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New Member- Hrtofnature

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Hrtofnature Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:22 pm

Character Name:Hrtofnature = Heart of Nature Smile but most people call me Heart(hrt)
How You Heard About The RP Society: Darky5
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? a long time just for fun but on Mabinogi i only rp with a few people(mabi dad mostly)
Is English Your First Language? yes
A (Not So) Short Biography Of Your Character: Growing up Heart's mother beat her. "You Useless Girl!! You're Worthless!" she would shout. Heart heard this so much that she started to believe it. Heart ran away from home when she was 7 years old.
For 2 year she lived on the streets of Emain Macha. Heart would sit near the fountain and just watch people go by. She loved seeing couples go by flowers from Del and Delen, she thought it was funny that people could actually be that happy just by being with someone. She once asked a man if he loved his wife so much that he would die for her. When the man said yes, Heart told him she thought that was stupid and asked why he would ever care about someone that much. The man said, "because she is my most important person, and i would do anything for her."
This made no sense to Heart. And though she said she didnt care either way, she found herself thinking more and more about that man and the words he had said.
"A most important person huh?" Heart would say to herself as she walked the streets. Heart wouldn't understand these words untill a whole year later when, while lost in thought, she stumbled into Rundal Dungeon. Inside she was attacked by a pack of Knoll, just when she thought there was no hope left she was rescued by Henry, a strong and handsome warrior. Henry protected Heart and helped her to escape.
Once he was throughly convinced that she was not injured. He gave her a scolding for going into such a dangerous place and told her to go straight home.
"I have no home to go to," she said crossly. She wasn't all that thrilled about being yelled at by a complete stranger. "And I'm not going to listen to you just because you helped me escape, noone made you rescue me."
Henry smirked. "Well thats not very fair," he said, "isn't the rule sposed to be that if u save someones life they owe you their life?..The way I see it, since you have no home you should be happy to come with me."
Ofcourse whether or not she was happy about it really didnt seem to matter to Henry. She was stuck with him. He took Heart into Ably dungeon to see what kind of skills she had, which he soon learned was none. Swords were too heavy, plus she kept cutting herself on accident, and she was too weak to string a bow. Finally he tried teaching her some basic magic spells. Heart took to it like a knoll on a piece of meat.
After that Henry started taking her into dungeons with him and his friends. Through every dungeon his friends would complain that she was useless and more trouble than she's worth. Henry didn't care, he brought her into every dungeon they went in, and protected her all the way through.
One day Henry and his friends decieded to journey to the dreaded Peaca dungeon to defeat the Demi-Litch, and Heart tagged along as usual. She had never heard of Peaca or a Demi-Litch, and had no idea of the horrors that were instore.
The battle through the dungeon was long and hard on everyone, even Heart. But they finally reached the room where the Demi-Litch was said to reside. The monster's power was more than anyone could've imagined, their attacks seemed to do no damage what-so-ever. Before long the only ones left standing were Henry, though just barely, and Heart who had been hiding in a corner.
Just as the battle was about to be decieded, Henry was nocked down, his sword thrown across the room. As the evil Demi-Litch towerd over him, Heart cast her most powerful fire spell and blew the Demi-Litch across the room, where it sat stunned at the surprise attack. Heart ran to Henry's side, and though he told her to get to saftey she cast healing spell after healing spell on him untill he was at full strength. She continued doing this untill the Demi-Litch had been defeated at which time she colasped, exausted... ...but happy. Happy that even though she wasn't strong enough to fight she could still be of some help to Henry, her most important person.

What type of character do you play? Heart is a mage-in-training. She works hard but tends to fail w.out the help of her friends. Just because her skill with a sword is lacking doesnt mean her magic bolts are. Heart is very advanced in magic for her age though she still has a ways to go before she can call herself a master.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? whenever i can but im starting a new job with 12 hour overnight shifts so im not sure how the schedual will work out yet (should find out by tomarrow)

Last edited by Hrtofnature on Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:14 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing Bio~extra details i just thought of and a back story (sorry it got long))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Kayeori Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:09 am

I like it! Smile Mostly because I'm a sap for stories like this. The only thing I wish to ask if your character is Erinn born, or did she come from some other world. Other than that I will approve this application.

ACHIEVEMENT RECEIVED! -You got the Kaye Stamp of Approval!-
Dessert Dragon
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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty :D YAY!!

Post  Hrtofnature Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:07 pm

Surprised uhh id have to say she was born in errin
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Thomas22 Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:59 pm

If your character was Errinn born, you do realise you don't have the benefits of being a Meli...Malo...soul streamer right? Such as dieing and what not.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Captincrunch Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:40 pm

Thomass - being native born does not mean they are or are not a soul streamer.
It is up to them and their characters story.

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty D: huuuh?

Post  Hrtofnature Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:33 pm

So w8 r u saying if i were rping with ppl and i died, then because shes native born they wouldnt res me D:?????
DX that would totaly suck....
...but it would fit her story better if she were born in emain maicha (emain cus she had to be close enough to rundal to wander in since if she wasnt out training why would she travel). Surprised also emain cus she likes fishing(r5 fishing)
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Temo Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:51 pm

Phoenix feathers would still work if she were simply mortally wounded, much like they do in the game, but yes. If she dies, she dies. HOWEVER. There is an easy way to prevent this!

...don't do anything that'd get you killed. Neutral
Burrito Bison

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty o.0 dieing vs mortaly wounded

Post  Hrtofnature Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:31 am

but doesnt mortaly wounded mean ur gonna die nomatter wat?

...gess ill havta avoid dieing
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Darian Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:20 am

Mortally wounded means you're going to die, yes. But until you *actually* die, a phoenix feather still functions.

Kosher Dill Troll
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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Flesh Wounds

Post  Temo Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:23 am

Either way, it's just a flesh wound. Walk it off. Very Happy
Burrito Bison

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Krystal Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:40 am

Don't worry too much. As long as you don't tick off the evil overlords here... you'll be fine. Although one of them is fixed, who knows how long that'll be for. My characters have the same issues.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Post  Auramune Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:40 pm

As long as you understand Erinn Born 'rules,' I approve. Smile

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Dalvar Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:10 pm

Hey, Heart.
Can I request that you please type in grammatically correct sentences?
That means using things like "ur" as a stand in for "you are" is unacceptable.
Thank you.

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Hrtofnature Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:10 pm

Dalvar wrote:Hey, Heart.
Can I request that you please type in grammatically correct sentences?
That means using things like "ur" as a stand in for "you are" is unacceptable.
Thank you.

;-; I'm sorry... I'm just so used to typing like that that I dont even notice I do it. I'll try really hard to avoid it if I'm approved.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Dalvar Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:20 pm

Thanks, that's all we ask.
I was pretty sure it was a mistake anyway, seeing as you wrote your application just fine.
No harm done.

And approved.

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New Member- Hrtofnature Empty Re: New Member- Hrtofnature

Post  Captincrunch Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:37 pm

I thibnk we have enough approvals for this one .. one .. two .. me ... yup, that's enough.

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