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The Burning Hatred.

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The Burning Hatred. Empty The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:15 pm

Fire lit the sky as it burned..

The big tree in Tir's graveyard had been set ablaze. Guards had been called to the situation quickly, and Alchemists worked fast to put the fire and prevent the spreading. The tree was in bad shape. Detectives began on the case, looking for clues or hints as to what could have caused the fire. The cause certainly looked magical, however there was evidence that it was a physical fire. Whoever started it left no traces, likely warped away using a Wing of the Goddess. Guards on duty at the time saw no one in the graveyard when the fire was started. Citizens mentioned seeing a shady figure in the city wearing a robe, but that's all the info given. Anyone with details is being asked to contact Tir Authorities.

- - -

In her house in Emain, Glacia sipped the coffee she had just prepared. She leaned back in her chair, and just stared ahead. She knew revenge hadn't been fulfilled...but wanted it. Her hatred for humanity started baring it's teeth again. In her mind though, she knew what all happened in Tir. She didn't start the fire, no....she wasn't even in town when it happened. That isn't to say she wasn't the reasoning behind it. However, she wondered if this hatred would ever be quelled...maybe. Her sanity was depleting though.

((Out of the blue, but it's a miniplot, nothing FEC. The tree burned but was put out quickly. I'll get in touch with other CLs when the need arises. Feel free to PM me if you would like info. This isn't going to be a long thing, but something to shake up the guild.))

Last edited by Glaceon on Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:43 am

And the fields were lit aflame.

Again, a mysterious fire started in the fields of Dunbarton. The fire was lit and spread over to an adjacent farm. Guards saw the first farm burn, and were able to get there before a third one caught fire to put it out. A post had been put up against the town wall, to where a Guard wouldn't see it without actually being outside the town walls. Officials looked into the post and what started the fire. The cause remains unknown, but bandits were assumed. Some people made the correlation that whoever lit the Tir tree was responsible for the fields. Terrorist attacks maybe? The post gave no hints to who was behind it, but the bandits roam the field often, so it was the most logical answer.

The post reads:
Until she is hatred shall continue to burn.

It sounded like a deepseated revenge, but whether it was a citizen or bandit, no one knew.

- - -

Of course Glacia knew. Lounging back in her chair, she laid her head down on the cushion. Her target was avoiding direct confrontation, and targetting her indirectly to set her off, or so she felt. Everything was going according to plan though....the fields being set would make the town think more of a bandit attack rather than someone else. However, she knew it wouldn't stop here. Her next choices were Bangor or Emain. She had a history with Emain, the place was well guarded. However....something big would need to be done there, she had an idea already. Bangor would be easy, the mines were such an easy target. Maybe she should pick a different area to attack though. All in due time though. This bandit had started the war, and Glacia knew how it was going to end...

((Oh right, I did have Jab's permission for the Dunbarton attack. Soifa and I have already discussed and decided on an Emain attack. That will come tomorrow or Wednesday.))

Last edited by Glaceon on Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Kasutoro Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:50 pm

// O.o this seems interesting, probably enough to get me back into the mabi mood //
Gummy Bear
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:12 pm

((With permission from Soifa for Emain's attack, the post is here))

And it came tumbling down....

After several finally came crumbling down. Those who remember it know, the obelisk paying tribute to all those who fought valiantly in the Twilit War. It had stood in the lake of Emain, serving as a reminder to those that helped. One fateful night, it was lit aflame....a burning light in the dark. But that was only a warning sign....shortly after the fire came an explosion....and the foundation was bombed. With a weakened foundation, the obelisk couldn't hold itself up, and the explosion itself weakened the stone. The pillar of stone that stood greatly once now began to crumble and fall into the lake it rested it. Citizens stood in shock as their obelisk fell apart, and turned into what was a pile of rocks and rubble. There was no sign of the attacker afterwards, as officials went out to check for clues. The explosion cause was not found, experts are saying it was likely a fireball that had followed after a fire itself. As officials turned back to the city, another note was spotted.

An explosive rage is building.....the hatred continues to burn until she is gone.

