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New member - mauskechan

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New member - mauskechan Empty New member - mauskechan

Post  Mauske Tue May 18, 2010 11:22 pm

Name: Mauske Yamato known as Mau.
Age: 12 came to Erinn at 10
Alignment: Neutral
Birthrace: Angel / Human
Family: Unknown.
Hobbies: She likes to camp and help others.
Weapon: (ummm... instead of being here all day, lets not waste anytime...and I am a bit lazy to type it all down...) Anything...
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue but when changed Red
Height: 4"8' (she will be done growing at 5"2')
Weight: 98 Ibs
Spirits: Sky, Kaia
Favorite food: Bread and water
Theme music: I will get back to you alright xDDDD
How she came to Erinn: She was sent down from heaven, and now she has no memory, or a family, she is not sure if she even has a family. She was laying on the ground and someone (Nao) came over to her. Mau was just looking at the sky.
"Its time for you to go..." The girl said.
"Okay..." Mauske said. Soon Mau was gone and she was in Erinn. (Still working on xDD will be done when Exams are over)
Characters History: Mau came to Erinn when she was 10. She met a boy, she was laying in the snow. She had forgotten everything. She didnt know that she would forgot everything when she came to erinn. Her and the boy became friends. Soon he was taken by Fenrir ((xDDD)) which she soon found out that he was dead. (Which hes not xP) And soon she met Krystal Crusade (Hi Cru!) and later she ended up dying. She has two spirits. One is name Sky the other is Kaia. She died by stabbing heself with a dagger. Became a feather, and soon she came back to life. She forgot everything. (Even how to eat) ((Will finish soon...darn bedtime!!!)

Last edited by mauskechan on Wed May 19, 2010 6:35 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : This was mistakenly posted in the Alts and Bios thread)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Mauske Tue May 18, 2010 11:38 pm

Character Name: Mauske Yamato (Mau)
How You Heard About The RP Society: Well I roleplayed with some of the roleplayers in the guild and saw it above there names. I also saw it in Tir on my way out to do what ever I do o-o (which is a secret xDDDD)
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Well I am 15 currently...about...since I was 7 years xDDDD
Is English Your First Language? yup
A Short Biography Of Your Character: *Mau was forced off from her 'heaven' and was killed during the fall. Her God did this to send her to the soul stream. That God knew Erinn was there and sent Mau to learn more about it. But during that fall Mau had lost all her memories. She was ten during this time. She had two spirits, one was Sky and the other Kaia. Sky provided her the stronger powers (Will make a list so dont worry) and Kaia provided her with the wings. When she went through the soul stream she met Nao. They talked about Erinn for a bit and soon Mau was in the snow, laying there. She couldnt remember who she was. And she couldnt see Sky or Kaia anymore, because she lost her memories, and powers.
Two years have past and Mau was searching for her purpose for being there. She hasnt gotten Sky or Kaia back either. She was walking through the snow one day and she blacked out. The reason is still unknown. When she woke up there was a boy looking at her. She had also lost her memory once again. The boy became her best friend soon he was taken by Fenrir, and she went to find him. But she couldnt, and when she almost did on a wall, in Barri, that he was dead, and it was to Mau. So she believed her friend was dead and she felt depressed. She had met someone else, Kristell Crusade, during all of this. She is now good friends with her, but Mau doesnt want to hurt her. Mau's old friend is still alive but somewhere in Erinn. So Mau has been trying to get seperate her and Cru, but it hasnt been working.
Mau has died three times. The first time was to protect a village which was now destroyed. The village ruins can be found in Fiodh. Mau was the last fighting so she was against many, and soon she was killed. She came back somehow, when the village was burned. Sky and Kaia had revived her, this was before she met the boy. The second time was when she stabbed herself. She 'committed suicide' in Cru's arms. Then her body disappeared and was turned into a feather. (Xeek was actually there for it.) She then became a ghost and Cru was able to see her because of the feather, which Mau entrusted her to hold. Mau went looking for her friend but yet couldnt find him. Soon she was able to come back after Cru spoke some words. The words came from a book she found in the libary in Dun. Vayne helped her search for the book as well. The book is called "The Red Winged Angel". It was a book from Mau's world that had fallen through the soul stream into this world. During this time Mau was beginning to see Sky and Kaia. Mau still has the book with her because it is filled with spells. So when Mau was a spirit she had taught Cru the words. So when Mau came back she had forgotten everything once again. She has been with Cru time to time, but lately she has been alone. The last time she died, was when she was attacked by a bear. The doctor couldnt heal her, and Vayne couldnt save her either. Soon she became a feather again, and Cru said the words once more. So she came back, and she is now trying to make Cru happy. But Mau almost died from being attack trying to find Cru. by a poison arrow. The arrow was removed but the poison wasnt. So she hasnt seen Cru, and she is now dying slowly from the poison inside her.She also has one eye blue and the other red. She also has a mark on her right arm. She cant see Sky and Kaia either.

