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Assistance for the Squishy Tuathan

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Assistance for the Squishy Tuathan Empty Assistance for the Squishy Tuathan

Post  Temo Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:47 am

The following was posted by town criers on Uldah message boards:

I came across something pretty neat while in Iria and it looks like it'll be useful for my research.

It also looks extremely dangerous, and I've heard stories about the Shadow Realm there, where I gotta go. It's different from Tailteann's.


I made a promise not to do anything extremely dangerous. But I figure it WON'T be if I have some skilled mercenaries along with me. Very skilled. I'm talking make-ghouls-cry kind of skilled. I can't exactly pay for that kind of service; but expeditions through places of such high risk always have high rewards. So long as I find and collect what I'm searching for near the end of my map, everything else is fair game to who wants it.

If interested, leave a note attached to this with your name. Once I return to Uldah, I'll be giving you a call.

Mr. E. Mayun

[[This is a call for an Elite Pass dungeon run with one of my more squishy characters. I don't wanna waste it and know people in the guild enjoy these. Curious about entering one myself since I RARELY do anything over Advanced level; but I wanna have more fun with it. So to those interested, this is going to be an RP/Hack n' Slash. Ciao for nao.]]
Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Assistance for the Squishy Tuathan Empty Re: Assistance for the Squishy Tuathan

Post  Temo Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:55 am

[[Bumping this for just-in-case. Oh yeah, and the dungeon is Ghosts of Parthalon Elite.]]
Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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