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New Member - Sildarine

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New Member - Sildarine Empty New Member - Sildarine

Post  Sildarine Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:13 pm

Character Name: Sildarine

How You Heard About The RP Society: Noticed the guild stone while running around and I've always liked roleplaying so I decided to apply.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? *thinks about it for a few minutes* I'm not quite sure when exactly, but I think it was a some point during 2001.

Is English Your First Language? No, french’s my first language. My written english is very good, though I'm convinced I keep making mistakes that I simply can't see.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: (In character) I'm guessin' ye're askin' who I used t'be b'fore wassername whisked me t'this world? T'be perf'ctly honest... I can't r'member anymore. All I've got are bit's n' pieces. Y'know... like when y'try to r'member a dream s'veral hours after wakin' up. Only thing I can clearly r'member is tryin' t'sleep in an alley som'where, thinkin' about m'life and wishin' I could get a chance t'try again.

‘m guessin’ someb’dy heard th’t wish, or ma’be I spoke out-loud. What’verway they did, next thing I know, I found m'self in that odd place with wassername an' being a lot yo'nger than I used t'be.

(OOC: Yes, I know that the in character segment is full of missing letters, odd words and missing information. That’s pretty much just stream of consciousness since Sildarine isn’t quite fleshed out yet. You can expect her pronunciation to fluctuate wildly from one day to the other.)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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New Member - Sildarine Empty Re: New Member - Sildarine

Post  Kagaea Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:18 pm

I like what I see here, but I'll have to wait to meet in game for final judgment.

The accenting reminds me of a one of the various southern dialects of American English. This is not a bad thing as Kagaea probably has a bit of one since I tend to use "ya'll" and "ain't" with here.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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New Member - Sildarine Empty Re: New Member - Sildarine

Post  Raoul Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:55 am

Sweetness, now I'll not be the only alien who speaks another thing than english!

And I loved the application!
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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New Member - Sildarine Empty Re: New Member - Sildarine

Post  Kahlen Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:17 pm

Sounds good.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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New Member - Sildarine Empty Re: New Member - Sildarine

Post  Darke Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:23 pm

Great application! I just hope you don't mind if I say "huh?" and "what?" a lot when you speak to me in character. Wink
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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