~Mau is an angel who was sent down by...(who ever is the God person in here...) but she didn;t know that she would forget her memory. She came to Erinn at the age of ten. She came with her two spirits, Sky and Kaia. Shes tries to figure things out either alone or with someone else. When she tries to figure others problems, which makes her a good listener. She cares for others, even if she doesnt seem like it. She doesnt allow people to help her as much as she should. She tries to take away other pain, but it barely works.
She is trying to find her lost friend. Which she had thought at once to be dead, because he hd written a note in Barri on the wall, saying he was dead. But soon she found out he was alive. She had died 3 times. First time was in battle, trying to protect a village which has been destroyed. Second time was she stabbed herself because she wanted to find some answers. So Cru (Crusade) had her feather,which allowed her to come back, and she was only able to see Mau. She eventually came back and she lost her memory. She then died from a bear attack wound and fever. Vayne couldnt heal her fast enough. She came back after being a feather again, and with the words Cru said. So she is now alive, and she is trying to make Cru happy. She hasnt had Sky or Kaia back yet. But she has found a book, "The Red Winged Angel" and she is slowly getting her powers back. For now one eye is blue and the other is red. She also has a mark on her right arm.~

What type of character do you play? Well any really...unless...its Rated R...thats when I stop, and if nesscary...I will shoot someone in the head xDDDDD
What is your Mabinogi schedule? I am normlly on all the time execept sundays... I have church... And or if I get a job...oh and if I have choir concerts...yush I am in choir...

Last edited by Mauske on Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:59 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Dell added the name)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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New member - mauskechan Empty Re: New member - mauskechan

Post  Dellinger Tue May 18, 2010 11:43 pm

We'd like to know more about the character before we approve mainly so we can figure out that you do know the character.
Also, just to make sure you do know what you're doing.
That, and it did say a bio and not a short description. =P

So, if you don't mind to terribly, I'm going to ask the question everyone else is dying to know:
What is the 'more'?

Don't worry too much about the Rated R stuff. Doesn't happen -too- often.
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New member - mauskechan Empty Re: New member - mauskechan

Post  Mauske Wed May 19, 2010 5:50 pm

Dellinger wrote:We'd like to know more about the character before we approve mainly so we can figure out that you do know the character.
Also, just to make sure you do know what you're doing.
That, and it did say a bio and not a short description. =P

So, if you don't mind to terribly, I'm going to ask the question everyone else is dying to know:
What is the 'more'?

Don't worry too much about the Rated R stuff. Doesn't happen -too- often.
*glares at members who know who they are*

xDDD sorry about that i wrote more, i had to go to bed, and so i wrote whatever i could down. And so i put more info and my internet had died ;~; and its not back right now so i am on someone elses...

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Captincrunch Fri May 21, 2010 9:51 pm

No worries. Just update when you get a chance to get back on.

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Post  Mauske Sat May 22, 2010 10:59 am

Captincrunch wrote:No worries. Just update when you get a chance to get back on.

I updated, can you check if it enough info for me?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Temo Sat May 22, 2010 1:12 pm

Sorry, but there's some things about this I'm having a bit of trouble digesting.

A] Race. As far as anything beyond human, elf, and giant go for soul streamers being reborn into Erinn, those are the only ones available. There was a written guideline stating that while the soul stays intact when passing worlds, the body doesn't follow, which is why folks are born into Erinn as one of those three races. People with special races such as celestials and fomors do so from within Erinn. In short, she can be an angel in spirit, but not in body. At least if she's from another world outside of Erinn. If she IS from Erinn, please state that.

B] Would need some details on the deaths too. How she died all those times, a bit more info on consequences if any, etc.

C] The spirits. If there's anything special in what they can do, that can be typed out later in the Powers & Abilities thread for review; but for now an explanation on why they're with Mau would be useful.
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Post  Rav3n Sun May 23, 2010 11:32 pm

Hi!! I remembers you!*saved you from random bear attack* xD Decided to say hi and welcome you :O. Goodluck on getting in xP
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Post  Mauske Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:16 pm

Ravenkuro wrote:Hi!! I remembers you!*saved you from random bear attack* xD Decided to say hi and welcome you :O. Goodluck on getting in xP

o-e...hi...*shudders at the thought* I am on your friends list you know >< you could always say hi...

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Post  Veleth Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:02 am

*rubs his eyes, muttering about people's obsessions*

I would actually like to know more about these 'powers' prior to giving my approval. It seems overly open-ended for me to give my approval.
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Post  Mauske Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:23 pm

Galin wrote:*rubs his eyes, muttering about people's obsessions*

I would actually like to know more about these 'powers' prior to giving my approval. It seems overly open-ended for me to give my approval.
o-e make me work harder... I was gonna put it in the powers thingy...but...Can I give you examples in here o-e not in my little paragraph...

