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Tatsu's Notebook

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Tatsu's Notebook Empty Tatsu's Notebook

Post  Laikika Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:13 am

Entry 01
Mood: Happy!
Weather: Partly cloudy with some rain
(written in a very childish scrawl with some misspellings)

Papa says it's good to write everything down so's you don't forget. Today me 'n Retsu got to go off by areselves. We spended a lot of time in Tir chawn chun Chonail. There are a lot of people in that little town. They like to teach everybody how to fight. They're like Mama in that way. I think sending little kids into dungeens to fight big spiders is very eere irrre irresponsibb unwise. Someone could get hurt. Both Retsu and I had to go in and find some poor kids who gots lost in Alby Dungeen. They was older than we was. But dungeens have treasure, and thats good!

Then Me 'n Retsu went exploring. We met a fat man and he sold us some axes and taught us to fall down and pretend to be dead. We also fond some good places to build a hideout, but we didn't wanna stop yet, so we kept going till we found a town named Dumb Dunbarton. It was much better than Tir Chonail and the people don't all wanna teach you to fight. I got a book about cooking and also a book about how to make fires. We builded a fire and danced around it. It was very fun and today was a good day.
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 35

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Tatsu's Notebook Empty Re: Tatsu's Notebook

Post  Laikika Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:03 pm

Entry 02
Mood: Very Happy!
Weather: Sunny and Rainy

(written in a very childish scrawl with some misspellings)

Retsu said he wanted ta show me Ayvon. He gave me a pretty feather an said we could use it to go to Ayvon. So we went. It was very stray strange. Half of Ayvon is sunny and pretty and half is dark and stormy, but all of it is very very wet. Water got in my shoes and made them squish. I don't like squish shoes. Retsu said I should get some boots. He says his boots can go anywhere. I said they can't go in deep water! He said they can too. He took off his boots and throo them. They sank. I guess it's true that boots can go anywhere.... but Retsu lost his boots. Mama's gonna scold.....

We founded a parrut Parrot. It squalked and talked when we shook it's tree. But it only talked silly. Retsu says he wants to teach a parrot to call a certain girl bun-head. I dunno who he means, but she mustave made Retsu mad. She's a bad girl. I said I wanted a parrot to say "Oh gods Help! I've been buried alive!"So people would freak out and dig holes everywhere to try and find me. Then there'd be big holes everywhere!

I talked to a strange guy. He made me take part in some plays. He said he needed a little girl. I'm not little! But it was fun to play pretend with so many people. I wish I had a pretty dress.

Last edited by Laikika on Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : formatting)
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 35

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Tatsu's Notebook Empty Re: Tatsu's Notebook

Post  Laikika Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:22 pm

Entry 03
Mood: Mostly happy with a little scaredy
Weather: Sunny!

(The childish scrawl is a little improved and there are fewer mistakes)

Retsu has gotten taller, but not taller than me! He might be a little older but I'm taller. I am! But you know what he said? He said I got ~F A T !~ I was so mad! I'm not fat! I told him I wasn't gonna give him any snacks then, and he was sorry. So I gave him some strawberry milk. He liked it and wanted another. He's gonna be fat if he eats snacks so fast, but I didn't tell him that. I made the Strawberry milks myself, so I'm glad he liked them. Papa can cook and I wanta cook too!

I told him about some hotsprings I read about. Somewhere in Sardine, I think the book said? Retsu said he knows them 'cuz Papa took him there once. How come Papa never takes me nowhere? But Retsu said he'd take me. I want to go. I want to see the monkeys. Retsu said Monkeys will give you their hair. What do you do with that hair? make hairballs? So we goed. First we took a horse down to Port Ceann. It's nice but it smells a lil fishy. Then we buyed boat tickets and got on the boat. I like boats. So windy! Some fish jumped out of the water and flyed with us. Do fish feel like they're flying when they're underwater?

I don't like Port Qilla. It's smelly and rekkit Rikkity. But some girl gave me another practice sword even though I don't want it. It was like being in Tir Chonaill. We left pretty quicky though, and I liked Maiz Prarie. It is so big! We went into a valley and there was a monkey etched on the ground! It looks like monkey business! But then we got in some caves. It was fine at first, but then things got bad. There were all sorts of doors we couldn't open. Then we got lost. Then we lost each other. After wantering around for a long time, I found the way out. Then I found Retsu. I think I must be good at finding things. But when we got out, it was late. So we decided to make camp on a big etching of a star. I gave Retsu another strawberry milk because he was crying having the hiccups and dust in his eyes.

Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 35

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