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New Member - Walkry

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New Member - Walkry Empty New Member - Walkry

Post  Walkry Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:58 pm

Character Name: ...... Walkry .....
How You Heard About The RP Society: ...... Seen a few of your members around.....
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... 10 years+ .....
Is English Your First Language? ...... yes.....
A Short Biography Of Your Character: ...... Ive travled so many lands that i dont rember where home is. Don't know how i came to be in this realm, but i will make the best of my time here. I spend most of my time learning all i can and exploring. .....
What type of character do you play? ...... Fighter/Crafter.....
What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ ...... Random.....

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Jaeden Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:49 pm


Have to object. Until some modifications have been done. The biography gives us almost next to nothing as far as information goes, and it should have given us a few key details such as where he came from and how he got to Erinn. Or at least what he's done in Erinn so far.

It doesn't matter if your character doesn't know where he's from, or anything about his past. -You- as the author should know his biography, and that's what we're asking for. You can do this in first person, or you can do it in third person. This, in your cause, obviously leaves only the latter.

Otherwise, everything else looks good to me Smile
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Xeek Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:17 pm

Uhh, can you add a little more info? ^^; I never like my cheese burger plains. o-o

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Walkry Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:39 am

ime not sure how to put this so ill do it mostly out of charter. walkry started in the realm of everquest as a shadow knight. she went with me as i moved to starwars galaxies. she was a rogue in world of warcraft. a pod piolit in eve. a multi class in domo and has spent some time as a sim. she knows all the diffrent games/reamls she has been in but her view is from the inside of the game/realm. she has no knowledge of how she moves between realms/games. walkry has been in mabi for around 2 years off and on. has never been in a guild here. her favorite activities are exploring new lands and crafting items. she is mostly antisocial, so she keeps to herself. on a side note she has a brother that is one of my first charters and they keep in contact via letters. if you want/need clarification on any thing about her just ask.

Last edited by Walkry on Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing a typo that i missed)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Jaeden Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:23 am

Rule One - Literacy is not optional.
The letter "u" is not a valid replacement for the word "you". You would do well to read the Writing Tips page.

bounce I would suggest looking at the sticky in our registration page that specifically says "Read This First".

The history is a bit chaotic at best. How does Walkry keep from going insane with all of that? pale I mean, it could be interesting. It could be very interesting if you managed to pull it of well.

I'm reserving my approval until I see your RPing myself, or until another mentor can vouch for you.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Walkry Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:33 pm

i did read the rules. i saw that part. i missed the "u" when i looked it over for typos. she keeps from goind insane from all this due to not holding to any/one religious belief. any tresures she values she sends to her brother for safe keeping. her journey started in the days of eq2 when she left her home in freeport to search for evedence of her past. after completing her mission and uncovering the conspiracy behind her memory loss she became bored and restless. she relized that the search for the truth was what she missed. with this revelation she set out on a new search. a search for the unknown, a search for more, a search for whatever is out there waiting to be found. so when she wakes up in a strange place, in new lands she isn't conserned with what shes left behind. she simply looks forward to the new adventures. on a side note her brother grogg runs a small village of about 500 people in the forgotten realms.

i asked to join this guild because ime looking for a group that doesnt spend there time filling guild chatter with fart jokes. i have been in a lot of guild across a lot of games and my standards are a bit high. ime 32 years old, male, and have verry little tolerance for stupidity. ive never been in a guild in mabi so ime willing to give it a try. also i see there are two ways to role play a charter... make up a history or live it... i prefer the latter. everything in walkrys history is some thing she lived through, something she experienced. ime not an english major i make mistakes from time to time. if you need/want to send some one to observe me then so be it.

Last edited by Walkry on Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : same typo correction)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Dalvar Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:11 pm

Walkry wrote:if u need/want

Anyway, we observe all our new members as part of the mentoring precess.
It helps up sort out the ones who are new to this.

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Dellinger Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:02 am

We'll have a chance to examine ya.
It's called working with the guild as things go on.
We ask for a preliminary bio mainly so we can know what we should expect.
Stuff like that gets fixed (look at my posts about Entine, for examples).

Stupidity really shouldn't be tolerated. I'll agree with you on that note.
However, I think you can understand why we're asking for the bio (which you did provide).
Grammar can be worked on. The more proper it is, the more clear everyone understands everyone, ya know?

Hopefully you understand where we're coming from.
And may I ask how she came to Erinn? I like the background so far, but I'd like to see how she came to the Mabi world.

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Walkry Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:18 am

due to a misunderstanding of intent this post has been removed

Last edited by Walkry on Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : due to a misunderstanding of intent this post has been removed)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Veleth Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:05 am

The original notice from Jaeden, Walkry, was in regard to literacy in general. Whether or not posts after that referred to a specific notation is trivial at best.
In regards to the specifics of your bio, there may in fact be an infinite number of possibilities but you as the author should know the truth. You have not given a confirmation on this topic.

I, myself, disapprove of this member as despite it being pointed out to use correct literacy skills there has been no attempt to correct the usage. It is simple enough to correct and as you claim to be 32 years old, there is no justification for the tone of your last post. The overall disdain that is shown is not appreciated..

Last edited by Galin on Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:07 am; edited 1 time in total
Gummy Sandworm
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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Temo Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:06 am

Unfortunately, you're gonna have to be more specific. While the character may not know how they came to be, you the player should always know. Being vague in-character is is fine after the character is made, but not during the application process. So whatever happened, you need to explain it. Razz This goes for all roleplay in general. Players can know about the out-of-character; but in-character, they're as ignorant about this as you'd be in real life if nobody told you. As players and administrators, we need to know before being able to accept you in.

