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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Mari Eir
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Keidren Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:24 pm

Character Name: Keidren

How You Heard About The RP Society:
Been looking for a Roleplaying guild most of my mabi life till I found this Society.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?
I started roleplaying in the 7th grade and played all the way through high school.
After schooling, I've Roleplayed on and off up till now verying between online roleplay
sites and table top D20 system and D10 system (D&D and world of darkness). expect me to
be a bit rusty ^_^;

Is English Your First Language?

Name: Keidren the Dragon-hearted

Age: Arrived at the mental age of 19 but physically 10.

Birth Race: human converted to the form of a Elf/Giant Hybrid.

Family: the Orphans are the closest thing to family he has (explaination in bio xD)

Hobbies: Playing with the orphan, travel and exploration, running mission for the
Taillteann militia.

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Height: 8ft 2in

Weight: 354 lbs

likes: Learning different cultures, strawberry milk, listening to music,
dancing and attending formal ball, dances and banquets, singing, exploring dungeon
and retreiving rare tombs, trinkets and relics.

Dislikes: People that are inconsiderate to other peoples cultures, mean-spirited people,
snobs, violence, asperagus, being wounded and bullies that mess with other because
they may be a little bit weaker or different.

Theme song: The Sky, the Clouds and You.

Beastmode theme: The One Who Is Torn Apart

How he came to be in Erinn/Bio: Keidren was born in the town
of Weeping Briar. It was small, surround by mostly barren wasteland, and people
struggled to survive. Keidren's parents couldn't afford to keep him and decided
they would leave him at a random noble's door step in a neighboring city a couple days
travel west. The peasant Father set off first thing in the morning. Through Wild and
unpredictable Weathers of the Wasteland, the father protected his child from torrential
rains and raging wind.The earth below him seemed to just swallow the rain as if it never hit
the ground. He began to question whether or not he wanted to let his only child go but he
knew if he kept him he would live a horrible life of poverty and he didn't want that kind of
life for his son. He would be better in the hands of someone who can feed him and give him
a proper education.

He arrived at the city in the dead of night and surveyed the buildings in the area, avoiding
the city watchmen. Picking the first home that looked as if they owner would have been Wealthy,
his son wrapped in only a dirty tattered blanket. He set the child down on the door step, crouched down
gave him a kiss on the forehead. "This is for the best..." he whispered out loud. He stood up
gave the door three loud knocks, turned and ran into a dark ally near by within line of sight.
Kneeling behind a couple barrels left out in the alleyway, he watched as an old man
around his mid 40's open the door to find an infant sitting on his door step.

As the old man took the child in, the Father made his way down the ally way flipping the hood of
his cloak over his head. He held back tears but tried to maintain his composure, trying to convince
himself that what he did was the right thing to do.

The old man happened to have been a bitter old knight whom despite his wealth never was satisfied
with life. He was war torn with his fair share of scars, most noticeably he was missing an eye covered
by an eye patch he sowed up himself. He named the infant Keidren, provided him with the best education
that was available at the time, and every other hour of the day was trained to be a knight. At first he
was cruel to the little boy. Pushed hard showing him no mercy and leaving him no room for error or he'd
suffer the consequences. When the boy hit his teenage years the old man and Keidren had begun to bond.
Over the years the old man found himself becoming proud of himself, and found that he was happier now then
before he took in orphan he found on his door step many year before.

Keidren's skills were recognized by the king when he hosted a Knight's Tournament to recruit squires from
different households. The winners would be drafted to help fight against an invading country and when the war was over they were promised 10 acres of land and a Knighting ceremony for the brave squires who survived. Keidren Represented household Dragon-hearted. His prowess in combat caught the eye of the king and was proclaimed one of the winners. Keidren went to war and fought several battles and survived most of them, after many of his comrades were slain Keidren took command of what was left of his battalion plus a couple of green soldiers. After a couple of battles more Keidren and his battalion fell after being ambushed on an assignment to escort food, supplies and soldiers to a town that was in dire need of reinforcements. Unknown to Keidren a rival squire he had beat in the tourney, had defected to the enemy just for the pleasure of witnessing his death. The battle lasted for hours and it seemed that they were losing infantry left and right till it was just the 5 squires that won at the tournament. They stuck tight together and fended off the enemy soldiers as best as they could. The squires were well armored and well trained and these were just common infantry, but eventually the they became overwhelmed. After a while the enemy forces over came the squires with their sheer numbers and all 5 were mercilessly slain.