The note was still cryptic. Who was "she?" And who was the person leaving the notes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Glaica had heard the explosion from her house. She used the wrong wing sadly. She ran out of the house to join the crowd as the obelisk crumbled into the lake. Unsure what to do, she pulled the brim of the hat she wore down, a sign of respect from her perhaps. She hadn't been around for the war, but knew the value of the obelisk. When all was said and done, she walked back to her house, and got ready to leave for Cobh Harbor. She made a mental note to return the hat to the owner...her sister. It had certainly been useful.

((NO MORE OBELISK! HAHAHAHA.....I mean...yes the obelisk is now a pile of stone. This is the third attack of the series, next to come either Friday or Saturday.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Dellinger Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:37 pm

He had trusted the guards would take care of whatever arsonist / demolition had caused the burnings of the graveyard and the fields outside Dunbarton. The graveyard, as it were, could have been caused by any new Millitean testing their fire magic against the spiders there. It wasn't unheard of. He had thought similarly with the fields; possibly arsonry, but an accident was just as likely.

The more recent attack could not be explained away.

The Dunewyrm called for the Ghost of the Corenites to investigate the matter with all due haste.

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Temo Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:41 pm

Temo...Gale...whichever people chose to call him these days...was on his way to work when he caught wind of the incident. He kept quiet and indifferent about it until arriving at the workshop, which was, thanks to the commotion at the island, empty for the moment while people were out gawking. It gave him time to discuss things with his counterpart, who was in an uproar once there was a moment to speak again.

The tree burning in Tir Chonnail was one thing - no graves harmed, no names marred. But this - to destroy the memories of those who died in such a horrible time...even though they weren't his soldiers, even if it wasn't the war he was responsible for starting, disrespect of the dead was unacceptable by him. All of him.

After settling down the blade demanding blood of those responsible, as he often had to do at times like this, Temo went to work on writing a letters of his own.



Having sent out those letters, Temo packed up to return things to his personal workshop, then head for Bangor. Much work to be done...
Burrito Bison

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Kenelm Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:00 pm

The Ghost had been out hunting down some bloodthirsty highwaymen when the obelisk was hit. He had just finished rounding up the criminals when he received the Dunewyrm's request. Once they had been turned over to the Taillteann authorities, the Ghost set out to Emain Macha.

While traveling, the Ghost sent requests of his own. He had requested fire magic specialist Renes Chistom and demolitions expert Charlie Green. These two Corenites would be carefully going over the evidence and the obelisk's ruins. Their task was to determine the cause of the fire and explosion.

All three arrived in Emain Macha as a group. The Ghost proceeded to collect eyewitness accounts of the event and review the evidence. Charlie and Renes went out to the ruined obelisk.


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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Lynn17 Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:12 pm

On his way through Emain Macha, to head home to Tara, Zain stood in shock as he stared at the destroyed objects. He couldn't figure out what was going on around here. First Tir Chonail, then Dunbarton, and now Emain? What if something happens in Tara?! He ran off toward's Tara, as fast a someone with 75% of their body in bandages can run.
Gummy Sandworm
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:22 pm

((Part 4 of the plot...if people wanna start RPing ingame about these attacks...))

This would set the fires on both sides...

Just your average day in Cobh Harbor. A lone robed figure is seen entering a house on the corner. Neighbors would easily assume it's just the house's owner returning home after a trip. However, assumptions would be proven wrong. Not many people were aware of who lived in the house, she rarely was home as is. Guards saw nothing out of the ordinary in the town. . . . After a couple of hours, smoke started pouring out of the windows. Perhaps cooking gone wrong, it'd go out after a while, right? But it didn't, the smoke continued coming out, more and more. Finally, the fires had become visible, and climbed up the house. The house had been alit in flames. Guards took notice right away, and contacted the local alchemists immediately. Unfortuneately, the response time was late as the house was engulfed in flames. Alchemists worked quickly to put the fires out, there was still hope to possibly save anything at this point. As soon as the blaze was quenched, officials moved in to see if any sign of life was present, or if anyone had died. Strangly, no body was found. Perhaps the person had left? The reason for whoever started the fire is under investigation. The exact cause of the fire is unknown, however investigation has lead to finding out that it was largely magical.

