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New Member-Aurai

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New Member-Aurai Empty New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:41 am

Character Name: ...... Aurai

How You Heard About The RP Society: ......Well..I found your guild stone by Tir's exit and thought "Why not?"

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... Approximately five years, I've played on SWG (Star wars galaxies) and EVE online

Is English Your First Language? ...... Yes...Spanish is the only other language I kind of know and that "kind of" is an overstatement

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Aurai grew up on a little struggling farm, He always found it boring and within his free time as a child he always made believe he was some sort of knight or powerful mage. When he turned 18 he left the farm to pursue other goals. He traveled to Bangor to learn a trade, in this case blacksmithing, but he found it way to hard and just worked at a local forge bringing in ores and other such minerals.

It took years but Aurai finally made enough money to make one of his childhood games a reality, He saved his money for a custom made Heavy sword (Two hander) he even supplied little gems to be locked in the flat side of the blade. When he got it..It was heavier then he could imagine, He could barely lift it! A few years went by and while still working at the same forge he trained with his shiny sword using it as weight, swinging it around and other such second hand training. Eventually, the sword became easy to swing, his body was tough and limber, His physique was large and he was confident (More so then before.) Another years passed as he saved up money again and upon having enough to sustain him he left Bangor to pursue the life of a Mercenary.

In his Travels he met a wandering mage..The mage always spoke about his prowess in the arcane arts to be "Amazing" or "Stupendous" and eventually offered to enchant Aurai's beloved blade. Aurai accepted and the mage warned him that the enchantment he would do may have some psychological side effects. Aurai brushed this aside and let him do his work. Upon lifting the blade again it was -so- much lighter thus he could attack faster with it. He thanked the mage and soon departed his company. Upon going through towns he bought a heavy purple colored fancy looking jacket and a pair of greaves as well as a pair of gauntlets.

Now at age 30 he is a semi-successful mercenary (He isn't renown but is reliable) the enchantment on his blade caused him to believe his blade could talk so he can be heard talking with it every now and again he even named it Thyvanstael. And most recently he frequents The area from Dunbarton to Tir Chonail or in either town just hanging around.

What type of character do you play? ......Aurai is simply put a warrior, Hes not really good at anything else. He uses an enchanted two-hander named Thyvanstael (It doesn't talk..he just thinks it does)

What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ I'm free on Mondays, Tuesdays after 4:00 EST,Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays after 3:00 EST and the weekends are iffy because I'm usually over my fathers house.]

Quick question: Do you guys use [ooc text] or ((ooc text)) for your OOC text? on SWG it was either or; Not sure if it's mandatory to only use the one listed as []
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Dellinger Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:46 am

So far, I like what I'm seeing.
An approval from me, you'll see, for now.

And as for your question, OOC varies from person to person.
A lot of individuals use (()) and [].
I tend to favor the // beginning, as it doesn't take up as much time / shifting power.
Makes for more fluid typing.

And I see you play EVE.
Very awesome. I'm also trapped in New Eden as well.
If you ever need to find a corporation, and I get to know you, consider yourself welcome to the one my friend and I run.

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:55 am

Hehe. Thanks but I'm in a corporation my friend and I started. our business is well...piracy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Dellinger Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:58 am

Ours is industrial / hunting.
We kill who we feel needs to die.
But we sell their stuff as well, for decent prices!

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:34 pm

Er...Just realized...Erinn is a sort of after life right? can't exactly be born there...
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:45 pm

Aurai wrote:Er...Just realized...Erinn is a sort of after life right? can't exactly be born there...

You can be born here. It's just highly suggested that you avoid dying ICly, as you can't be brought back by Nao/feathers/whatever else. Death for Erinn-borns is permanent.


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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:48 pm

and by death you mean being knocked around silly by an NPC?
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:51 pm

Aurai wrote:and by death you mean being knocked around silly by an NPC?

