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The Kaye's Epic Return!

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The Kaye's Epic Return! Empty The Kaye's Epic Return!

Post  Kayeori Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:27 am

Name: Kayeori De`Romanus a.k.a. Kaye
Age: Total Age unknown
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Race: Human
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 165lbs
Family: Sulia De`Romanus(Wife) Amilea De`Romanus(Daughter) Vayne De`Romanus(Adopted Son) Aneous Julien(Half brother) Julian Miyakuro(Half brother) Adrianna Julien(Half sister) Janice Nocturnal(Foster brother) Angelique Julien(Niece) Andre & Starr Julien(Nephew & Niece)(Twins)
Weapon of choice: Varies: Sword & Shield, Two handers, Magic, Dual Daggers, and on occasion Bows

**Warning!** This is not the original Bio. Please read the original here first: Otherwise ENJOY! Very Happy

Life in Erinn: A lot of things have been going on since Kaye's return to the world of Erinn. Her and Sulia finally tied the knot, adopted a son, and even had a child of their own. Yes they have a blood related daughter which Kaye carried and delivered. The father is Sulia as she, for a time, was a man. Funny story behind this ask about it sometime xD! Life had it's ups and downs. The war with Fenrir had changed a lot of people, but fortunately that was behind them now. Life didn't stay quiet for too long as shortly after a few things happened. Julian and Aneous both had returned once more to Erinn. It was nice to have them around again. Julian was the same as ever, but Neo seemed to have lost of his long term memories, and couldn't even retain his short term memories. It was a bit gut wrenching for Kaye, and she couldn't imagine how it effected Neo from day to day. Thankfully due to Julian's handy work and with the help of Neo's appointed sidekick Fawful his memory gradually came back to him. Life seemed to be back to normal save for one lurking problem. A doppelganger of Kaye was still wandering free to do what she pleased. Many issues were caused by her already and more were sure to surface if something wasn't done quickly.
At first Kaye felt it was best to handle the doppelganger without the help of anyone else. However, this proved to be more then she could handle on her own. Attempts to reason with her double always lead to confrontation. One of which left Kaye hurt pretty badly. A few weeks would pass before Kaye was back to full strength. It was decided during a family meeting that Kaye and Sulia would go out in search of the other Kaye and put an end to this once and for all. Amy was left in the care of her brother Vayne while the two were away. Almost an entire year would pass before they even found something to lead them in the right direction. While on their journey they both trained hard for the upcoming confrontation. It was just past the second year when they finally found her. It started civil enough, but soon turned bad as the tension rose between the two Kaye's. The battle was a heated one even with Sulia there to help. But the end result was in Kaye's favor. It was an awkward victory as it seemed like the double just lost the will to keep go on further. A look to Sulia, and then back to the one she felt stole her life. She shook her head and sighed falling to her knees "I can't. It isn't in me to do this. I can see what you have is real. That and you have a daughter. I just... Can't." One fatal life drain was all it took after that. Kaye stood over where the double had just been and she sniffles a bit. Turning back to Sulia with tears in her eyes and sighs "Did I really do the right thing?" Sulia comforted the red head she loved so much. A sweet embraced and spoke softly "We did what we felt was right. In the end she made her own choice. She chose to submit to your will. If you wish to honor her request then live without any regret."
It was a hard thing to have to deal with, but Kaye knew she had to move on. She had Sulia, Amy, and Vayne that depended on her. In turn she could depend on them when she needed them. It was time to return to the family she had not seen in years now. She wondered a bit what all she had missed in all this time...
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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