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New Member - Remmiel

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New Member - Remmiel Empty New Member - Remmiel

Post  Remmiel Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:20 pm

Character Name: ...... Remmiel .....

How You Heard About The RP Society: ...... Refered by Dalvar .....

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? ...... Let's just say I started when I was a teen .....

Is English Your First Language? ...... yes .....

A Short Biography Of Your Character: ...... When Remmiel came to Errin his memories were supressed by Nao at his request. His past life locked behind iron doors, that bend a bit every time he brushes with what one could call the near death that is common to the world of Errin. Remmiel talks of balance between good and evil, even saying it is some what necessary, yet seems to hate the concept, and is repulsed by it. When asked about his life before he says he doesn't remember much, but he may be attempting to hide the truth of who he was, and what "The People" do. .....

What type of character do you play? ...... Mystic Swordsman .....

What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ ...... Medium/Light. Usually around 7pm central Monday to Friday. Sometimes later because of work. .....
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Honeko Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:05 am

Nice biography. Sounds like an interesting character Smile
Gummy Sandworm
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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Remmiel Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:18 am

Why thank you. I do try to make sure that characters I create are amusing. I also hope that eventually I can post up his true back story, if/when the guild discovers it, or deduces it from the clues he's been dropping.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Dalvar Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:12 am

Why look, it is yet another person I can't approve because I referred him here.

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Temo Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:55 am

If that icon is from what I think it is, I instantly disapprove.

...kidding. Sounds interesting, though it would be nice to have a bit of the mystery taken from his past life so we can be sure the character won't be too much to deal with in the future. Not saying he or anybody else has to know in-character, but it'd be nice to get that sort of thing handled before getting too deep, y'know?
Burrito Bison

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Remmiel Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:09 am

I have a few minutes before I leave for work.

On Remmiel's world Teraith the Angels and Demons are fighting for the souls of the people. "The People" do not want either side to win, feeling that if the Angels win and then the creation of heaven on Earth will mean the death of everyone who isn't quite good enough. Hell on Earth is not an option at all, as it would mean that the wicked and evil would rule, and the good, or at least descent would have to endure endless suffering, while the evil are rewarded. So the people kill angels, and demons who appeared in the world. Showing no mercy to either side, even when the Angels and Demons tried to be covert, hiding themselves among the populace of the world. Remmiel was of "The People", and thus before coming to Errin his hands were coated in the blood of Angels and Demons.

Shortly before coming to Errin, Remmiel did something that made him an enemy of "The People", he fell in love with an Overt Angel, and she fell in love with him. For this they were put to death. His angel love though struck a bargain with the the god she served and instead of joining the rest of "The People" in limbo, he was sent to Errin as a reward for what he had done, and to rehabilitate his soul. As part of that rehabilitation Remmiel pleaded with Nao to have the memories of his past repressed so that he could live happily on this new world forgetting everything he was and had done before, Nao though only put temporary locks on his memories, knowing that even repressed they would still alter his character and that eventually he should face them.

Well that's his story, and the reason for the picture of a man with a blood stained hand.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Captincrunch Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:19 pm

Nice character and a back story that is not too convoluted and hidden behind layers of layers as I oh so well know one character is.

Look forward to the challenge of getting any of the other characters to help in dealing with those issues from the past and present.
My personal batting average is easy pop-flys to the three stooges who catch but have no clue on what to do with it.
(Yeah, Caps story is something that needs to be dug through by someone one of these days - Cap can't do it himself and MU is too lazy)

As guild master, I just look after processing applications based on 3, yes three firm positive responses OR more than a week or so has passed and nobody has had anything bad to say.

You have applied at the Guild Stone, yes?

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Remmiel Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:37 pm

Yes I did but I will check to see if it is still out there.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Captincrunch Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:25 pm

So far 2 implied approvals - why doesn't anyone use that word any more? - one recruiter (implicit approval, so yes it counts since you had good reason to ask them to join) - one Guild Master

I think I'll give my officer a conniption fit Twisted Evil

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New Member - Remmiel Empty Re: New Member - Remmiel

Post  Dellinger Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:44 pm

Isn't the guild still without an officer since Gate decided he didn't want to be one, Cap? XD

Sorry I haven't gotten to this, though. Normally I'm better about this stuff. I like the application and the thought that was put into this. Not too complicated and it seems the character is fairly basic. Nice place to start off, and I hope your RPing ability holds through. *nods*

Approval given. Just make sure that you read the rules. =]

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