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Life as an Elf named Ferai

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Sat May 01, 2010 3:07 am

Entry #1

*Nothing really legible except for a few doodles here and there. What is legible is near the bottom.*
"Property of Feriamyth... Please return to Castanea of Filia if found so it may be returned to me."

Entry #2

*This entry is far different from the first. It is not only written well, but also presented very nicely.*
From what I am told it has only been a couple of days since I first came to Filia. I was greeted by a nice woman named Castanea upon my arrival. She offered me a place to stay while I studied the ways of the Connous Elves. I seemed to be quite eager to learn all I could from the very start of my sessions. But that started to slow a bit when I began to try my hands at Archery. Many times I had been sent to Atrata the town healer for accidents caused by my lack of grace with the bow. It became apparent that I may never become adept with such a weapon, so I was asked to try my hand with swordplay. This didn't exactly go any better then my attempts with ranged combat. Though I was able to keep from injuring myself, the same could not be said for my instructor. Unfortunately it was not skill that sent him to Atrata but rather my curse of trying to use blades.

Written by Castanea.
A reminder to those on how to write in journals properly. Journals are not to be doodled in.
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Sat May 01, 2010 3:29 am

Entry #3

It has been a long couple of weeks of training to improve my ranged skills but finally I am getting the hang of things. Castanea even came by and complimented on my improvement since I arrived, but I have a feeling she didn't mean it. It is my belief that the other Elves are just reluctant to help me, not because they are being nice. I'm starting to really feel like a child that needs constant care. About a week ago I was actually scolded again for writting my thoughts down inside my journal. So now to put a stop to that I am now keeping two journals. A new one for all my reports, and this one for personal thoughts, feelings, etc etc... Yesterday was bittersweet as I was put on Longa Dungeon patrol. I've only been on it a few times but I hate it so much! I was able to recruit a few people to help me with at least. Thankfully we finished the patrol and I reported in before it was too late. Time flies when your talking to new and interesting people. Three humans who all seemed to be far more advanced in their skills then I could ever hope to be. Mr Angron and Mr Gunnar are both excellent swordsmen. They make it look so very easy! And then there is Miss Lunneth. I feel warm everytime I see her. Her magic skills are beyond anything I have ever seen. Perhaps one day with their help I could be a decent help to the Elves. The next chance I get I'm going to buy some books and read up on all the spells I can. I suppose it's good I already know how to heal. Could that possibly help me learn the other basics of magic?
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Sun May 02, 2010 4:40 am

Entry #4

Finally I am able to breathe a sigh of relief. My training has essentially ended and I am now, for the most part, on my own. Castanea told me, along with my Elven mentors, that experiencing the world on my own is needed for my own personal growth. I have been given the tools to succeed in life and now it is up to me to use them. At least that is what they told me, and personally it sounds like a load fox feces. So with my new found free time I traveled to the Uladh continent. Getting to the town of Dunbarton was a real chore. I had to deal with a rather unwelcoming party near Bangor. I decided to make my way around it and through Sen Mag Plateau. Luckily Elves are adept at hiding well enough to get around without being noticed too much. I met up with Miss Lunneth again and she told me about her mentor Stewart. We also talked about wands and which one would be best for me. She suggested a Fire wand to start with and gradually try others as my magic skills improved. I had some trouble using the wand at first, but luckily she was nice enough to show me that fire spells are easier with the fire wand. After much toil and a few random visits to Dilys to treat my burns I finally seem to be getting the hang of magic. I still practice everyday just make sure I don't lose focus on what I have learned. My only goal now is to train my spells to new levels so I may help Miss Lunneth any way I can.
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Wed May 05, 2010 3:30 am

Entry #5

My time on the continent of Uladh has been eventful. I feel much more at home here then I did back in Longa Desert. I am grateful to the land of Connous for taking me in, but my place is by Miss Lunneth's side. She showed me around a bit more and we even went to Tir Chonaill. She seems a bit fond of the man who runs the general store. I think she said his name was Malcolm. Once our business was done we headed back for Dunbarton. Odd what we came across was a bunch of people fighting amongst each other. Supposedly the one in the funny colored pants did something wrong and really upset everyone. Miss Lunneth was not happy with this as they took the fight into the library. Why in Erinn would anyone fight there? The curly red headed girl was really sassy and didn't seem to get along with anyone. I spent the rest of the day helping miss Lunneth as best I could to improve her mood. I think I did alright, and she even seemed impressed with the growth of my spells. Each day it was getting easier to control the mana within and around me. I tried the spells a little bit without my wands and they worked! Though not as good as with the wand to assist me. Also I'm not sure but I feel like I have made a magical discovery. With my healing wand I am able to heal more then one person at a time. According to miss Lunneth that is a power directly tied to the wand and I must keep the wand in good repair. Or else I will end up buying another one. Hopefully soon my spells will be strong enough to search for the pages to a special book I got with my Fire wand. I can't wait to read the completed book!