- - -

Glacia had been in Emain long before the house had started to burn. She had made sure she wasn't in the area. Cobh was not where she wanted to it was too easy. She was there earlier, grabbing some of her notes on magic, to bring to Emain Macha to go over. She was also still trying to uncover the location of her target, but not having any luck. The bandit was being clever, and certainly a pain. Asking the towns was certainly an option, but didn't know how much help they'd provide....let alone wanting to not get anyone else involved. Though shortly after the fire had stopped in Cobh, Gary was flying back home when he saw the house in ruins. His first response was to send a letter to his mother. The house was gone, so she needed to know. Glacia recieved this note, and stared at it. The hatred in her soul started to rise again. It was a red darkness that had laid dormant. She pocketed the note and got her things together. She sent a note back to Gary, telling him to stay in Iria, for his own safety. She needed to notify someone this action...was what drew the line. She had to find the culprit now, or things would easily go from bad to worse. She packed up and headed for Cobh Harbor, to start her own investigation...
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Kuralin Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:22 pm

A young man with wings and a dragon tail approaches the sign in Tir, placing a note on the bored.

"I'd love to join in the fun."

The edges of the note being burned.

Kandy Korn Ogre
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Kasutoro Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:43 pm

Kasu was riding atop his horse visiting his home-town of Tir Chonail after a long time away to collect his thoughts. He spotted the burned tree when he visited the graveyard.

"What happened here?" he whispered to himself slowly riding back to the town square and saw the note.

"I'd love to join in the fun."

"Something is coming.... Hope I'm ready for it..." He whispered to himself.

Gummy Bear
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:16 pm

((Part 5 of the attack is coming early, since the house attack was actually bandits, and not Glacia herself. This post has been discussed with Dalvar and Vayne, and both have given me their permission.))

It would require much holy water to put out this fire. ((Okay, I'll stop with the puns.))

It was about the middle of the day. The sun was out, the weather was clear, no one in Tailteann could ask for a more peaceful day, or could they? A loud crash was heard within the city. People who had looked up saw what appeared to be a flash of fire hitting the church. The fire itself started to creep down the side, ever slowly, but the flames engulfed the building's spire. Mages and priests noticed quickly. Mages worked to contain the fire as help was sought out from the city's alchemists. Priests worked to evacuate everyone out of the church as quickly as possible, assuring no one was hurt by stray embers. The fire had reached about halfway down the church when the alchemists arrive. The fire was put out quickly thanks to combined efforts of many water cannons. Investigations are underway to determine possible causes and looking for eyewitness accounts of the attacker. Many mention seeing a bright red bird of fire passing over the city a few times, but the city's airspace has it's own handful of traffic from passing Milletians. A bird of fire would not be out of the question, as phoenixes are certainly a viable thing. The fire on the church was put out fairly quickly, and no one was harmed in this incident.

- - - - - - - - -

Maybe she was a bit too obvious? She had mentioned a church burning the other night, then one goes up in flames. She flew down, and landed down in the hotsprings. Hopping off her phoenix, she gave it a nice pet before desummoning it. She took her clothes off, put on a swimsuit, and went to lay down in the springs. The night sky glimmered above her. She wondered how long until her soul would be at peace. She felt the hatred burning inside, something fairly abnormal for the ice witch. Maybe it was time to wrap this up. She knew who burned her house down...and could easily provide a compelling case to authorities. The one who burned her house down was the same one responsible for all the attacks...they wanted to rally the towns to join together to put her down. Glacia was a threat....more so than most thought, but the bandit considered her worse. The hunt was all set to begin....

Last edited by Glaceon on Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Holy crap the city was never mentioned. SHAME ON MY PROOFREADERS)
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Soifa Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:50 pm

"She's not slowing down, is she?"

"No...but I really should have expected this. Error on my part."

