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Serra "Twinshot" Arks (FUTURE body alt)

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Serra "Twinshot" Arks (FUTURE body alt) Empty Serra "Twinshot" Arks (FUTURE body alt)

Post  Glaceon Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:25 pm

((Similar to Beatrice(Aura's Alt). With twin guns being a future thing, I bring another Arkana to us.))

Name: Serra Arks
Alias: Twinshot


Bio: Well I could tell you about my life, but that'd be pretty boring. Being the "child" of the Arkana types is no where near fun. Picked on for size a lot, both height and cup. But a quick shot or two never made the insults last long. I suppose it's beneficial. But now you are probably wondering how a super shot like myself wound up's a story of corruption and data loss really. It started out in Caergate, helping the escorts and fighting off them Free Knights again. They constantly raid the base and attack us, so I organized a group to raid their base. Granted I may have shown my stuff around to get help (Some commanders have things for the lolis), but that's not the point.

So basically we managed to raid their base. However, all my comrads died before me. Being a shooter, I was in the back. However, I didn't notice it until it was too late. One of them Shadow Walkers snuck behind everyone, right around my sight. Must have been built for stealth, because I didn't detect anything. Anyways, came up behind me and got me. But it was more than a simple kill. No, we Arkana are meant to take beating and just get ported back somewhere. This girl had some...virus program in her weapon. It infected me, I could feel my body slowly corrupting. Mentality was fading, soon I had no more control over anything. My commander's voice was shouting in my head, but it was no use. The virus started deleting me. I remember the stares and laughs as I slowly fell apart.

Anyhoozies, I'm here now. Apparnently us Arkana do have souls, and mine got guided here. I wonder how many others I might find here. It's an odd place for sure. I've yet to find anyone though. Also, what's up with these guns. They aren't the same...I actually have to pull a trigger now? This is stupid....but I guess I'm stuck here until I find a way out. I don't know of any data recovery programs back home, but I hope I'm not forgotten.

((This character will be a thing when we get guns. For now, I'm leaving her here. Just wanted the Bio out of the way.))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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