Just as the finishing blow landed, Keidren blacked out. When he awoke he was surrounded in darkness, he slowly stood up and looked around nothing could be seen. His armor, hung to him just by a leather strap was beaten cracked and for the most part torn asunder. He tore it from his person and began to walk...and walk...and walk some more. Just as he gave up on searching for some sign of a way out of this place he spotted a dim light at the top of some stairs that began to illuminate and reflect the light. So he climbed it and gradually it became brighter and brighter. By the time he reached the top he found himself on a circular platform with what he recognized as a Celtic knot. He walked to the center of it watching the owls circle him all around the platform. Then she appeared, a beautiful woman with gorgeous white hair and deep blue eyes seemed to appear out of what seemed like thin air, with a graceful spin she landed softly on her feet. "Hello, there..." she said with a gentle tone, "You are Keidren, right? I've been waiting for you."

Keidren was set in the world of Erinn at the young age of 8 but when he arrived something abnormal happened. Keidren had been brought into the world of Erinn as an Elf/Giant Hybrid. Because of this when he reached the age of 10 he stopped growing; That and amongst other things he had pointed ears. These two flaws made it very hard for him to interact socially with other giants for one, they would treat him like a child and when they took notice to the deformity of his ears most would choose not to interact with him.
Before he knew it he was considered an abomination by most of the villagers in Vales except for the merchants, they at the very least tolerated him. Keidren knew how much Krug disliked elves and feared approaching him, not knowing the extent of hatred the king of giants held for the elven race. So Keidren fled to the other continent of Uladh, there he found a place to stay at an orphanage and when he heads into town he poses as a really tall human. His role there is cleaning up the facilities and running errands such as going to Dunbarton to pick up groceries.

For the most part when Keidren is around the orphans he acts like a child. He plays with them but makes sure they don't get into too much trouble. He's Kind and warm-hearted, almost literally a gentle Giant. Sometimes he tends to break stuff but makes sure to be extra careful when handling living creatures; Being human in his past life, he is still trying to get used to his size and strength. He tries not to get angry when someone wrongs him and doesn't like to hold a grudge. He feels its a waste of energy and wont bother
with it. Keidren is usually docile when people try to pick on him or call him names but when you mess with loved ones he'll protect them till death or till they render him unconscious.

He's never had a real sense of good family and tends to get emotional over mushy stuff, he doesn't wanna lose that feeling and will go out of his way to make his loved ones smile. In his free time he wanders around Erinn looking for new adventures to go on, and if he feels something is boring he'll try to make it fun.
He tries at all times to be Chivalrous and wont raise his sword unless he has to. On a darker note: Keidren has a second personality that seemed to manifest itself from all the abuse and pent up anger he has. It triggers when he gets highly emotional either from fear or a highly intense anger/hatred for a certain individual. You have to have wronged him greatly to trigger that much hatred. For those of you familiar with alignments Keidren for the most part stays Chaotic Good and can be when he has a controlled transformation, but if you push that panic/hatred button he can go Chaotic Evil real fast. Panic is somewhat of a frenzied attempt to either escape or neutralize the threat, hatred is more of a kill everything in sight.

That Special Someone: Keidren has never experienced love, it might turn out either very embarassing for him or very special; probably both.

Character Friends: only friend he has at the moment are the orphans.

Character History Through the Player: Fresh out of the Brain case, As most of my characters are. I hope to make him a more intimate character by RPing with who ever would rp with me :3

What type of character do you play? For the most apart Keidren is skilled at melee combat. After all he's been trained in his past life as a Knight But personally believes being versatile will him keep him alive in a combat situation. So he wouldn't restrict himself from learning other forms of combat.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I play almost every day but I do take breaks as to not get too bored with this game.

