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For the glory of Rome!

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For the glory of Rome! Empty For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:58 pm

A new message, posted along with a sketch reads:

"Come! All those not infected by the demon scourge, join the Holy Golden Wolf Temple. We will cleanse your soul and mind so that you may be fit to battle the forces of the Demons, if you wish to fight we have a sword for each of you. If you wish to pray we have Altars for each of you. The Holy Golden Wolf Temple seeks to eliminate the Demons from this world and reclaim it for the glory of Rome!"

[EDIT: Previous image replaced]

For the glory of Rome! Wip2

[Editor's Note: I would like to point out that the text written in the 'blockier' format is such because it is not penned by the same hand as the poster ( though it does not belong to 'Draconian' either ) though this is a minor point, i feel it is worth mentioning.]

Below the message and sketch are scrawled words written in either by either someone who is not adept with a pen or was very upset at the time of writing.

"The Temple are slavers and murderers! If you join them you are worse than the demons themselves! Down with the Temple and their Emperor so that the poor and brave may rise up! ~ Draconian"

(( The terrible photoshopping is my work, please excuse it ))

Last edited by LaminaNight on Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Khunvyel Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:01 am

Pete, on his usual stroll doing his daily work in Tir Chonaill, could not help to stop when passing by the board and take a look at the picture and it's message, unsure if this was a bad joke, or the uprising of something he had pondered a while ago when it is going to happen. While his thoughts wander about who would have started such a cult, and how the Church of Lymilark is going to react to it, he takes a pencil out of his pocket and starts to "vandalize" the sketch... by adding undergarments to the naked girl of the "Lust" picture. He frowns while doing so. Whoever this person was, they have no decency for kids walking by and blatantly rub their beliefs and ideals in anyone's face. Then he reads the scribbled message below as he was done with his work and thought to himself. "Emperor? Which emperor?" Shaking his head, he puts on his tail cap - the official indicator that he is now working - and moves out to Dilys, the healer, first.

Hands in his pockets, he trots up the way up north, to the slightly remote house of Dilys, but there was something that didn't leave his mind. Despite this looking like the worst joke on Erinn, there is something that just rubbed him the wrong way.
"There might be new... visitors" he thinks to himself. A thought he doesn't like at all. This has to be investigated.


In Bangor, Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr, the head of administration, demands to know of the guards who has put up this scandalous and insulting message. She removes the picture by herself, instead leaving another message as substitution:
Bangor Administration wrote:Dear citizens,

In the interest of our small community to remain stable, I ask anyone who has seen a glimpse of the person who put up the previous message to report to my office. I will not allow such shameless and blasphemous atrocity stain the face of our town.
She would also ask the guards if they have seen anything, but considering the board is off their track, she is prepared to not scowl by getting no answers there. However, she lets one of the southern guards and their respective change of shift stay at the board, and watch out for anyone trying to place another message like this. And if so? Take them into custody.
Back in her office, she looks the picture over again, in a measuring manner, before cramping it to a small ball and throwing it into the waste paper basket, murmuring;
"Girl doesn't even have tits."

Last edited by Khunvyel on Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Stupid me can't close quote tags.)

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:18 am

Kenelm had only seen the flier twice before Dhinesbeth had removed it. He had been too busy with the concert preparations to study it as closely as he wanted, so he had sent a note to someone at the CTG office in Emain Mahca to have one in that city relocated to his office.

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:09 pm

Mere hours after the first posting had been vandalized, another appears plastered on top of it, this one merely being text but also bearing the name of the supposed "Cult" of "The Golden Wolf Temple"

It reads as a list, and appears to be a set of "Codes" or beliefs that they hold, the reason they post this is unknown.

Thou shalt believe all that the Holy Golden Wolf Temple teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.

Thou shalt defend the Holy Golden Wolf Temple.

Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shall constitute thyself the defender of them.

Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born.

Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.

Thou shalt make war against those who are unholy without cessation, and without mercy.

Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of The Spirits.

Thou shalt kneel before the Altar Of Spirits at each of thy visits.

Thou shalt not spread falsehood of the Holy Golden Wolf Temple on pain of death.

Thou shalt be always the champion of the Spirits and the Temple against Demons and Evil.

Thou shalt serve the Holy Golden Wolf Temple Of Rome and Its People until the last breath.

Thou shalt obey the Spirit’s commands or be seen as a traitor.


Live to serve Emperor and The Holy Golden Wolf Temple.

Live to defend The Holy Golden Wolf Temple and The Spirits and all they hold dear.

Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.

Live for freedom, justice and all that is in the name of the Spirits.

Obey the law of emperor, the holy temple, and The Spirits.

Administer justice.

Protect those under the ‘rule’ of The Spirits.

Show respect to those of senior rank toward thou.

Exhibit Courage in word and deed.

Defend those unable to defend themselves.

Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.

Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.

Fight with honor.

Avenge the wronged.

Never abandon a friend, ally, or The Spirits quest.

Fight for the ideals of emperor, temple, and chivalry.

Die with valor and honor

Always maintain one's principles.

Never betray a confidence or comrade.

Loyalty to Spirits, Emperor, and Temple.

Loyalty to one's friends and those who lay their trust in thee.

Place The Holy Golden Wolf Temple and Spirits above all else.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Location : Erinn, Mabinogi.

