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Luily (Kura body alt.)

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Luily (Kura body alt.) Empty Luily (Kura body alt.)

Post  Kuralin Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:58 pm

Name: Luily (Kura body alt.)

Birth Race: Ter’Alie(Foxie)

Game Race: Kitsune

Home world: Tur'Lura

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Silver

Bio: A bullet shot through the air into Luily’s neck, slowly eating away at her flash. Then she woke up her body covered in sweat and her eyes open wide, she started feeling her neck for fresh bullet wounds. Then she realized she was still in the cabin that the bandits had found in the middle of the woods south east of Tir Chonaill. Her bandits, really or maybe the big guys, but still.

Then the door opened and a man in a Muffler Robe walked in, taking off the robe and hanging on a chair. He was covered in light blue scales and reminded her of the tales of the Toe’Ru or maybe in this worlds tongue dragon people would have been a better term. Tealen spoke to her “We need food from that Tir Chonaill town, place. Ok I don’t, but the others do.” She still wasn’t sure what he met, by that, but nodded anyways. Teal looked at her strangely speaking up “You know…Nevermind it’s unimportant.” A look of uncertainty crossing his face, but then it quickly disappeared. Then he said “Will I need a gas to knockout that little girl who guards the granary in the village? And you’re quite good with herbs and that bow of yours. So go work on it.” She nodded again as she got up to prepare.

Note: She’s mentally mute. Also Luily is that name that Teal gave her.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 160
Join date : 2011-05-27
Age : 37
Location : State South of Canada

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