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Faunus-The Creation Myth

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Faunus-The Creation Myth Empty Faunus-The Creation Myth

Post  Adhamh Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:24 am

((Well, originally, Faunus was created for a mythology project for my Speech class. Decided to bring him here.Warning: The story has some gruesome detail.))

On an uncharted island, far off the coast of South America, a tribe of indigenous people thrived. These people killed everything in sight. From foxes to birds to fish. All to satisfy their never-ending hunger. They were the master hunters. One being though, didn't find the local wildlife to be sufficient to satisfy his hunger. He desired more. He lusted for human flesh.

He stole away in the night and killed his entire family. He enjoyed thoroughly the meat that slid off their bones as they cooked over a roaring fire. The pungent odor attracted several other members of the tribe. They swarmed with intentions of feasting the meat the man was devouring. The man refused to share the human flesh and resumed his cannibalistic gluttony. Then, one hungering woman impaled the selfish primitive and attempted to take the meat for herself. One child became a distraction to her, while another slit her throat. The entire village became participants in the bloodbath, for they killed each other for the remains of the meat. From the primal souls of the villagers, was born a monstrous and amorphous being.

In the village center, the being stalked, laughing wildly at the carnage. His laugh became a mixture of bestial howls and roars. His eyes glowed brightly and his face became distorted with some sort of demonic grin. He ran on all fours and sliced and slashed at the corpses, causing blood to glitter the air. The blood gave the creature immortality, thus making it a god. The souls of the not-yet departed animals began to converge with the beast and gave it shape as well as a sensitivity towards wildlife. It took the shape of an overgrown, humanoid wolf. Primal energy became visible and gave the god a set of wings. No feathers, just pure energy. Feathers from the avian corpses soon decorated and fully encased the wings. The god took flight and stole some moonlight to dust his wings with a never-ceasing shine. He thieved a ray from the Sun and molded it into twin bangles. Thus, the god was complete. The mixture of wildlife and primitive humanity created a god. A god with a vengeance towards humans but a shield for animals. Faunus, the god of Primal Instinct and Guardian of Wildlife.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Faunus-The Creation Myth Empty Re: Faunus-The Creation Myth

Post  Adhamh Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:54 am

((Of course, I edited some things in RPS Faunus. The blood didn't make Faunus immortal. The final design of Faunus also lost the armor pieces mentioned in the other myth.))
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

Posts : 2261
Join date : 2010-06-25
Age : 31
Location : Anywhere, everywhere, and nowhere all at the same time.

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