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New character registration Linaerra!

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New character registration Linaerra! Empty New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Linaerra Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:10 pm

Character Name: Lina, Erra

How You Heard About The RP Society: I have always taken a fancy to roleplaying, whether it be Para Post, or in games like World of Warcraft. Also I met up with Sofia, Trental, and one other his name to long, and hard to spell out at the moment. But they pointed me here to the forums and the guild.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?  Umm since I was 12, now I’m 22 so I would say ten years. ^^;

Is English Your First Language?  I don’t understand this inglash you speak of.
Yes it is.

First name: Lina Last name: Erra
Age: Seventeen.
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Blue
Favorite color: Pink
Likes: Clothes, cute animals, and or pets, Watching the sky, sweets, and singing.
Dislikes: Rude people, dark places, monsters, and bitter foods.
Born: Erinn
Bio: Lina comes from a small Elven village in Karu Forest, being cousins to those who dwell in the desert. Her Father being a righteous fellow did his best to raise Lina to be a good mannered woman, succeeding in this he made sure Lina knew everything she needed to know. As Lina got older, her curiosity grew seemingly by the seconds wishing to know about combat, and the world outside of the forest. Finally Lina could no longer hold back pleading with her father that she be aloud to make a life for herself somewhere othe rthan the forest, a spot in thw world she could call her own. Lina’s father had given up after months of being pestered by the girl only wanting nothing more than silence. Handing over a an old bow, and used gear he smiled at her sending her on her own way. Now writing the pages in the book of life Lina would begin to explore deciding to visit her cousins in the desert first, that seemed to be the best idea so far.

What type of character do you play? Lina is the quiet type, happy in observing and staying silent while important decisions are made. Never really having friends she hopes to make some in the world of Mabinogi!

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Can’t say I have a set schedule, I hop on anytime I can really when I’m not busy, though let me know if you need a better answer.
Usually anywhere Monday, through Sunday I pop on at 4:00PM or later. Then log off sometime around 10:30-11:00PM.

I will live by the Spirit of the Role Players Creed.
1 - I will maintain the illusion of the game by staying in character whenever possible. I will withhold out of character comments until absolutely necessary and even then I will whisper.
2 - If I discuss the game with other players out of character, I will not allow my character to be influenced by this knowledge without express permission of the other players. I will take the time to allow my character to learn these things on their own during the course of the game.
3 - I will separate myself as a player from my character as much as possible. While I understand that a lot of myself goes into my character and because the game is so very intense often real emotions will be drawn from me as a player, I also understand that my character is not me.
4 - If I am not in the mood to play, I won't interrupt other people's games by coming into it out of character. I will find others who are not in character and go somewhere meant for out of character discussion.
5 - I will not use my character as a vehicle for racism or bigotry. I, as a player, understand that there is no room in the real world for such things and will, to the best of my ability, not let it seep into the virtual world as well. (despite what some of the story lines may portray)
6 - If I, as a player, feel that my character has been treated unfairly or that another character has overstepped the bounds of their abilities, I will approach the other character's player privately and discuss the situation in a calm adult manner and try to come to a resolution or compromise. If not I will pass it into the hands of the GM.
7 - I will accept the hand that is dealt me in the game, understanding that it is a game and it's not about winning or losing, but about playing.
8 - I will not allow setbacks in the game to be blown out of proportion. If I am overly emotional about what is happening, I will step back and not play until I can compose myself.
9 - I will not carry grudges against fellow players. My character might not like another character, but again, I am a mature person and understand that they are 'characters' and not the player that portrays them.
10 - If I find that I simply can not get along with another player, I will avoid playing with them. But I will do so in a way that does not draw attention to this and I will not badmouth or otherwise slander the other player as such actions only makes myself and everyone else around me look bad.
11 - If my character is killed, I will obviously grieve for the loss, but I will also view the situation as an opportunity for me to grow as a player. By starting anew with a fresh identity, I will be able to leave all the negatives of that character behind - any grudges, dislikes or just plain bad habits- and take away the good, thus making my next character even better and more interesting.
12 - I, as a player, will keep an open mind and allow people to play their characters the way their imagination leads them regardless if their interpretation matches that of some book, guideline...or creed.

Last edited by Linaerra on Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2011-03-24

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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Higura Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:22 am

Mm.. Elves in Karu? Interesting.

I can already tell you're gonna be an awesome person to RP with. :3! I'm a Para-Rper off of Mabi, So.. yeah.

I think I can give my approval here. So I will.

You're Millitean (From the soul stream) or Tuatha (Erinn Born)?
Kosher Dill Troll
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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Glaceon Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:19 am

Before the great hat menace herself comes, I'd like to point out her IGN is Soifa, not Sofia. She is very picky.

By the looks of the Bio, I'm going to say Erinn Born, however, no connection to the memory tower in Filia as this race of elves would be from Karu Forest. However, that might need to be looked over by some higher ups. With an Erinn-born comes one life. Milletians live forever though, it's never too late to change that. Just some insight for you.

Overall, I like the bio, and offer you best wishes.(Not an approval, only those fanceh colored names can do that.)
Glas Ghoblehht
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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Guest Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:06 am

Espeon (glacia) wrote:Before the great hat menace herself comes, I'd like to point out her IGN is Soifa, not Sofia. She is very picky.

Nah, it's cool. She's awesome. >.> The other super long name is..Ki..kiee....Naiada. >.>

I don't really see anything...WRONG with a small village being in Karu away from the other elves(because Filia is full of jerks anyway >.> ). They're just some a forest, right?

Seems like Tuatha, I can offer my hat of approval. -bows-


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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Linaerra Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:13 pm

Not quite sure I understand the birthings yet, so if anyone could possibly link me some history i'll be sure to read on it, though thank you for all of your positive feed back.

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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Glaceon Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:08 pm

If you need history, send a PM to Mithos, he is like the official lore person of Mabi here. He can help you out

And what do you mean by birthings? If you are Erinn-born, you can't go through rebirth. It's a Milletian only thing, and it's pretty much a way of saying they live forever since they can't die and stay dead.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Xeek Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:14 pm

Linaerra wrote:Not quite sure I understand the birthings yet, so if anyone could possibly link me some history i'll be sure to read on it, though thank you for all of your positive feed back.

Erinnborns, as said. Are born in Erinn.
Milliteans, come from other worlds, and are practically immortal unless for X reason their soul is removed and destroyed.

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New character registration Linaerra! Empty Re: New character registration Linaerra!

Post  Mari Eir Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:07 pm

I've seen for myself that she fully understands what being a Tuatha means. Approved.
Mari Eir
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