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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Teyh Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:45 pm

Character Name - Teyh (Full "Teyh Lyn Rolen")

How You Heard About The RP Society: Well, I'd seen RPS floating around here and there back when I'd first started Mabi, but didn't consider joining them until recently at the behest of Roze and Soifa, who I had known for some time, having previously RPed with them elsewhere.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: 8 or 9 Years...I started at 13 and I'm 21 now, turning 22 at the start of next week. The first one I took part in wound up being a multi-parter (due to those I was RPing with loving the culture, world, and characters we had made) that lasted the entirety of 7 years, finally bringing it to a close. We decided to flesh it out further with supplemental writing, but life had since caused us to lose touch unfortunately.

Is English Your First Language?: Yes indeed.

Short Biography: (I'll try to keep it short ^^;Wink Teyh Lyn Rolen began as a simple individual who knew little of the world of Erinn, but was drawn by the variance he found there. Yet when he learned of the strife and the disharmony present in the world, particularly the triangle between the Elves, Giants, and Humans, he decided to dedicate himself to bridging the racial gap. After becoming studious and working towards his goal in understanding the various cultures, he began to work under Duncan in Tir Chonail as an advisor to those races who needed to adjust to living in a place where the hostilities between Elves and Giants did not apply.

It was through Duncan that he was chosen as a liason between Elves and Humans, and was sent to Filia to work with Castnea. There, he met the adopted daughter of Castnea - Rozenetta, and due to a kindred spirit between the two eventually grew close to her. At her behest, he fled Filia with Roze when learning of her disdain for Castnea, and smuggled her to Tir Chonail, using his connections to hide her presence while remaining in the service of Castnea. Eventually, he became romantically involved with Roze.

However, Castnea learned of their relationship and, playing her cards carefully, sent Teyh to Vales in order to negotiate on behalf of Humans and Elves the creation and settlement of a peaceful village where the strife present between the races disappeared: Tailteann. Eager to create a peaceful world for Roze and himself, as well as fulfill his dream, he agreed - leaving for Vales without informing Roze of his destination, lest she follow him to danger.

It was then that Castnea, without his knowledge, spread the rumor of his demise in order to drive Roze to her, though through the intervention of Nao, Roze was stripped of her knowledge of Teyh to protect her, leaving him at a loss upon his return to his former life. With his return, and the return of Roze's memories, Teyh waits for what may come.

What Type of Character Do You Play?: Teyh is a dedicated individual who is willing to put himself at great personal risk for the benefit of the unity of the races. While he had his own desire for this unity, Roze arriving in his life only cemented his desire to aid in that unity. With the situation he is in, his formerly strong will and firm stance has been shaken on whether or not he is fit to fulfill that dream, yet he still plans to press on for the sake of Tailteann, even though uncertain. He enjoys freedom and is a advocator of choice, as well as enjoying puzzles and riddles. As a side note - the idea of Teyh's absence being due to working on the creation of Tailteann was not random, rather it was due to the fact that the last time I RPed on Mabi as Teyh with Roze was before Mabinogi NA had added in Tailteann, and when I returned (after life having forced Mabi to take a back seat due to college, hospitilization here and there, and the like), it was present, and Roze thought it would be neat to work into their backstory.

What is your Mabinogi Schedule: Well, I've finished college, so school isn't an issue - however, I begin work soon, and because of the fact that my work schedule changes weekly, I don't know for certain when I will be working. So, my schedule varies due to work - however, the weekends are almost completely free for Mabi barring some exceptional circumstance - My girlfriend's Baptism being this weekend (August 14th, the day before my birthday XD) being a good example.

...I hope that was short enough o.o

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2010-08-10

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Dalvar Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:35 pm

Two questions.
1) What is your ingame name?
2) How did he get to Erinn?

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Teyh Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:10 pm

Ah, sorry about that. The In Game name is just Teyh, that's why I put his full name in parenthesis to avoid confusion, but I guess I just caused more ^^; Edit: Ah, I see what you meant now T-T My username. I use that name for everything...I think maybe I fell into habit and used it as well without thinking about it.

Also - he came to Erinn after being killed as an young child during a war - it was the strife and conflict surrounding his death that caused Nao, when finding his consciousness floating in the Soul Stream, to sort of breathe a bit of a desire for unity and harmony into him. He was brought into Erinn almost specifically to bridge the gap - but he isn't satisfied with just that, and seeks what he should do next in order to continue preserving the harmony. To move on to bigger and better things to help others - though he worries about just how similar to Castnea, who had done so much to ruin his life though out of the desire to protect her people, he actually is; both he an Castnea are both willing to go to extreme lengths to protect something, though Teyh generally only does this concerning using himself and not others.

RPS Recruit

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Join date : 2010-08-10

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Dalvar Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:04 am

Sounds good to me, then.
And you should be able to change your name in your Profile settings.

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Age : 32

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Honeko Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:33 am

One quick question. When we ask the type of character he plays we're looking more for melee/ranged/mage etc. Which of these would you say he fits in?

Other than that I enjoyed reading that backstory and I think this will become a very welcome addition.

So therefore I approve.

*stamps with Cat On Lap*

New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Catapp10
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Post  Kenelm Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:11 am

Three of three required approvals.

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Auramune Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:41 am

4th approval here. 8D

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Kayeori Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:11 am

5th Approval here!!
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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Roze Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:11 am


Lookit that Teyh, they love you. XD

Welcome to RPS :3
Kosher Dill Troll
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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Teyh Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:25 pm

I guess so o.o Yay! And I'll get my name changed to Teyh asap if possible.

Also, concerning the style - I like working on life skills. Collecting needed items and fashioning them into something useful. For combat, I don't really tend to involve myself in fighting much - but when I do, I prefer dual-wielding swords and tend to use Defense, Smash, and Counter a lot. Often using N+1 to push back, loading counter, then pushing back with that, loading defense, blocking the coming attack, pushing back with an attack, and repeating.

Of course this doesn't always work, so I can mix it up if need be - I've got a Rank B or so Icebolt and such to help in areas where melee won't work. My combat abilities lack, however...mostly because I haven't really done even G1 yet >.>

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New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!) Empty Re: New Member - Teyh (Now with added 'Correct Thread'!)

Post  Captincrunch Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:09 pm

Done like Dishes Suspect

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