Death can be anything from you being decapitated to a dragon sitting on you. Unconscious is fine, just don't die ICly. (OOCly you can die all you want)

Here's a protip. Avoid my character or be reaaaaally nice to her. Soifa has a habit of killing people that she doesn't like. -gets on hunting hat and starts looking for Aeary- >.>


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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:06 pm

I see. Thank you Soifa :3
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Krystal Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:09 pm

Cru: I can help you avoid dying. It's called getting strong so they can't kill you.

All of my characters, except Ciartan, can't come back if they die too, or they have a problem they gotta fix first. Just know that getting KOed by NPCs in dungeons isn't dead. Think of it as... temporary paralyzed. The fomors in dungeons are generally nice about not killing people. IC players... that's up for debate.
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:36 pm

mmm..Thank you krystal and good advice, Thanks!

Oh and i love the last quote in your sig ^.^
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Kenelm Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:37 pm

Approval two.

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Dalvar Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:46 pm

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! Dell! Dell! People roleplay on EVE! They really do! *Eye sparkle*

I tend to like making Soul Streamers.
They come back to life, so you can do more without worrying about the consequences, and you have way more freedom with their backstories.
Natives are for skilled RPers only (imo) and people who know a lot about the game world.
But you look like you can handle that.

Welcome to the guild.

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:48 pm

I like to think of myself as a skilled RPer (Maybe thats the ego talking..We'll see)
I mean you know..after five years of it I should have some skill right? xD

EDIT: I'll drop a guildstone app once I get back from my psychologist appointment (I'm not crazy >.>)
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Dalvar Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:52 pm

Cap won't be around until the evening, probably, so drop me a line in game when you get on and I'll see if I can hook you up with an RP or dungeon.

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Dellinger Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:06 pm

If I'm online, I'll see if I can overcome lag and let you into the guild.
If not... Well, bollocks.

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Xeek Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:15 pm

Aurai wrote:

EDIT: I'll drop a guildstone app once I get back from my psychologist appointment (I'm not crazy >.>)

You will be after a week in the guild xD

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Krystal Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:38 pm

Xeek wrote:
Aurai wrote:

EDIT: I'll drop a guildstone app once I get back from my psychologist appointment (I'm not crazy >.>)

You will be after a week in the guild xD

Don't listen to him... Okay yeah, you'll get a RP addiction.
Buckwheat Dragon
Buckwheat Dragon

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:22 pm

Krystal wrote:
Xeek wrote:
Aurai wrote:

EDIT: I'll drop a guildstone app once I get back from my psychologist appointment (I'm not crazy >.>)

You will be after a week in the guild xD

Don't listen to him... Okay yeah, you'll get a RP addiction.
...'specially if he hangs around the wild Zeffieweffielasaurus.

-thumbs up- Hope ta RP wif ya soon!~


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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Aurai Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:09 pm

Don't listen to him... Okay yeah, you'll get a RP addiction.

I'll get addicted? I think after five years i all ready am..I'll just be furthering it! xD
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Mari Eir Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:30 pm

Soifa wrote:
Aurai wrote:Er...Just realized...Erinn is a sort of after life right? can't exactly be born there...

You can be born here. It's just highly suggested that you avoid dying ICly, as you can't be brought back by Nao/feathers/whatever else. Death for Erinn-borns is permanent.

Not true, common misconception.
Mari Eir
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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:09 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:
Soifa wrote:
Aurai wrote:Er...Just realized...Erinn is a sort of after life right? can't exactly be born there...

You can be born here. It's just highly suggested that you avoid dying ICly, as you can't be brought back by Nao/feathers/whatever else. Death for Erinn-borns is permanent.

Not true, common misconception.
Ok. Death for MOST Erinn-borns is permanent. And for you if you backtalk your mom again.


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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Adhamh Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:56 pm

Soifa wrote:
Here's a protip. Avoid my character or be reaaaaally nice to her. Soifa has a habit of killing people that she doesn't like. -gets on hunting hat and starts looking for Aeary- >.>

. _. -sighs and looks down on poor Aeary as he wanders Tara's streets-
Cromm Crunch
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New Member-Aurai Empty Re: New Member-Aurai

Post  Captincrunch Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:37 pm

Sheesh you guys sure like to keep me busy ... I don't mind though. jocolor

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