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Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  Xephyr Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:17 pm

Name: Mur'ssinid
"I was born into a strange life, My name for one. . .I guess its what lead me to my current life"

Tittle: The Shadow Herald
"Many people ask how I got that tittle. Is it for my stealth, A destiny to herald darkness into this world, Perhaps where I walk shadows follow, my answer is none of those, I simply translated my name...nothing more..."

Age: ?
"My age varies on where I go....and who I talk too. Also such information can have major drawbacks, if you know some ones age, you know when they were born, through census you can track down and rule out most of the list, then its just the job of eliminating the remaining suspects, and you can find out EVERYTHING. For now...lets just say I'm 18."

Family: ?
"As I said, Such information can have major draw backs, I'll tell you this though, I have a mother, I have a Father, I know one of them is alive. As for siblings...I don't care, he or she would simply share my blood."

Friends: Any girl within 200 feet
"Women are the gods gift to man, such beauty and elegance, even the Violent ones and the Tomboys, they are all wonderful."

A Special Someone: None
"I have no need for such things, If I share a strong bond with someone it will only make it harder too move on. That and its so hard to find the kind of person to get along with me."

Hobbies: Stealing and Seducing
"Life is hard, its tough to make a living in this world. I just let others supply me with what I need, people like me seem to just have everything handed to them."

Weapons of Choice: Anything of use nearby
"Weapons can be bothersome sometimes. You have to spend so much time taking care of them, and it costs so much. You would be surprised what just lies around that can be used to fight. Anything from coins to lamp posts can be a weapon if used right."

Skin color: White
"I grew up in the dark, the sunlight has been my enemy for the longest time."

Hair Color: Red
"Ah, the beauty of red hair. So rich and luxurious, if taken care of it can become a big attraction, and unlike those with White or brow or green, Blood doesn't stain red hair much."

Eye Color: Yellow
"As I said I grew up in the dark. Originally my eyes were green, but as my need to see in the dark increased, my body adapted. My eyes now pierce the darkness. Sadly there is one issue, my eyes are adapted to darkness and I can see in the pitches black instantaneously, however moving into still bothers me."

Height: 6'2"
"Although things were often handed too me I still had a rough life. I had to learn to fend for myself, especially when the guard came after me. I've grown strong thanks too this. Also most women prefer taller men."

Build: Slight
"Most people know, when the thieves become large, they don't do very well. I've managed to slim myself though years of training, and living as I do. Some would say I'm 'Thin as a blade and just as sharp' They usually stop saying that after knowing me for more than 3 hours."

Favorite Food: Kiss on the Lips
"When I say this most people comment 'alcohol doesn't count' the only thing I have to counter is 'I'm not talking about the drink'. Nothing tastes better then a womans passion."

How he came to be in Erinn: Born in Erinn
"Ah, Life in Erinn, such a wonderful place. If it wasn't for the violent Formors things would be perfect. Many people think I hate formors but quite the contrary I've met several kind and or human like Formors in my day, all the female formors I've met were very beautiful. I've spend most my days evading the paladins, the guards, and the violent women who have bones to pick with me (though you must admit, the violent ones get even more beautiful in their rage). All in all my life is good."

Likes: Women, Gold, Fine dungeons (Prisons)
"Women, I'm sure by now you've heard me ramble on too much about women, but I just can't help it, their beauty, elegance, and best of all, their bodies, Astounding. The only thing that comes close to the feel of a fine woman is the feeling of a heavy gold pouch. Money is needed in this world and is a joy to have a lot of. Now, From what you've heard of me I'm sure you've guessed I've been in more than my fair share of prisons, dungeons, and other such....confinement areas. I've got use to, and when people ask 'So where do you live?' I can happily say 'I've got a home in ever town around here' of course most don't know I'm talking about the prisons and dungeons. I Enjoy some of the better dungeons around, such as the one in Emain."