Two women could be seen sitting at the wine shop of Tara, each partaking of a cup of coffee, a few small cakes on the table between them. One of them looked worried, biting her lip slightly and playing with her light blue pigtails, the other calmly sipping her steaming beverage with a hum. A few papers rested under the cakes, the anxious female constantly checking over them with pale blue eyes. Occasionally, the other woman would scoff at the fearful one's actions.

"Either way, she shouldn't find out. We've removed the tongues that could have caused trouble, there's really nothing left to do but gentle shoves in the direction we want. Just make sure there aren't any loose ends, ja?"

"...Yes, boss."

They would leave the table clean, not a bit of evidence of their occupation of the area to be found.

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:26 pm

((Word of all the attacks would have gone public now, so feel free to bring them up in your standard RPs. Also, not a new attack, but just an update.))

Tir, Dunbarton, Emain, Tailteann. Four of the five main cities had been hit. Bangor wasn't an option, it was too far off the road and radar to bother with. Her house had been burnt down by bandits. She had continued to hunt, but wasn't finding any clues. None of the Outlaws had any info on the attacks either. It was as if someone else was behind the attack. Though she also knew that outlaws sometimes couldn't be trusted, even after beating them to a pulp. She started asking around Cobh Harbor, for shapes of whoever could have burnt her house down, but nothing was clear. Glacia sat down on the bench in Cobh, putting her thoughts together on the matter. Her options weren't vast. Give up or go through with the final attack. Tara was the last remaining city to attack...the capital of the Ailech Kingdom. It would be hard to present a final show...but she had one trick up her sleeve. She herself knew it was risky...and likely would not be well liked by those who cared about her. Her depression and thirst for revenge were twisting together. It was like her first life all over again, the depression was making her more and more detached and insane...suicidal. She needed help. Getting up, she placed her notebook back in the pouch on her hip, and left Cobh Harbor, towards Tir. Any bandits that tried to attack her were dispatched of almost immediately with a single swing of her scythe. Her emotional state was shot...her mind was at a point of instability that it had never reached, and she had no where to turn to effectively.
Glas Ghoblehht
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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Lilieath Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:03 am

Lilieath dragged herself off the cot she'd set up in the school, donning armor for yet another long night of watch duty. As a milletian, she could far outlast the more mortal guards but she still had her limits and she was nearing them. She took up her mace and blade, Isabelle and Dutiful (or as the local monsters knew them, Beater and Biter) and headed for the wall to start her patrols. She hadn't seen any further hostilities to Dunbarton, but after losing an entire harvest, the city wouldn't fare well against a second attack if the aggressors weren't dealt with swiftly. The attacks on the other towns were troubling and she knew Tara wouldn't be far off. She wanted to be part of the investigation, to give whoever was doing this a piece of her mind, and a few bruises too, but she knew not many people were more capable of defending the town. Still a discontent stirred inside her, waiting for the first chance she got to justifiably break rank. At this point, she was hoping the offender came back to Dunbarton. After all, who doesn't want to be the hero?
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:52 am

((Reviving this. Mainly OOC announcement to mention that the plot end going to begin ICly in actual RPs. I will be clearing out my stead of the shrubs to be used for Tara if people lag a bunch in the actual city. Yes it's in Tara. But this is the announcement to RPers that things have been given the green light and stuff will finally start happening.))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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The Burning Hatred. Empty Re: The Burning Hatred.

Post  Glaceon Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:05 pm

Eweca was rising....mana started to fill the air. Glacia sat in her home, surrounded by various materials. Things, possessions she didn't want others getting. Everyone she cared about knew she was going to be killing herself....but she hadn't told the exacts. "It's time....Tempest, I'm sorry." The bow spirit was gone, as she had been freed from the bow. The contract was cancelled, Glacia knew it had to be. Her position at the regime was empty, as she resigned. She gave a sigh, and started the charge.....

3 charges in, Glacia could feel the strain of the magic pulling her energy and the mana around her into a single point. All her studies in magic had led up to this, she wasn't about to fail. The world was in danger....danger of her. She knew she had to be stopped.....

