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New Member - Sierellia

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New Member - Sierellia Empty New Member - Sierellia

Post  Lia Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:40 pm

Character Name: Sierellia [Fullname: Sierellia Alessa Feanna Morrigu III] (Elli/Lia/Whatever you want for short. All the short names are taken!)

How You Heard About The RP Society: Searching Google for Mabinogi RP.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: On and off for about ten years or so.

Is English Your First Language?: Absolutely. However, you may notice some seemingly out of place u's in my words. I'm Australian. :p

A Short Biography Of Your Character: In her own world, Sierellia was an apprentice to a magician of some renown, though to think she attained this position through her own merits would be a mistake; Sierellia had the good fortune to have been born into an exceedingly well-off family. Her younger years were a showcase of luxuries; she rarely had to even lift a finger unless she wished it. Her traineeship was bought by her father, money replacing the need for the girl to have any real talent in the sorcerous arts.

Sierellia's teacher refused to let her cast magic at first, a most distressing state of affairs for the girl who was used to her heart's every desire being fulfilled in a moment. Instead, she was delegated the dutiy of repairing the wizard's repository of worn out clothing. Begrudgingly doing so after being told she would not be fed if she did not work, Sierellia spent several weeks working the needle and thread with varied levels of (Read: very little) success.

As the days turned into weeks, Sierellia knew she needed to do something. The work of a seamstress did not suit one of such fine blood. One night, as her teacher slept, she crept into his room, quietly removing an old tome filled with incantations. Her heart raced as she opened the cover... At last, something worthy of her attention; something worthy of her pursuit!

With trembling fingers, she traced the patterns on the page, recognising a few of them from what little magic the wizard had taught her as the somatic component of a simple fire spell. Reading the incantation several times, just to make sure she'd get it right, Sierellia traced the patterns in the air, reciting the spell with the passion only a novice can muster, then... Poof!

Uncertain of what had actually brought her to this world of shining white, Sierellia could feel something pulling her across the vast, bright emptiness. Time didn't seem to matter as much in this place. She drifted, guided by the invisible tide for what could have been mere seconds or what could have been days.

The light seemed to lose just a touch of its brightness, allowing Sierellia's eyes to focus on a black-clad woman with an air of graceful mystery to her. The woman introduced herself as Nao, explaining to the young lady her situation. Assuming the events were simply a dream, Sierellia took little notice of anything Nao said, certain that, given a little time, she would wake up in the small, uncomfortable bed she'd been allotted in the wizard's tower.

The dream was incredibly life-like. The desert sand grated against her skin as the warm wind blew it from the rolling dunes, the dry grass crunched under her feet, and she was sure that the heat would be terrible for her hair.

Had mispronounced a word in the spell? She was sure that must be the case. Somehow she'd managed to transport herself into her dreams. Now, if only she could find a way out...

After traversing the unknown land for a time, an uncomfortably hot, sore-footed Sierellia arrived at Fillia. Though an elf in her homeworld, Sierellia was used to the forest of her home.Their shade, their hiding spots, their flowing streams... The complete opposite of the homeland of Erinn's elves, the harsh Longa Desert.

Despite her misgivings and hurdles, Sierellia slowly settled into her new life. Using her meagre skill in sewing, she would often lend a hand at the clothing shop (though the term 'lending a hand' is subjective; her tantrums would often scare off potential customers); she used her knowledge of music, instilled in her by her parents, to occasionally perform on street corners (though she would receive most of her donations by snapping at people who walked past her without a second thought). She'd even managed to befriend a magical broom and carpet (though she wasn't quite sure how to feel about her best friends being household objects).

Though she has met others who claimed to have come from other lands and far off times, some small part of her still clung to the hope that any second, she would wake up and hear the familiar cry of the morning birds of the forest...

What type of character do you play?: Fledgling mage.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?: I have several other commitments that I have to juggle as well as work, so my Mabinogi time is, sadly, quite sporadic. I intendd aim for at least ten or so hours of it on the weekend. That said, however, I am still very new to the game, having only registered for the first time last week, so at the moment I am quite wrapt with it. Smile Sorry in advance for any questions with bleedingly obvious answers I ask!