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Post  Captincrunch Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:31 pm

*drops a set of cymbals on Galins head*

Mauske is correct that such does indeed belong in the powers section.

Yes Mauske, you don't need to edit the first post, just put a little blurb here for now.
We can do the powers thread a bit latter.

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Post  Temo Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:36 pm

I would also like to suggest doing a little research on the deities of Celtic myth before making a "celestial" character that's a native of Erinn. I'd explain why myself, but I think you'll understand more in reading without getting a biased lesson from me about it. <_<
Burrito Bison

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Post  Jordiya Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:19 am

~Mau is an angel who was sent down by...(who ever is the God person in here...) but she didn;t know that she would forget her memory.....
The god is Lymlark, Mau. :3
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Post  Veleth Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:21 am

There are many gods and goddesses, Taylene. Morrigan, Macha, Cichol, Nuada, etc...

For more on Celtic gods and goddesses, feel free to see:
See- Gaelic Deities as that is the group that Mabinogi is based off of.
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Post  Dalvar Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:36 pm

Galin's link would be slightly more helpful if Devcat stuck with the actual myths instead of just using them as a base and then twisting them in whatever crazy way want.
The gods of Erinn are:

Aton Cimeni - The head god and the creator of Erinn. He doesn't really get involved much, I guess creating the world was enough or something.
Cichol - God of Fomors, black robe with white wings. I'm sure you've seen him.
Hymerark - God of freedom. He's only mentioned once or twice.
Jeamiderark - God of peace. Like the above, he is only mentioned in a few places.
Lymilark - God of love, creator of Erg [at Aton Cimeni's request] which is where mana comes from. He also blesses water and all the churches you see are to him.
Macha - The goddess of destruction. You learn about her in g3.
Morrighan - The goddess of war and vengeance. Paladins worship her by default.
Neamhain - Goddess of light. Those who have done g10 will probably be able to give you more info.
Nuadha - King of the gods. I think he isn't nice, but don't quote me on that.

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Post  Kalamiko Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:31 pm

Also, Nuadha is

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Post  Mauske Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:54 am

why am I getting lectured about the gods and goddess o-e

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Post  Dalvar Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:59 am

Because you made an angel.
And that means you had better have a pretty good grasp of the divine workings in Erinn.
Otherwise you can't play it right.

To be honest, I'd rather her not be an angel at all. Angels are real hard to do well.

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Post  Xeek Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:18 am

Dalvar wrote:Galin's link would be slightly more helpful if Devcat stuck with the actual myths instead of just using them as a base and then twisting them in whatever crazy way want.
The gods of Erinn are:

Aton Cimeni - The head god and the creator of Erinn. He doesn't really get involved much, I guess creating the world was enough or something.
Cichol - God of Fomors, black robe with white wings. I'm sure you've seen him.
Hymerark - God of freedom. He's only mentioned once or twice.
Jeamiderark - God of peace. Like the above, he is only mentioned in a few places.
Lymilark - God of love, creator of Erg [at Aton Cimeni's request] which is where mana comes from. He also blesses water and all the churches you see are to him.
Macha - The goddess of destruction. You learn about her in g3.
Morrighan - The goddess of war and vengeance. Paladins worship her by default.
Neamhain - Goddess of light. Those who have done g10 will probably be able to give you more info.
Nuadha - King of the gods. I think he isn't nice, but don't quote me on that.

Silly Dal-li-var I am sure sure Cichol and What's-her-face are only Deities Razz

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Post  Mauske Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:26 pm

o-e...Thank you Crunch xD;...less work now...hmmmm...I am gonna revise this all. I may post it tomorrow or Monday, depends on if my job keeps me busy or not @-@ *blames my dad* his idea to put more detail in right now...not till I get to the stupid fifth chapter...

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Post  Mauske Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:29 pm

Mauske wrote:o-e...Thank you Crunch xD;...less work now...hmmmm...I am gonna revise this all. I may post it tomorrow or Monday, depends on if my job keeps me busy or not @-@ *blames my dad* his idea to put more detail in right now...not till I get to the stupid fifth chapter...
It also depends if I wake up to run tomorrow and if I dont then I wont be on for a whole month. My laptop goes away, or the internet...Its sad if my laptop goes away though, then I cant do my job. *Is a writer* But yeah...

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Post  Mauske Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:49 pm

x-x My dad gave me a 10,000 word thing to do...I basically have to write the rest of his little story...and its due on his desk by the 23rd of this month...If I dont finish I will die ;~;, I cant work on this... believe me I wanna kill him for it. The sad thing is, I cant even work on my own books because I have to focus on this, and make it perfect...hes a picky man...-.- and tried to make me write like a writer who I am not...and I am surely not a dude...well yeah...sorry guys! x-x

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Post  Captincrunch Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:50 pm

Not to worry - Your application will be on "hold" until you get back.

We are like the sticky gum embedded into the sole of your shoe of life. You just can't get rid of us that easily.

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