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Sorai's Abilites

Mari Eir
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:47 pm

As you know, Sorai is an Ice Mage...and a mage in here is a few abilites I propose for her:

Elemental Manipulation: The power to use the elements, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth (or just Fire Ice and Lightning) to create things or do things. Ex. Create fire to make a campfire and use wind to blow it out, or create an Earth umbrella. Not really for combat, mostly will use for convience or to create humor.
Status: Approval Pending

The Magic Kiss: Brought up by an old friend from another guild, pretty much the back story that would go along with it; Sorai can heal but somehow most of the healing magic comes out of her lips, she can still use regular healing but is less effective. This would be used rarely and sometimes for humor. Just thought it would be funny....(Escpectially in Cyler's case XD)
Status: Approved

Last edited by Soraina on Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : approval statuses)
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Cyler Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:12 pm

That wasnt funny DX! Sad
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Dalvar Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:14 pm

I can approve The Magic Kiss as it is just a reskinning of the healing spell.

Elemental Manipulation, however... How are you planning on representing it?

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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:20 pm

I can approve The Magic Kiss as it is just a reskinning of the healing spell.

Elemental Manipulation, however... How are you planning on representing it?

Ummm using the *insert something here* thing....?
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Higura Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:42 pm

Elemental control stuff.. uh.. Not really a power, I guess, since Magic is already in the game, it just can't be used for.. making fires, or freezing rivers, or whatever.

I cannot approve of earth magic, unless it's backed up by an ability, but I guess making campfires from fire magic is alright, as long as it's simply just that.

Expand upon the idea more, yeah?
Kosher Dill Troll
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Auramune Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:34 pm

:3 I have a character who uses healing magic through the lips too. So I can okay that one.

As for the elemental manipulation;
The word manipulate suggests that you can do anything with that element, including things that aren't really show-able in the game. It also suggests that your power of elements is superior than someone else's, without having to back it up with elemental rankings. So I can't approve of this power as is.

What you should do is create a list of exactly what these elemental powers are, can do, and how they can be represented by in game mechanics.

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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:44 pm

Like I said, they are more for adding humor into an RP like this lovely example of an old RP I did with another guild:

RPer 1: *fire starts to surround my body* I will get you!
Me: *uses magic to dump water on RPer 1*
Rper 1: ....

Generic but will get a will be used like really a power, more of an ability to expand my Magical Range

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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:21 pm

As for the Magical Kiss...that's also for humor and will get consent from the person before doing it.
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Mithos Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:33 pm

Humor isn't going to get you a power approved. You need to describe them a bit more and put limits on them so that they cannot be brought to godmodding. I suggest you go take a look at the approved powers if you don't really understand what I said. It'll help show you how you should do it.

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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Mari Eir Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:08 am

Soraina wrote:
I can approve The Magic Kiss as it is just a reskinning of the healing spell.

Elemental Manipulation, however... How are you planning on representing it?

Ummm using the *insert something here* thing....?
NOT an adequate answer. :l You should know what skills would represent the requested powers before you go and post them. The kiss is fine with permission, as stated earlier. The elemental thing, though, cannot just come out of nowhere. Like, she can't just make water materialize out of the air, etc and so on (despite the presence of water in the air).
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:14 am

what it's used for doesn't matter. The fact is that once it is approved, other people can use that same exact power, but then use it FOR combat. And then you get the whole situation of having TOO much control outside the magic realm we have. Like anyone could take it, and then start using it to create barriers of elements that shield attacks, then blow anyone who gets close with wind, essentially creating a godmod scenario where the person using the magic is invincible. In other words, just work with your bolts and what you have. If you wanna start a campfire, shoot a firebolt at some wood and light it on fire. Just stay in the realm of the game.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Kayeori Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:24 am

Espeon (glacia) wrote:what it's used for doesn't matter. The fact is that once it is approved, other people can use that same exact power, but then use it FOR combat.

This is a common misconception. Even if a power is approved it's only for that individual. Not Everyone. Each and every person would have to apply for the power. They would also have to explain why there character has it and be able to use skills the back up the requested power. Or even in their own unique way. But the fact still stands they would have to request the power as well.
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:25 am

I remember seeing somewhere that was the opposite of that Kaye.
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Higura Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:31 am

Well you saw wrong then. People still have to request existing powers, and have a good reasoning for it.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:51 am

Well then, I hold the rest of my arguement steadfast. Just label specifics like others asked. Or you can use what we have to do things. Making a campfire is simple as getting some wood and throwing a tiny firebolt in it to create a fire. Just keep in mind what is within our realm of being able to do. And also, Wind and Earth magic don't exist. We have wind and clay alchemy, but those are restricted quite well ingame to needing a cylinder to harness the power within the crystal, and then you can only do a certain thing with that crystal.

What using what you have, lemme give a few examples.

Using a firebolt as a heat source for making a campfire, or heating up a drink, and then icebolt could be used to cool it down.
Just remember what does what and follow in line with basic logic, such as if something is wet and gets zapped, expect a reaction ICly.

