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Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!>

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Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!> Empty Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!>

Post  Kayeori Tue May 11, 2010 1:07 pm

Name: Dukc13 (Pronounced Duckie.)
Age: unknown (Appears 10)
Race Origin: Myxen
Game Race: Human (Just really short)
Family: Jayde (Not in game)
Hobbies: Coloring, beating up badguyz, coloring, makin babies!, coloring, cooking, coloring, Training! ... Oh did I mention coloring?
Weapon of Choice: Lady took mes axe... What else you gots?
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Favorite food: Ice Cream! And donuts... Sprinkles please!
How he came to Erinn:
To say the very least Duckie is an interesting creature. He hails from the world of Emril where he was a well known Myxen Barbarian. The Myxen is one of the many Fae races that inhabited the land. This race particular was known especially for the short attention span. Plus being of Fae they had a rather uncanny knack for annoying people. Duckie was no different in this department. His daily life would consist of "training" the town guards during the day and cooking for the local Inn at night. By training of course I mean he would irk the guards into chasing him around for exercise. This actually became such a daily thing that it was literally part of their training after awhile. However, annoying he might have been, the higher ups liked his enthusiasm. Being a Barbarian by nature Duckie never learned how to read or write, at least not legibly. The cookbook he used consisted of pictures he drew himself, and the kitchen was labeled the same way for his convenience. See, they do mean it when they say 'equal opportunity employer.'
Despite his lack of academic volume he actually found faith in the God of Fertility Cadmus. He certainly lived up to certain expectations of the god's dogma. Half of this of course had to do with agriculture which might be why he found joy in cooking food. Even though it was just an aftermath of farming. The other side of this was that being a fertile male. Bringing new life into the world was the main mission of Cadmus and Duckie took this to heart. There were many women who nine months down the road had a little half Myxen of their very own. Most people might call him a player, but he was never shady about this. He was always straight forward with "the womenz" that he was with. Plus the money he made from the jobs he had were mostly sent off to the many mothers of his kids. Well at least the ones he knew about.
Duckie heard about a trip to an island that Kalec and Faythe were organizing. Of course being a fellow follower of Cadmus, Duckie felt obligated to go. Besides a Myxen could only color so much before needing a little action! Duckie had proven many times before that he was a powerhouse, even by the average human standards. They both welcomed his help, only to fear he might annoy some of the others along the way. Thankfully a stack of coloring books helped in sidetracking the little guy. Once they arrived Duckie tried to stay with the Kalec and Faythe but was seperated from them in the scuffle. Many foes fell to the small one's greataxe and even with a few minor injuries he stood tall, racing to help the rest. He saw many fallen from both side but it would not sway him. It wasn't long before he saw Kalec emerge from a hallway ahead. "Duckie?" The man looked troubled and kept looking back from whence he came. "I'm going for reinforcements. Quickly go and aid Faythe!" He points behind him and urged Duckie onwards. Tears begin to fall from his eyes but he quickly turns to gather more troops.
Being one so small as Duckie came with a knack of being able to sneak around without much notice. He could see the man Nevron over Faythe's body. He didn't know what he was doing to her, but he didn't like it. He snuck closer and rushed the man's body. It was a success, Nevron's spell was interupted and for a split second Duckie thought he saw Faythe. But just as quickly she was gone, vanished in thin air it seemed. Nevron growled as he get to his feet and faced Duckie "Why you little idiot! You lost me my prize!" Before Duckie could react he saw a blast of dark energy before him, and enveloped in darkness.

A strange feeling washed over the little guy unlike he had felt before. He awoke atop of a tall white staircase with a strange design. Duckie looks around with lazy eyes trying to gather his bearings "Ugh... Dude wat happens? FayF?" Where was she? Duckie called for the Paladin, but got no answer. He was still a little delirious from taking a head shot from Nevron.

A female voice came from behind "Your friend is not here. But do not worry, she is safe."

Duckie spins around grabbing for his axe which also wasn't there and he blinked. He stood there confused as his weapon was missing and a large breasted hottie in a black dress was now before him. "Umm..." he stuttered for a moment and then grinned racing up to the woman! "How yous doin?"

The young woman smiles and nods. "I am well. My name is Nao and I see the pure heart within you. I know your story and thanks to you I was able to save your friend's soul." She kneels down still smiling "Go and see to her. She will need a friend like you. Be safe Duckie..."

Duckie stared for a moment but grinned all the same. This chick was happening and he was ready to get down when she mentioned a friend "Wut?! She bes here?! Yes send mes there! Duckie will protects hers!" He beats proudly on his little chest.

Nao gives a slight chuckle and nods to the little one. "Be safe little one and welcome to Erinn..."

Those were the last words he heard as a white light enveloped him and whisked him away to a field with a boy with a helmet waiting for him.

The boy stares at him from behind the cover of the helm. "Duckie right? Your friend just went by here." He tosses a small sword his way "Take that with you. You'll need her help in this world."

Duckie just stares at the boy and catches the sword. Her? What the heck was he talking about? Before he could ask he blinks looking to the road ahead with a wide grin "I's on da way FayF! No worries Kaylick dude! Duckie watch hers for you!"

Last edited by Kayeori on Wed May 12, 2010 6:27 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Faythe's bio was updated so I have to alter this one a bit... :D)
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!> Empty Re: Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!>

Post  Kayeori Wed May 12, 2010 6:22 am

Had to alter the bio as Faythe's was updated. So enjoy the slightly revised version of Duckie's bio! Very Happy
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!> Empty Re: Duckie <Insert Awesome Face here!>

Post  Auramune Wed May 12, 2010 9:51 pm

I think I squirted a tear when I read about Kalec crying. :'|

It's funny, because I almost don't see Kalec leaving either of them behind. Faythe must have pulled rank over him. I think at that part of play, she was higher level. About 10 more levels by the time it ended, and an officer of the Knights of Outer Heaven. But, even then.. I wouldn't have been surprised if Kalec disobeyed orders, dropped alignment, and stayed or pulled either of them out.

Yay for re-writes.

Also, what do you think about a Malius chapter in my bio? xD He was a pretty big part of Faythe's existence.

Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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