On a final note I'd like to apologize for the novel, if I wrote too much I apologize, it was probably because its 3:15 in the morning when I finished
it. xD

Last edited by Keidren on Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:32 pm

Mmk. Awesome story. Awesome, awesome, and some more awesome. (Mainly because I'm biased towards giants. >_> Lol jk.) Well, I do have one inquiry. This isn't for you necessarily, but for the colored names on this site. Are giant/elf hybrids allowed? I know we have hybrids and stuff, but is that specific hybrid okay?

On another note, your character reminds me some of my own giant character, Adhamh. I would definitely like to RP with you sometime. Add me in-game if you want "Kinganimalia" and/or "Animaster37".

Oh! Also, you forgot to mention what type of character you play. Is he a fighter, healer, etc. If he's a fighter, is he melee/magic/alch, etc. Razz
Cromm Crunch
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Post  Mari Eir Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:48 pm

I don't believe it's disallowed. The only issue I personally see with it is he is a Milletian. I don't find it ENTIRELY odd, but I'll wait for other Blue Shirts and Red Shirts to comment. Everything else looks good to me though, Kei :3
Mari Eir
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Post  Temo Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:49 pm

I think they are allowed, but frowned upon by both races. I'm pretty sure we had one such character once (though no clue what happened to them) and a few others with giant/elf relations that were pretty much outcast for them. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it if you can follow that example. Giant and elf relations are still somewhat hostile even with the advancement of the G's, so I'm pretty sure this subject is going to have somebody getting punted over icecaps or buried under sand dunes when brought up. Razz
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:54 pm

Psh Adhamh would take him as a brother. >Razz
Cromm Crunch
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Keidren Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:04 pm

I had a feeling that would be brought up but I personally don't see why it would be disallow I gain no benefit from it. If anything it would be a disadvantage seeing as any giant who would hold strong to their tradition would ignore, shun or even possibly attack him for what he is. But if anyone Objects to my characters race I will gladly change my Bio and just be a full giant but I'd prefer to keep my character intact xD
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Higura Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:06 pm

I personally see nothing wrong with it.

You have the Higura's approval on this character.

Fine how it is.
Kosher Dill Troll
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:08 pm

Keidren wrote:I had a feeling that would be brought up but I personally don't see why it would be disallow I gain no benefit from it. If anything it would be a disadvantage seeing as any giant who would hold strong to their tradition would ignore, shun or even possibly attack him for what he is. But if anyone Objects to my characters race I will gladly change my Bio and just be a full giant but I'd prefer to keep my character intact xD

It's not that it causes any advantage or anything. Only thing that I wondered was how it would be represented in-game. Like our werewolves use werewolf robes and pets. As do many other of our hybrids.
Cromm Crunch
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:11 pm

I like the idea and honestly don't see why Nao WOULDN'T put someone into Erinn that is half and half. I love the story, Keidren. I approve :3
Mari Eir
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:15 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:I like the idea and honestly don't see why Nao WOULDN'T put someone into Erinn that is half and half. I love the story, Keidren. I approve :3

Yea, the idea's awesome. I have no problem personally.
Cromm Crunch
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Keidren Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:20 pm

Adhamh wrote:
Keidren wrote:I had a feeling that would be brought up but I personally don't see why it would be disallow I gain no benefit from it. If anything it would be a disadvantage seeing as any giant who would hold strong to their tradition would ignore, shun or even possibly attack him for what he is. But if anyone Objects to my characters race I will gladly change my Bio and just be a full giant but I'd prefer to keep my character intact xD

It's not that it causes any advantage or anything. Only thing that I wondered was how it would be represented in-game. Like our werewolves use werewolf robes and pets. As do many other of our hybrids.
Well for starters I would never allow my character to appear over the age of 10. I figured being half elf would kinda stunt his growth a bit. I don't know how I could get him to have pointed ear but I chose Braided hair for my giant and figured I'd just say he manipulated his braid to hide them.

and thank you Higura and Mariella for the approval Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:24 pm

Keidren wrote:
Adhamh wrote:
Keidren wrote:I had a feeling that would be brought up but I personally don't see why it would be disallow I gain no benefit from it. If anything it would be a disadvantage seeing as any giant who would hold strong to their tradition would ignore, shun or even possibly attack him for what he is. But if anyone Objects to my characters race I will gladly change my Bio and just be a full giant but I'd prefer to keep my character intact xD

It's not that it causes any advantage or anything. Only thing that I wondered was how it would be represented in-game. Like our werewolves use werewolf robes and pets. As do many other of our hybrids.
Well for starters I would never allow my character to appear over the age of 10. I figured being half elf would kinda stunt his growth a bit. I don't know how I could get him to have pointed ear but I chose Braided hair for my giant and figured I'd just say he manipulated his braid to hide them.