In other words, it doesn't seem like the elemental thing is needed. Humor can be obtained through our current skill set quite easily.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:25 am

Well of course the water wouldn't come out of no where, there has to be a source, representation is something I can get a little help on, but really there is two ways I could do it, using the fun little * like in my example or just keep it Ice, Fire, and Lightning and say...hmmm...I lost my coat *summons ice and turns it into an umbrella* I would use like five icebolts to represent that.....I mean what you guys are telling me all the bad about it, and the same thing over and over again, I wouldn't be used for combat since it takes too much concetration so once hit and i'll be is not something I would use to god mode with...
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:31 am

As for a limit for the Magical Kiss, well let's see here:
Sorai has to have full MP and once she does the kiss I would get rid of the MP (equiping and unequiping a wand)

That enough limits for both of them?
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Higura Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:14 am

There was nothing wrong with the magic kiss. People had approved it, so I don't see why you need to restrict it more, but that's your initiative, I suppose.

It's not about something that "Won't" be used as godmoding, but what "Could" be used for such. We need to have the powers approved very specifically, because that way, there is no loopholes for any wrongdoing. Icebolt = Small charges of ice. I don't see how that = Ice umbrella. You'd probably need something closer to Ice Spear for that.

Also, why if you lost your coat, would you use an umbrella made of ice? Won't that just make you colder? Neutral
Kosher Dill Troll
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Guest Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:58 am

Didn't we have a character that could make their Ice Shield skill like an umbrella?

The magic kiss I can approve, even without the 100% mana sapping.

To approve something like 'elemental manipulation', we would like specifics. If we just approve 'elemental manipulation', it would mean it'd be possible for you to do something crazy(and not really possible) with the element, and it would technically have been approved.

If you need to, it's best to break down a large, vague power into a bunch of smaller, very specific ones. Little seperate elemental powers or something.


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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Dalvar Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:16 am

Soifa wrote:Didn't we have a character that could make their Ice Shield skill like an umbrella?

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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:07 pm

Dalvar wrote:
Soifa wrote:Didn't we have a character that could make their Ice Shield skill like an umbrella?

It was actually Krystal and Auron that do ice umbrellas that I know of.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Roze Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:14 pm

Soraina wrote:Like I said, they are more for adding humor into an RP like this lovely example of an old RP I did with another guild:

RPer 1: *fire starts to surround my body* I will get you!
Me: *uses magic to dump water on RPer 1*
Rper 1: ....

Generic but will get a will be used like really a power, more of an ability to expand my Magical Range

This scenario brings up that what you're asking could be a form of godmodding. It's like saying you control all the elements therefore you have what you need to stop anyone using elemental magic. Unless you have the ranks to -show- your magic is better than another's, I don't really like the idea.

Personally, I'd say take a little time to figure out what exactly you want the power to do and then resubmit it.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Soraina Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:18 pm

Here is somethings wrong with your ideas:
Ice Speare and Ice Shield, neither which my character has and most likely have her get them during an RP.
and with my little example, I have consent from RPer 1 to do it, and I could limit it to, instead of all four elements, lets use the three they give us, ya know? Elemental Manipulation was just a random idea I had to make RPs a little more humorous (I don't like constant fun), not intended for god modding of any kind and I would certinaly NOT use it to god mode. I would like both approved but if that's not possible...ah well.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:29 pm

Random Idea or not, no matter the use, needs specifics for approval. It isn't about what the use is going to be, it's what the use COULD become. And if you aren't willing to get something like Ice Shield to make a parasol, then why should you be able to make one using icebolt, which is simply just that. Every IC power needs OOC representation. So with this, only using the three bolts, you actually have quite the limit. If you want to make a "parasol" of any element, I suggest getting the corresponding shield to show this ICly. If something has OOC representation, not only does it make it easier to envision in the RP, but it makes it a lot easier to get approved.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Sorai's Abilites Empty Re: Sorai's Abilites

Post  Roze Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:41 pm

Soraina wrote:Here is somethings wrong with your ideas:
Ice Speare and Ice Shield, neither which my character has and most likely have her get them during an RP.
and with my little example, I have consent from RPer 1 to do it, and I could limit it to, instead of all four elements, lets use the three they give us, ya know? Elemental Manipulation was just a random idea I had to make RPs a little more humorous (I don't like constant fun), not intended for god modding of any kind and I would certinaly NOT use it to god mode. I would like both approved but if that's not possible...ah well.

Good intentions won't get your power approved. You need a good back up proving you won't have the ability to godmod. Also, if you don't desire to take the time to get the skill to back up your IC actions, I don't see the reason to approve them. It seems a bit lazy to me as the rest of us had to back up all of our abilities with in game representation.

Also: It appears from your first post (along with Cyler's) that you may or may not be using unapproved powers in RP already. Please refrain from using all powers until officially approved. Just a little reminder.
Kosher Dill Troll
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