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:26 pm

Moments after the initial accompanying document went up in Emain Macha, it was silently removed, and the person who put it up, subtly tailed. The Ghost had assigned a team to investigate.

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:32 pm

(( Deepest apologies for the late reply ))

A tailing of the figure whom had posted the document would reveal a sort of 'outpost' in the trees near Taillteann, where many figures wearing either plate armor ( a noteworthy feature of which being the dominance of Gold in the color scheme as well as the many strange markings that litter it, some bearing words in Latin on their armor and others not ) or traveler's cloaks which have a dominance of black among their ranks. They are all gathered near tents which seem to have been hastily set up just recently, and are speaking among themselves of how different this world seems to be from theirs . . . and of demons.

(( Hopefully this is satisfactory, more information can be provided upon request as i will happily grant it. ))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:57 pm

Upon learning of the existence of the camp, the tail would draw as close as possible without attracting any attention. Prior to the approach to collect some of the finer details and eavesdrop, reports would be sent to the local guard garrison and to both the Ghost and Dunewyrm. Upon departure, specifics on appearance and conversational intelligence would be forwarded to the all ready listed parties.

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:24 am

A letter is addressed to the trade guild ( i am assuming that they have a way of being contacted ) written by at least a familiar hand  ( for those who read my previous posting )

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:16 am

/* It is Important Question Time:

  • How could your character learn of the covert reconnaissance operation?
  • How would she know it was executed by the Corenites?
  • Couldn't the threat level have been determined from some of the conversations?


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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:09 pm

(( Very good questions, and indeed i have very mediocre answers. But, i hope that i can at least be partially understandable.

* It was not meant in response to any operation, it was merely addressed following the posting of the Temple's Bulletin.

* Same as above, this was addressed to the one whom wrote regarding my previous post, which this follows up on.

* Indeed, but given my melodramatic nature i simply wished to reinforce this threat. As well as the fact that perhaps not all conversations they had were conclusive to being hostile ( What are the odds of them just absently talking about murder and such? )

And those are my very weak answers, If you still feel it is unsatisfactory, feel free to null-and-void my previous posting ))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:07 pm

/* All right. I've got two more questions:
  • Why would she contact Ghost about the cult?
  • How far-reaching is this plot of yours going to be?


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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:17 pm

(( Response:

* Likely assuming that he/she is a sort of Official of some caliber, other than that i can honestly give you no other reason than plot convenience.

* I do not instead to try to force it upon anything else, but this plot coincides with my work which in its entirety spans quite a deal of time, as The Temple as well as the characters involved all have rich histories that may or may not be explored if this continues to go further, if you do not wish it to then i can stop here and be done with it, otherwise i would encourage and love interaction and further development as i enjoy showcasing and implementing things carried over from both my writings and Roleplays done over the years.
Moreover i hope that i do not interfere with anything on your or the guilds end, and if such happens i will change accordingly. I do not wish to seem pushy or anything of the sort, i simply wish to create a storyline that others may enjoy as much as i enjoyed creating it, again i recognize that perhaps not all may like it and if that is the case i will abide.

Thank you for your consideration, further questions are appreciated and accepted. ))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Kenelm Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:48 pm

/* Thank you for your cooperation regarding the questions. I have no more to ask at this time. There might be additional questions later.

I am not alone in thinking your plot will require an FEC write up if you're interested in providing the full experience. (See ) You will have to complete your mentoring before submitting the FEC application. Thus, you should limit their overall threat potential at this time. */

Upon completion of the reconnaissance objectives, and the intelligence update sent to all cities, the Ghost and the Dunewyrm, the assigned tail would proceed with the secondary surveillance objective; sending further updates as required.

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Khunvyel Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:07 pm

(( spoiler because out of character: ))
Infos for your plot:

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:39 pm

(( Thank You for the response and for making things more understandable and clear on my end, i am admittedly still very new to the forum/guild way of doing things and as such i may be a bit slow to catch on but i will definitely abide by rules and regulations set out before me and already established, as for my mentoring i apologize for having not been "on-the-ball" so to speak with it but things have been a bit hectic on my end and thus replying on a forum is far easier than taking the time to start up the game and reply on there and such, hopefully you do not take this as my being "lazy" or "procrastinating". If any of the mentors see this and which to contact me that would be appreciated, otherwise i will likely start my contacting of those whom are not busy with their own affairs within the next day or so.

Thank You once more for reading,

~ "Lamina" ))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  Khunvyel Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:21 pm

(( I do apologize as well for the lack of information due to the heavy foot of government, which was hitting you with the force of a jackhammer. Thankfully, this will soon be a thing of the past, and for now I hope we are NOT making you shy away from things. In the case of doubt, ask Very Happy ))

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For the glory of Rome! Empty Re: For the glory of Rome!

Post  LaminaNight Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:20 pm

(( Understood, and let it be known that as soon as i have things in order i will write up an FEC application to get a plot point approved and continue this if at all possible, i enjoy giving the community within our guild something interesting and hopefully entertaining, as well as provide anything that i may to the guild, in order for us to prosper and become a "happy family" as i would put it.
Until further notice, i resign from this thread.
Thank you, all of you for your participation and acceptance.
I look forward to being a fully-fledged member of this guild.

~ Best Regards, "Lamina". ))
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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