Razz That could work. Though, it would impair his hearing some. He could also wear a hat or something. Our RP characters tend to have hats and are highly fond of them. My human for one, and the best example I know of, Soifa.
Cromm Crunch
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:44 pm

Actually, depending on how he wears his hair, it shouldn't be an issue at all. Of course being half Giant, his hearing's not going to be as good as an elf's anyway.
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:48 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:Actually, depending on how he wears his hair, it shouldn't be an issue at all. Of course being half Giant, his hearing's not going to be as good as an elf's anyway.

Actually, his half-giant side wouldn't or rather, shouldn't affect his hearing if he has the ears of an elf. And I only say the impaired hearing because since it's in braids, it'd actually be compressed under his hair and would be muffled.
Cromm Crunch
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Keidren Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:59 pm

Adhamh wrote:
Mariella Kana wrote:Actually, depending on how he wears his hair, it shouldn't be an issue at all. Of course being half Giant, his hearing's not going to be as good as an elf's anyway.

Actually, his half-giant side wouldn't or rather, shouldn't affect his hearing if he has the ears of an elf. And I only say the impaired hearing because since it's in braids, it'd actually be compressed under his hair and would be muffled.

I actually meant for it to just cover the tips enough for his ears to pass as normal from a decent distance. If someone were to actually take a closer look and observe his ears they would easily notice that they were pointed.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Adhamh Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:05 pm

Ah okay. That's cool.
Cromm Crunch
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Post  Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:56 pm

-jumps in-

Approval! <3

-ninja poofs out-


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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Kalamiko Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:37 pm

That story is even longer than mine!

*Loses title of Longest Bio Story*
Kosher Dill Troll
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:16 pm

Make sure to apply at the stone so you're ready to be inducted when either Cap or Dell logs on. ^__^
Mari Eir
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Post  Kyaelas Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:45 pm

Keidren, I know my approval doesn't matter quite so much as it would for the colored-names, but you have it.

That biography was just sad. I don't know how else to say it. Everything from the father disowning his child to give him a better life, to the cruel death, to the shunning from Elves and Giants, then running away to live in an Orphanage.. That was all just saddenning for me.

When I include my human in this Society, let him be one of the orphans you lived with? Very Happy

Nice hat.
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New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted Empty Re: New member - Keidren The dragon-hearted

Post  Keidren Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:58 pm

Elvemage7 wrote:Keidren, I know my approval doesn't matter quite so much as it would for the colored-names, but you have it.

That biography was just sad. I don't know how else to say it. Everything from the father disowning his child to give him a better life, to the cruel death, to the shunning from Elves and Giants, then running away to live in an Orphanage.. That was all just saddenning for me.

When I include my human in this Society, let him be one of the orphans you lived with? Very Happy

Nice hat.

Well my friend, though you may be just a fresh recruit just as I, you are a comrade and yours and any other person's opinion in this Society will be valued and kept in consideration.

@mari: and it is done, m'lady. -elegant yet slightly corny bow-
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Xeek Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:35 am

Xeek: *stretches his dragon wings, trying to show dominance, and scowls* What's with the title?

Other than that.... man that's a long Bio xD

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Post  Kayeori Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:41 am

I personally have no problem with this either. If it came down to it I would say he just has elven like ears and has stunted growth thus he is different from his Giant brethren. The Kaye will also approve of this fine applicant. Welcome to the RP Society! Very Happy
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Post  Auramune Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:01 am

I really like this story. =D

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Post  Keidren Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:18 am

Auramune wrote:I really like this story. =D
thanks I actually spent a couple hours making my bio last night. I got stuck writing the story, it was the beginning that was the hardest part after that the story just Flowed on lol
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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