Several OOC things! First of all, I apologise if that bio was a bit long. That was the short version. xD; About the flying broom/carpet... Do I need to seek separate approval for them? Do you guys have any weekly sessions that you meet up to do a block of RPing? Are dungeon runs considered IC? Last of all, while I do hope that my other commitments don't interfere with the mentoring program, I may have to ask for a bit of an extension on the month deadline depending on how things go.

Thank you for your time!

Last edited by Sierellia on Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added fullname. Yup. :D)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Glaceon Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:29 pm

Incredible Bio, loved the read.

As for the pets, I don't think they need approval. I may be wrong on this. A higher up will correct me.

Judging by the bio, I take it your character is an elf. Good Times.

I really look forward to RPing with you, and I'm sure the councillors can answer any questions you have. Good Luck.
Glas Ghoblehht
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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Dalvar Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:53 pm

You're brilliant, I love you!

As for your questions...
Pets do not need approval.
RPs usually happen in an unorganized fashion, you can use the Guild Chat to try and snag one or jump into one already taking place.
Unless otherwise stated, everything done in game is IC. This includes dungeon runs.
You will get an extension if it is obvious you are trying. But I wouldn't worry about it. Most people are on more often on the weekends and we even have a Mentor who is from Australialand as well.

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Krystal Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:58 pm

I love this bio. It fits perfectly. While longer than most, it shows just how much thought you put into this. Also... Aussie!? Kerrins will love you.

So I'll assume that she is Millitean, as she has entered the soul stream and met Nao. What that means is that you can come back if your character dies. Being killed means a player kills you, not the monsters. Monsters would knock her out or close to.

Pets do not need to be approved, the only things that need approving are abilities outside of the normal in-game skills. (For instance, if your icebolt also freezes the person in place for a few moments (Represented through stun), you would need approval for that, as normal icebolts just hurt). Otherwise, if you have it and it works exactly like the game skill does with no changes, you do not need it approved (I think a few exceptions are trans skills, as they are obtained differently for other people). Also when posting powers you should put them all in the same post.

We don't normally do weekly sessions... it's more like RP whenever you feel like it, where-ever you want, with whoever. We don't specify times, it's when you want to.

Dungeon runs are actually normally OOC, Dal, unless you agree to do it ICly. At least with me they always have been. And yes, just about everything is done ICly.

And with that.. I think we need more approvals.

Buckwheat Dragon
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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Higura Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:12 am


Impressive. Deeply moving biography. You have my approval.

...I have nothing further to state, as the questions you asked have already been answered. But I hope you'll enjoy yourself with RPS.

And no, your schedule shouldn't matter. ^^
Kosher Dill Troll
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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Dalvar Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:35 am

Krystal wrote:Dungeon runs are actually normally OOC, Dal, unless you agree to do it ICly. At least with me they always have been. And yes, just about everything is done ICly.
The standard is that they are IC.

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:38 am

You have the officer's approval.
Letting you in.
Make sure you applied at the guildstone, please.

Mentors, you are hounds.
Be released!

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Lia Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:42 am

Thank you everyone for the kind comments! *runs off to find that guildstone again*

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Krystal Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:45 am

Dalvar wrote:
Krystal wrote:Dungeon runs are actually normally OOC, Dal, unless you agree to do it ICly. At least with me they always have been. And yes, just about everything is done ICly.
The standard is that they are IC.

I do. It's just they normally are OOC for me. >.>;
Buckwheat Dragon
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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:48 am

Well, Cru, that means your wrong.
So terribly wrong.
Wrong in the wrongest sense of wrong.

And yes, new one.
You shall experience this exact same face-palming pain every day.
Welcome to RPS. lol!

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Krystal Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:52 am

Dellinger wrote:Well, Cru, that means your wrong.
So terribly wrong.
Wrong in the wrongest sense of wrong.

B-B-But.... Sad Then why do people always ask me weather or not they're doing dungeons IC?!?!
Buckwheat Dragon
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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:53 am

Krystal wrote:B-B-But.... Sad Then why do people always ask me whether or not they're doing dungeons IC?!?!

I reiterate the wrongness. =P

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New Member - Sierellia Empty Re: New Member - Sierellia

Post  Adhamh Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:42 pm

I have to agree with Cru here. The times I do a dungeon or SM with you RP weirdos (<3 you guys!), it's OOC.
Cromm Crunch
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