6 charges in. She had tried to stop herself several times, nothing ever worked. It all looped around back to how she was now. She had learned much in her time, and knew that she wasn't going to live this explosion. Not simply a normal death. She took deep breathes, as the mana kept flowing around the focal point. All her mana was going towards this, and she could feel her erg going into the charge now. Everything was going towards the attack. Each charge was harder than the last to ready.

The 9th charge finished. Only one more to go, Glacia thought. While reassuring, she couldn't help but think of those close to her. Temo, Olivia, her children. Even some of her friends such as Basil and Soifa. Glacia never knew who was responsible, but had a feeling it was Soifa. They never talked much, and Soifa had always been scared of her. Her thoughts cut off as her body strained to keep charging the magic. The area around her house was quite devoid of surrounding mana and erg. Corenites in the area took notice, and set to evacuate the area. Some tried getting into the house, but the door was sealed shut. Glacia knew she needed all the privacy she could get, and had made preparations.

After a few attempts, the noise stopped. Townsfolk had been evacuated well away from the area. There were a few who gave a blind eye to the iminent danger they were in. Glacia finished the 10th charge..and panted greatly. Her body had barely any erg left, only enough to set off the explosion. Temo's final words echoed in her mind once again. 'I'm sorry for everything.' She could still hear his voice. Glacia gave a weak chuckle. What a fool. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one that should be sorry. You got involved in my life, when you didn't need to be. I gave you more trouble than you needed. But at the same time you accepted me. Sorry... With that final though, Glacia pushed the last of her erg into the charge, and set the explosion off.

The house shook and collapsed upon the initial hit, then the explosion of flames and magic engulfed the house. The radius grew and consumed buildings next to it, and went up high into the air. Heads turned and saw the explosion. Many started running, for their lives no doubt. Several people got caught, and immediately killed by the force of the explosion. The magnitude fromt he explosion itself caused a shockwave, that took out houses nearby, but mages were onsite to prevent casualties as best they could. Several minutes passed by, as the smoke from the explosion took time to clear out. The explosion left a massive crater in the ground. Nothing remained apart from that. Buildings nearby that got hit by the shockwave stood and fell after a few moments. News of the attack spread, rumors flying about of the explosion and what could have caused it. Reports of the erg and mana being void from te area floated around, leading sources to pinpoint it to a high ranked magic user, clearly setting off a heavy magic explosion. No remnants of the mage were to be found, however Glacia was a clear suspect here, as many pointed to her being the only one they knew capable of using magic that powerful.


As for Glacia herself, charging the magic left her body in a very weak state, being void of erg and mana. Being at the center of the explosion, the intensity ripped her body into nothingness, and the damage was massive enough to damage her very soul. Her soul was sent to soul stream, but it was scarred. The scarring would cause her memories to be completely lost, and unable to be returned. In addition, or more as a result, her soul and resulting body will have lost any magic. In a sense, Glacia got what she wanted, a new start. But it wasn't how she expected in the slightest. Her soul reverted back to it's most basic form....She knew the basics of life, thanks to some help from Nao. But she didn't know much else now. Her soul was now one of a mix between fox and cat. However, her mammalian features did not show on her body anymore. Though she did have all the nimbleness still. But she was in soul stream for the next three months....where she would learn how again.

((A new bio for this new glacia so to speak will be posted in the future. THIS ends this plot. I got the OK to go ahead and have it via forum post. Basically Glacia is no more, only memory of her remains. All her powers are gone, and she will just be a mammalian hybrid when she starts back up.

For now, if anyone wants to post responses, you may. The location of the explosion is in the spoiler, as well as how big the explosion was. Reconstruction efforts can start now should council want to. Anyways, that's the end of big bad Glacia. Enjoy the era of peace. You are allowed to post responses to the events as they were happening as well. Remember, if you have any characters that die, they go in the death thread. ONLY GLACIA has the soul scar effect put on her. Any other Milletians do not recieve this effect if caught in the blast. With that, I bid thee adeiu.))

Glas Ghoblehht
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