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Shibo Shado [Bio and some back drop]

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Shibo Shado [Bio and some back drop] Empty Shibo Shado [Bio and some back drop]

Post  ShiboShado Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:27 pm

Name: Shibo Shadofury
Age: 13
Alignment: Good
Location: Living currently in Dunbarton
Race: Human/ ???
Family: Father:???? , Mother: ???? ,Grandfather: Wiluthen shadofury, Great aunt: Invidia Shadofury
Grandfather- Age: ???? , Alignment: Evil , Location: Last seen in northern vales./Great aunt- Age: ???, Alignment: Evil , Location: Unknown.
Hobbies: Practicing the lute
Weapon of Choice: 2H Dustin silver knight sword, that he calls Mike.
Appearance/Build: Short slender , wears a robe with a pumpkin on the hood.
Bio: At the age of 10 Shibo Shadofury lived in the northern snowy parts of vales with his grandfather Wiluthen Shadofury. Darkness started to fall apon the great northern lands of vales. Wiluthen saw this arrival and sent Shibo away south from vales. So the boy left on his journey to one day return with help and destroy the darkness that soon approaches. As the boy traveled south so did he age by age 12 he had reach a boat on the port known as Port Qilla. The boat took the young boy to the port named port ceann as the boy got off the boat he was approached by a older man who took in the young boy when the boy asked who he was he'd only tell him " we will return to vales together boy" and chuckled. The man spoke of knights in the city of emain macha. The boy dreamed of becomeing a knight and going back to save his grandfather and his friends. A year past the man told the boy he would be traveling to the forest area of cor and to train to become a great knight.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-11-08
Age : 32
Location : Toronto

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