Dislikes: Drab dungeons (Prisons)
"I'm a man of many talents, and many likes. I'm one of those people who rarely dislikes things, however if there is something I cannot stand and that would be a drab or poorly build dungeon. If I'm going to be breaking out I want it to be a challenge, lately I've been smuggling in Rope so I can tie one of my hands behind my back. If the dungeon is well built and I can't get out however, I want it too be nice. You know, spruce it up with guards around every corner, Well build metal bars, the ones that if you hit them they give a small 'Ting', not those cheap bars that echo 'TANG' if you give it a hit. Don't even get me started on prison food, I once got put a dungeon with food so bad I wound up eating the metal tray they served it on. Then I went to a dungeon that served out wonderful food, only downside was it would make most people sick and gassy, I'll tell you, a dungeon full of over 100 gassy people throwing up...That is torture in its truest sense. Good gruel and the occasional swig of alcohol (if you know the guards that is) is all I need.On the subject of guards, thats another thing most good dungeons need. Guards with personality, After a while you begin to know them, and knowing the guy who watches over you 24/7 and feed you has is big advantages."

Behavior: He tends to be rather kind to people at first, especially women.
"So many people are unkind to others at first sight. I believe that until you give me a reason I should be kind and courteous. Don't get me wrong, until you give me a reason to I won't trust you, and if needed you might be finding your purse a little light, so best to just make friends with me quickly."

At first glance: Mur'ssinid seems kind and charming, he walks upright and smiles. His pace seems Leisurely as he takes in the beauty around him. That is before he takes off with lightning speed as the guard rush from the allyways and buildings yelling 'Catch that Bastard!'.

Abilities: Stealthy, Charming, and strong at improvising
"My life revolves around three basic skills, the ability to stay unseen, the ability to talk my way out of situations, and the ability to improvise. Shadow, Words, and quick thinking get you far in life."

Special Skills: Able to use almost anything as a weapon
"Alright, as I've said before I need to think quickly and be able to use anything as a weapon. Not everyone can do this, however I have the mind set for it. I see how things can work to help me or hinder them. Some people wonder if I plan everything out, or if I spend hours and hours practicing, the truth is, I just wing it."

Usual Reactions:
[Unfamiliar - Male]
He seems kind enough, he walks up with a smile on his face "Well hello there, who would you be?"
[Unfamiliar - Female]
He has a smile on his face and his eyes seem full of life, as he approaches he swiftly snatches up your hand, he bows and gently kisses it "Greetings miss, what would such a fair lady as yourself be doing around here?"
[Unfamiliar - Child]
He seems very kind and gentle, he bears a grin on his face, he approaches and ruffles your hair "Greetings Lad (or lass depending) what would your name be."
[Familiar - Male]
He bears a smile, his voice seems to carry a gentler tone "Ah, we meet again"
[Familiar - Female]
A feeling of kindness radiates from him, his voice seems soothing "Ah, fair maiden it is a great pleasure to meet you once more."
[Familiar - Child]
He is kind and gentle, his voice seems to lull you, he pats your head "ah, Lad (or Lass) quite nice to meet you again"
[Friend - Male]
He has a grin on his face, he speaks to you as a kind brother would "-Name- how have you been doing my friend"
[Friend - Female]
His voice is kind and smooth, his words hang about with a sweet tone "-Name- so kind of you to grace me once more with your beauty"
[Friend - Child]
He addresses you as an adult, his voice is kind but he speaks bluntly, it seems he cares not of your age any longer, your an adult in is eyes "-Name- how has life been treating you?"
[Seducing himself out of situations]
His voice is coated in honey, his words are sweet and kind. The words hang around you and linger in your mind long after he finishes speaking.

"I can see by the look in your eyes, your don't really want to hear much more about me. Don't worry, for the most part I've told what I can, Although there is more story to be told I'll save that for another day. These past few minutes has been great but the guard have almost caught up by now. I'll be seeing you around some time."

Last edited by Xephyr on Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typoes)
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Re: Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  Omnisagi Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:46 pm

Sigh what a pervert Rolling Eyes ....................*laughs evily at her metal arm and fist* Twisted Evil
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Re: Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  dweramond Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:50 pm

does that mean another pervert in the guild?'~' oh well i have nothing to saay...
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Re: Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  Captincrunch Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:44 pm

Well except for the truely innocent and pure, Like Dalvar Cap and a few others (very few), everyone else is a pervert to some degree. Evil or Very Mad

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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Re: Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  Dalvar Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:49 pm

Captincrunch wrote:...the truely innocent and pure, Like Dalvar...

Anyway, I like him.
He may be a pervert, but he is so in a stylish and open way.
It amuses me.

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Mur'ssinid (with comentary) Empty Re: Mur'ssinid (with comentary)

Post  Xephyr Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:09 pm

I kinda like talking as him and I have ideas already, I will Tell stories about his past and such in character, you'll bump into him in various places and learn more about him.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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