Also, from one roleplayer to another, I'd suggest creating a character that doesn't have such an unbelievable past to them with all the jumping from game to game. Not that where they've been would matter once reaching Erinn since nothing comes in but their soul; but crossovers from other games rarely work out well here. Even when they do, it's due to the character's knowledge being completely useless in the place they find themself. For that reason, I can't approve of Walkry as is.

As for the Grammar Police, we try to be lenient; but there's some things that can't be tolerated. Punctuation issues come after being able to understand what's being said without making this face: Neutral
Burrito Bison

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Honeko Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:36 am

I dislike the disdain shown towards the remote possibility of the grammar police. I try to be kind and lenient, but as a technical editor as a profession, there can only be so much toleration.

I only disapprove though because I find the attitude in reaction for the simple asking of a simple correction and a little fleshing out to be quite unreasonable.
Gummy Sandworm
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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Jaeden Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:43 am

Walkry wrote:i find it humorous that the grammer police decide to focus on the letter u in my previous posts, but complety miss the lack of captol letters in any thing ive posted.

You don't really want to be in this guild, do you?

In other languages, capitalization is not required except for at the beginning of the sentence only. In some languages such as Japanese / Chinese and most other Asian languages for that matter, capitalization is never even an issue; they don't use the roman alphabet. Therefore, we try to be lenient just in case the person applying is actually a foreign student. No reason to fault them for the complexities of another language.

However, there is absolutely no excuse you can give me that will account for typing "u" instead of "you". It is sheer laziness on the writer's part, and to do it even further after it's been pointed out on an application . . .

This is just a tip for your real life purposes. Or really, for anything in general. You always act your best in the screening process. Never half-butt an interview or application of any kind, because that's what we judge you from. This is a role playing guild, first and foremost, and not a cell-phone anonymous texter group. We expect you to be able to type and punctuate correctly. We also expect you to be polite and to supply any further information we've asked you, simply because we require it from all members.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Xeek Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:06 pm

I say Disapprove,

1) For refusing to improve your grammar.

and 2) More importantly, for being rude.

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Walkry Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:45 pm

i find it fascinating that an attempt at humor is recived as rude. Knarex how have i refused to improve my grammar? was i supposed to go back and edit my old posts, i can do that if that is what you are implying. being accused of rudeness without clarification is something i perceive as rudeness, you could have asked me what i ment by the comment. and yes i know i am also at fault for not clarifying that i intended it as humor. Jaeden thank you for your understaning, substituting "u" in place of "you" is a bad habbit and with you pointing that out to me i can correct this habbit. this isn't the first time i have considered withdrawing my application. i am antisocial and have my doubts about joining any group. this application works both ways as this is my fist opportunity to get to know you guys. Gatemo i apologize for being vague. this was an area that i had never gotten around to nailing down. but since you have requested clarification ill will give you the info as it is. i haven't decided wether its a spell or an artifact that she uses. she opens a portal to a realm of limbo where she has access to other realms. i find your sugestion that i should start over incredibly insulting. ime sorry if my role playing style doesnt suite your ideal of how it should be done. i will not compromise my beliefs or play style to appease anyone.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Captincrunch Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:06 pm

I will just have to step in for a bit and point out some ongoing issues with your posting skills.
Guide to decent English writing skills.
All sentences start with a capital letter, as well as proper names and when referring to oneself directly. (I)
There are punctuation symbols besides the period, such as the comma.
Please use the comma responsibly, such as stitching connected ideas together in one sentence, or listing points or objects.

Please note that in the Guild Charter, put down in writing by the founders over two years ago, that this is a Literate Guild.

Now on to roleplay.
This is not something done by yourself. That would be referred to as a psychosis.
An effective roleplay requires a core set of mechanics to cover actions and responses know as "The Rules".
The other major aspect of "The Rules" is the shared reality of the players.
In our case we are limited to the mechanics and history of Mabinogi the Online Game.
This means you will not see any Kzinti, Xixtlixxii, Tanks, Modrons, Beer Elementals, Zeus Battle Armor, a 57 Cadillac, or Pepe Le'pue.
Players can say whatever they like about where they came from or what they used to be able to do, but they can not do the same in this reality.

[ I should add this to the introduction to roleplay section ]

Hope that helps clarify things from a more official position.

As to the suggestion of starting over, I believe what was meant was the posting of the biography be repeated.
The new post is to be a reviewed and edited version to meet the requirements of clarity as well as to elaborate on any of the questions raised up till that point.

Last edited by Captincrunch on Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Xeek Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:13 pm

Walkry wrote:i find it fascinating that an attempt at humor is recived as rude. Knarex how have i refused to improve my grammar? was i supposed to go back and edit my old posts, i can do that if that is what you are implying. being accused of rudeness without clarification is something i perceive as rudeness, you could have asked me what i ment by the comment.

I guess that is my fault too, but it sounded kind of bitter how you said when she only corrected the spelling of "u".

and I am sure if you try you can improve your grammar, I still have my note, when they told me to correct mine.

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New Member - Walkry Empty Re: New Member - Walkry

Post  Captincrunch Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:05 pm

I think we can wave goodbye to this one.

I very much doubt this is a person who subscribes to organized roleplay of any sort.
Heck I would be very surprised if I ever had them at a convention table.

Lets close this little drama and move on.

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