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New Member- Inke

Mari Eir
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New Member- Inke Empty New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:32 pm

Character Name: Silk

How You Heard About The RP Society: I used to be in it for a very short while.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: Around 6 years.

Is English Your First Language?: Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Silk was born to two half-cat half-humans, and ended up being one herself. She was being taught how to fight and defend herself by her parents, but she was very hard to teach. She only learned basic skills and her parents became worried. They tried their very best, even getting some of their friends to try to help, but she still didn't learn much. Eventually her parents shoved what knowledge they could into her and left her to live on her own. Being weak and pretty dumb about the way of doing things for herself she slowly became very poor and unable to do much about it, she decided to try to learn how to sing. She kept trying and trying to get better, until she eventually didn't know if she could go any longer. But then as she was singing in where she thought was the middle of nowhere, a mysterious man came out from hiding behind a bush and dropped several thousand coins at her feet. Since then she has never been very poor and is always getting more money, the way she gets it unknown to others. Several people know her, but not alot know the real her.

What type of character do you play?: As sort of described in bio, I play a half-cat half-human who is very weak. She experiments with magic at times, but can never get very far with it. She is also very childish and a bit crazy.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?: I usually play daily for a couple hours.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Mari Eir Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:34 pm

So if you were in before, you already have an account with us? Do you remember that information?
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:38 pm

I remember the name of the account, but not the password.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Mari Eir Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:42 pm

What was your username? I can't really do much myself about the PW, but we like to avoid multiple accounts on the forums.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:45 pm

The name was Amelianna. And I'm sorry, I probably could have searched around for the password. Would you prefer me to do that and use the other account instead?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Mari Eir Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:55 pm

That'd probably be best, but from what I can see you really are already an approved member. I don't have anything wrong with this bio either, looks like a clean slate type of character.

You're the.. third catgirl? I approve of the bio, let's just get the multiple account issue sorted out. ^__^
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:24 pm

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure if I can find it after all. Tried several of the passwords I typically use and none work. Would it be possible to just stick with this account?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Mari Eir Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:33 pm

Well, we can't do anything about it until the leader shows up. The bio has already gotten my personal approval, just wait until other Councilors/Mentors have their say.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Glaceon Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:53 pm

Milletian or Erinn-Born?

That is the question...
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:56 pm

Erinn born ^^.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Mari Eir Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:14 am

Thanks Glac. I had meant to ask but had gotten caught up in the other issue. Please realize this means your character will be gone for good should you die in an RP. Milletians, however, are immortal.
Mari Eir
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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:24 pm

If she was just a milletian, she wouldn't be that worried about fighting and stuff. And I have a quick question because I wasn't sure where else to ask it.. what if I rebirth? Would I be able to work that in somehow, even as erinn-born?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Dalvar Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:27 pm

If you are an Erinn born, you do not rebirth.
Rebirthing automatically makes you a soul streamer.
Which means you can't die.

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Glaceon Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:34 pm

You can be a milletian and still care about your life. Or end up like Glacia and not know you are a Milletian.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Xeek Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:02 pm

Xeek still cares about his life, he has only died like 1-3 times. And only one of them was by another character.

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:05 pm

..Are you trying to force me to be a milletian by giving good examples?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Xeek Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:17 pm

Inke wrote:..Are you trying to force me to be a milletian by giving good examples?

Xeek is far from a good example xD But, I have characters that have not died once. And I have one that died well over 20 times already. The choice is yours.

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Kayeori Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:03 am

I doubt that anyone is trying to persuade you to choose milletian over Erinn born. That's just the norm for most people joining or returning to the guild. If you do feel this way I would like to apologize on behalf of the guild and encourage you to play the character as your own. Within guild guidelines and all of course but your bio doesn't throw any flags up from what I'm seeing.

I went ahead and did a quick search and you received three approvals from our mentors and council when you applied prior. As such I see no reason to continue your application process. We just ask you please be patient while our guild leader, or officer, is able to induct you back into the guild proper. The only thing we now have to take care of is the start of your mentoring which I shall be setting up right now. Let me be the first, unless someone has already, to welcome you back to The RP Society. Very Happy
Dessert Dragon
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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Inke Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:37 am

Oh, no, I wasn't feeling like I was being persuaded. But now that I think about it, milletain would probably fit me better. And thanks! ^^

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Dellinger Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:42 am

Were there 3 approvals?
They got bogged down in critiques.
Are there any other issues?

Please speak up, all.

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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Guest Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:40 pm

I approve of this character. If there's still a multiple account issue, I'm not quite sure how to help there.

-places approval hat-


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New Member- Inke Empty Re: New Member- Inke

Post  Kayeori Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:08 pm

Oh heck I forgot to move this. I went and checked to see if they were approved in their prior account and they are. I just forgot to move this at the time. I also updated they're old mentee post. It's under Amelianna. I'll go ahead and move this now lmao.
Dessert Dragon
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