his sword at his stomach, in an attempt to slice him in half. Sadly for him, Nao likes to give out cheap weapons. The short sword shattered when it made contact with the Giant's stomach. That was it, he had left himself wide open for an attack. He was stuck in midair, there was no way for him to dodge.

Unknown to Nilats, Zero was waiting in the tree the Giant threw him against. The Elf had been waiting for the right time to strike, right now saving the kids life was top priority. He lunged out of the tree straight at Nilats, catching him, and then falling to the ground. He; at the same time, dropped Nilats, and readied his bow. It went far too fast for Nilats' eyes to catch, but he did notice how fast the Elf could dish out arrows. In the time it would take a normal human to shoot out one arrow, the Elf had dished out four. Each arrow hit a vital point in the Giants back. With a massive THUD! the Giant slammed into the ground. Zero closed his eyes, letting out a sigh of relief, "Freakin' Giants... You alright kid?" He said as he put away his bow.

Nilats was still sort of dazed, Zero hadn't looked back to notice the blood flowing from the area the Warhammer hit. Nilats still managed a, "Y-yeah... I've had worse." Still remembering how Nao told him how he died in his previous life.

Zero looked back to Nilats and scratched the back of his head, "Well that's no good... You're bleeding." He placed both of his hands together, summoning up five orbs of light. He extended his hand out to Nilats, sending each orb of light exploding over his head.

Nilats was a little nervous at first, not used to seeing magic. Although he calmed down after he felt his wound healing. Shivers went down his back though, there was something about magic that he just didn't like. "You didn't have to save me you know... I could've handled it..."

Zero laughed, "I'm sure you could've defeated the Giant with your bare fists... Listen kid, he wasn't really up your alley of fighters..."

Nilats growled, "I would've managed somehow! And don't call me a kid! I'm over thirty years old!"

Zero raised an eyebrow, then moved over, examining Nilats from head to toe. "Umm... You look like a kid to me shorty." He placed his hand on Nilats' head, ruffling his hair.

Nilats pushed his hand off of his head in irritation, "I don't need your crap! I'm getting the hell out of here!" He crossed his arms, and spun around on his heels. Then quickly walked off towards Bangor; not really knowing where he was going to. Zero was close on his tail though, Nilats looked back and snarled at the Elf. "What're you following me for? Got a death wish?"

Zero started laughing, "You're not gonna do much good kid with no weapon. You're heading to Bangor right now, I'll help you pick up a weapon there. You'll owe me big time though."

Nilats grumbled to himself, "Never asked for you're help anyway." With a quick sigh of irritation he looked back to Zero with narrow eyes, "Yeah fine... Let's go... Damn Elf..."

((And that's how Zero and Nilats met... Don't like it? I enjoy constructive criticism. So feel free Ha Ha))
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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Nilats and Zero Empty Re: Nilats and Zero

Post  Temo Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:59 am

My first question...should this be moved to the Story Board? Very Happy
Burrito Bison

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Nilats and Zero Empty Re: Nilats and Zero

Post  Nilats Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:18 pm

Haha, probably. I've been truthfully literate with forums. I suck at navigating them. Once I found the Creative Board, I saw other stories posted here that dealt with the RP, so I figured I could post my RP stories here.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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Nilats and Zero Empty Re: Nilats and Zero

Post  ZeroEnna Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:25 pm

Looks good enough to me, I approve.... even though you didn't send me the final draft to converse over my end of the ordeal.
Gummy Bear
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