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New Member - Alchemy

The Kerrins
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New Member - Alchemy Empty New Member - Alchemy

Post  Alchemy Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:33 pm

Character Name: Alchemy

How You Heard About The RP Society: Server message from Omnisagi

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I've been roleplaying since my childhood. By dad introduced me to D&D when I was 7 and I have played ever since. Getting together with my gaming group is one of the most fun things I do with my week bringing RP into the online scene would be amazing.

Is English Your First Language? First and only.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Alchemy can't remember much of his life before Nao brought him to Erin but he has a deep longing for social attention. His depression brought him to the stores of Tir where he found a small lute in the garbage bins. Without much to do with his knew life Alchemy started to play this gift from the gods hoping and longing that this knew passion would bring him the friends he longed for. His first coupld weeks of training brought no fruits of labor only the sad and pathetic sounds of screeching strings.

One day sitting in the corner a Tir a robed stranger came up to the aspireing minstrel. The dark face of the stranger displayed years of knowledge and training, his solemn robe displayed his long time on the road. The mans voice rang into Alchemy's ears, "Your not half bad kid, how would you like to learn more about music and the art of playing." The mans kindness blew into the heart of Alchemy mentor would teach him and nurture his growth.

Months passed, and with each of them the growing musicians skills grew greater. The two bards grew to be great friends each of them improving on each others preformances. The two friends, Alchemy and Munich, joined a band of adventurers on their way to stop the fomors from breeching the Tir border. The journey took the two and their party deep into the dungeons and many fomors were slain on the way. With each monstrocity down their music started to shape the group. Deeper the party went and stronger the foes became.

In the last room of the dungeon, many foes apeared before the band of heroes. The battle became to great for them and all but Alchemy had been slain. Lying on the ground the goddes came to Alchemy in a vision, the loss of his friends would not be in vain. The Goddess bestowed upon the fallen hero a great power in his songs. Gathering up the last of his strengths Alchemy subdued his foe with the sounds of his lute and looked around the fallen for Munich. Alchemy furiously searched the bodies for any and all signs of his friend but no traces were to be found only the lute of his dear friend.

To this day Alchemy travels the land bringing his inspireing music to all those in the lands, looking for his lost friend he someday hopes to reunite with.

What type of character do you play?
Bard, Alchemy is a traveling mistrel who plays just to pay for his food. Someday he would like to bring his magic songs to the castle manors of the world.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?
As an insomniac I can be on alot, though it is only durring the night. ^.^
RPS Recruit

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-04-24
Age : 31
Location : Corpus Christi Texas

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Kayeori Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:38 pm

I like it a lot. You seem to be a natural at telling stories. Be it from your years of experience or just the passion for the characters you play. There were just a few spelling errors I saw, but each of them a simple miss-step of the keyboard. So nothing to worry about, as we all learn as we go. The Kaye approves of this Applicant!
Dessert Dragon
Dessert Dragon

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  The Kerrins Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:41 am

A Bard who does not know how to spin a tale is no bard at all

The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Kenelm Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:15 am

You have my approval.

Also, one more thing: Your forum name should match your character name.

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Captincrunch Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:30 am

Two approvals so far, just awaiting a third.
Very nicely written and well thought out.

Would you be so kind as to change your forum name to match you in-game character name? [[ Its in the Read This First bit ]]

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Alchemy Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:40 am

My bad with the forum name. Just changed that now and thanks for the notice.
RPS Recruit

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Xeek Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:55 am

And here is your third approval :3

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Honeko Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:59 am

I like the story *nods* I approve!
Gummy Sandworm
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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Captincrunch Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:04 pm

Just need the Guild Stone Application and my job will be done and I can pass things on to the mentoring team.

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Alchemy Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:24 pm

Psst, Where is the stone. Embarassed
RPS Recruit

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Dalvar Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:50 pm

Right where Tir meets Dugald.
There are lots of wolves.
You can't miss it!

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New Member - Alchemy Empty Re: New Member - Alchemy

Post  Captincrunch Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:58 am

Its the south road out, just by the gateway where the white wolves roam in hunger and some fear.

Posts : 2470
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Age : 113
Location : Armpit of '

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