Entry #6

Today Miss Lunneth and I went to the Qilla Camp for a little business she needed to attend to and afterwards we decided to lounge on the beach for a bit. Unfortunately this was short lived as many people were around to interrupt our leisure time. Most of them I did not know, but Miss Lunneth seemed to be taken by the one called Acan. I think he said he was interested in vampires or something. I remember passing out briefly, but I'm not sure what for. A man named Vayne came along too, Acan seemed to know him, but this is where things got worse. It seems Vayne was not liked by a few other beach goers... Long story short the man was killed. Before this the woman who killed him actually attacked Miss Lunneth! I don't know what came over me, but I started going into a rage to keep her safe. It was a sad day. Mr Angron and his lady friend Aura showed up shortly after Vayne's killer killed herself. Interestingly enough that one girl with red hair from the library helped us bury Mr Vayne. I believe someone called her Mari... What a day it was. Hopefully I won't have to live through another day like that for a really long time!
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:41 pm

Entry #7

It's been awhile since I have last written in this journal. My mind has been wandering a lot lately, and I feel like I have neglected my magic studies more then I should. I have only seen brief moments of Miss Lunneth lately so I feel a little down about that. I have been taking this time to explore a bit more on my own. I have met a few new people in my solo travels. The most interesting of all was a small human who refers to himself as Duckie. This one seems a little off to me but has a big heart for someone so small. For one who is unable to read and write he certainly doesn't let it get him down as he betters himself in the culinary arts. As for recent happenings I have come across what is called a spirit stone. I was able (with Tarlach's help of course lol) to revive it within a bow I had been using. I surprised to see that not only does it talk but it can manifest images of itself before me! I must show this to Miss Lunneth right away!
**The last few words were scribbled down quite quickly, showing an obvious sign of excitement**
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:25 am

Entry #8

It's been many days now since I last saw my teacher Miss Lunneth. I am beginning to wonder if she even wants to be found. Regardless I hope nothing ill has befallen her. After a little self pep-talk I worked up enough courage to enter Rabbie dungeon. Miss Lunneth told me many times that she used to live here and still refers to it as "home". I was fortunate enough to come across Mr Xeek... Xeek inside the dank underground. It gave me shivers to be in such a place. I'm not use to such a cold feeling. It was thanks to him we were able to get through the entire maze. It was much larger then I thought! Three whole exhausting floors of skeletons, mimics, bats, and rats. Unfortunately our efforts were in vain as Miss Lunneth was no where to be found. Xeek suggested that I enter alone next time, but I don't believe I can handle that anytime soon. Aside from the disappointment, and some arguments with our Ego weapons it was a very educational experience.

Note to self... Never give rise to Alexemia's anger! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EVER!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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Life as an Elf named Ferai Empty Re: Life as an Elf named Ferai

Post  Kayeori Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:13 am

Entry #9

I finally FOUND HER!! Oh I was so excited on a recent run through Rabbie that I found miss Lunneth. It was a very uplifting experience. I was starting to think she was avoiding me on purpose. However upon questioning her about it she was quick to quash that thought from my mind. More good news was Mr Gunnar (Flay) came along with me for my search. It seems he was equally excited to see Miss Lunneth. Eh I don't know what to think about that. I like my mentor, but do I love her? Is it jealousy I feel seeing Mr Gunnar and Miss Lunneth together? Eh... Maybe... I hope not because I wish them both to be happy. Miss Lunneth should be happier though... One last note was that both were able to meet my recently acquired bow spirit companion Alexemia. Unfortunately neither her nor the others seemed to be impressed with each other. I'll have to work with Alexe a bit so she knows that Miss Lunneth and Mr Gunnar are not horrible people. Is it possible that my spirit companion is a little bit selfish? I must look into this... Perhaps someone knows more about spirit weapons...
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

Posts : 1655
Join date : 2008-04-30
Age : 41
Location : Chillin in Sulia's pants.

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