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Nyx's lycan alterations

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:37 am

Removed Stuff:

I put the previous stuff in the spoiler. So.. removing "lycan" template.

IC Skill Name: Transformation
Power Class: Transformation
OOC Representation: Character body, pet body
Description: Nyx is a white wolf(tiger body) that is able to transform in to a human, with no trace of her wolf when she is a human. Meaning no claws, fur, wolf ears, tail. She looks just like a human.
Explain relation: size of tiger body, and human body
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Weakness
Power Class: Weaknesses
OOC Representation: none? It's a weakness.
Description: In her human form, she has no weakness that a typical human wouldn't have. In her wolfen form, she is subject to primal instincts and has a typical 'animal' weakness. CoD, Taming, and Enthalling.
Explain relation: none, just a weakness.

Last edited by Auramune on Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:08 am; edited 2 times in total

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Xeek Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:49 am

So: As a human she has none of the weakness a Lycan does?
And as a wolf, she does?

Does she have a middle transformation?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:16 pm

No middle transformation. And yes, as a human she has no lycan weaknesses, and as a wolf she does.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Xeek Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:41 pm

Seems good to me.
I approvez.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Glaceon Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:43 pm

Whats the reasoning behind none of the weaknesses? Like how does she not have them, IC-wise.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:58 pm

She doesn't have the weaknesses, because she has nothing of the wolf form in her human form. So she has no weaknesses as well.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Soifa Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:23 pm

Do you mean the silver and whatnot, or ALL the things listed, including magic music which includes lullaby?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:43 pm

When she's in a human form, all the weaknesses don't effect her any more than they'd effect a normal human xD. I mean, if you stab her with a silver blade it would still hurt. But if it was a normal blade it would hurt anyway xD.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Dellinger Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:47 pm

Aura: If your race is 'lycan,' whether you are in wolf form or human form shouldn't change your genetic racial weaknesses. It is something intrinsic to your race, ergo the two things that you transform into should have those weaknesses. Having weaknesses on half of what your character is doesn't really make plausible sense.

It also appears that you're doing 'werewolf,' but more in the classic "World of Darkness" way while skipping the hybrid step. Note: All wolf-hybrid races defined as were or lycanthrope so far have the weaknesses, whether the base form is 'hybrid' or 'wolf.' The weaknesses are persistent over both forms whether or not the werewolf is in human form or werewolf form as well.

In all cases, as it is a racial trait/ability, the weaknesses should stay standard throughout the different states of transformation unless there is a plausible, solid reason why your lycanthopic changing is different than all other lycanthropes. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense to approve of the power over a template that is almost the same.

For all our ease, Dell's Argument In Bullet Form -
  • Hybrid-to-Wolf has weaknesses
  • Human-to-Hybrid has weaknesses
  • These are all defined as 'lycanthropes' by definition
  • You have defined the ability as lycanthropic
  • Human-to-Wolf, through same methods, should have weaknesses no matter the form

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:09 am

Updated the powers and removed the original(put in spoiler). No longer a 'lycan'. Just a wolf to human special snowflake ^-^.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Dellinger Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:18 am

As a 'wolf' effectively, what are the limits to your transformation into a human?

Does this grant her understanding of the human tongue?

Are there limitations to her being 'human' behaviorally?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:58 am

She wouldn't have understood human tongue if she hadn't been around humans. It wasn't something granted by just doing it. In her bio, I had said she spent a lot of time around humans. But, as of now in her life, she does understand human language.

I'm not sure what you're looking for as for limitations goes. It doesn't give her any benefits other than just being human body. She wouldn't have access to DK and Demi ICly(as in, she gets no super buffs or anything). There are no real limits to being able to transform. It works like transformation mastery skill(sans the hp buff). Instead of using a wolf transformation, I'm using a tiger since it's roughly the same size she is supposed to be. Mounting the tiger gives me access to basic skills the tiger can use, and control over it's movements.

Does behavior have anything to do with powers xD? As I stated, she's been around humans long enough to have adapted human behaviors in her human form.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Dellinger Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:02 am

The questions deal with the nature of the thing you're asking for, so technically, yeah.

So the only real reference to a spirit animal / god animal in guild so far does have the hybrid weaknesses in the human-hybrid form. At the moment, I'm debating whether the animal weaknesses should apply in human form since your character is fundamentally an animal.

I see no reason they shouldn't, as you've basically defined the character's personality and behavior as 'wolf who adapted to human behavior.' Some things would still be fundamentally lupine about her even in human form.

(( See? Relevance. =P ))

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:32 am

She is a wolf that can turn in to human, just like milletians turn in to other animals with transformation mastery. It's no different than that. It doesn't give any noticeable increase in stats, but because she's not in an animal body it makes her more resilient to her "animal instincts."

Any other questions about the re-vised powers?

Xeek if you still approve, could you say so?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Xeek Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:44 pm

My approval stands once Dell finishes his concerns.

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:16 pm

She is a wolf who can turn in to a human. Turning in to a human is like an awakening, like a true transformation. It awakening her conscious so she doesn't give in to her animalistic weakness as easy. In her human form, she doesn't have an increased sense of hearing or smelling. It isn't a curse, so she's not a lycanthrope.

Does this better help answer the questions?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Dellinger Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:22 pm

Yep. With my understanding that this is more like 'legitimate shapeshifting' than a lycanthropic change or a solidly shamala-like transformation, I think you've answered most of what I needed to know.

Thanks for bearing with me in trying to get at exactly what the power was; apologies for our mutual miscommunications. =D


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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Auramune Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:15 am

Word. That's 2. Anyone else with approvals or questions?

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Nyx's lycan alterations Empty Re: Nyx's lycan alterations

Post  Soifa Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:56 am

No questions.

No approvals.

Just kidding. Lol :U


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