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A plea for "forgiveness"

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:40 pm

A small post was put up around Erinn, by a tailed woman in a robe.

Dear People of Erinn.

I come today to ask for your forgiveness, of all things. I have tried multiple times to correct my ways, but so many times I have failed. However, coming out directly is something I haven't tried yet. I have been told I am mentally instable, and I am, yes. However, I feel society may have something to do with it. Stress, maybe. Who knows. I -want- to be a normal person, but it seems my past has people not willing to let me be. If people wish to hurt me in response to this, you are welcome to. I know I've done a lot of bad things, and feel anyone can punish me how they want. I'll be touring cities starting Baltane. If you wish to commend me, you may. If you wish to meet me, you may. If you wish to harm me, you may, under the guard's consent that is. However, you may not kill me. Guards are present through out towns, I assure you murder is not smart. I'm no longer out to kill or judge anyone because my sibling or friend thinks that way. I want to know people for who they are, and let me decide if I like them. Hmm, I feel I'm rambling in this post...and I have to write this more times. I will start my tour in Tir Chonaill on Baltane. Come meet me to do whatever you want. I will welcome all of it.

A paw print was left on the post, with a G in the palm. The letters "lacia" came after. A fancy signature, but she enjoyed being artsy. "If society doesn't accept me...maybe I'll just become male." She laughed at what she said. She went male before, it was hard. Though she wouldn't mind it again...if the need arose.
Glas Ghoblehht
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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Adhamh Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:00 pm

Reading this, Auron let out the loudest of cackles. "REALLY?! HAH. OH Erinn, when did you gain such great humour!"
Cromm Crunch
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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Kenelm Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:01 pm

Kenelm happened by one of the notes, and penned a message to Glacia.

Glacia ((Sent by owl)):

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:00 pm

Glacia sent a reply back.

Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Auramune Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:17 am

Aura glances at the board as she, Xeek, Maymay, and Luel head home for the night from their outing. An amused smirk touching her lips, she quickly jots down, and posts on a board.

It's a bit pathetic seeing someone groveling for the forgiveness of people. If you were truly sorry, you would let your actions speak, and not rely on words to apologize. After all; better silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Good luck on your redemption. You are not insane.. just a Milletian. The gods of the world have plagued you with this condition. So don't be too hard on yourself. Immortality can cause the sane to slip.

No signature. Aura was feeling nice.

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Kenelm Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:36 am

The Ghost penned a response from his office at the Corenite's Tradehouse in Emain Macha, and sent it off.


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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:23 pm

"Nervous?" The Ego Weapon simply asked Glacia, who was laying in her bed at the Inn in Tir Chonaill. "Quite...I have no idea how this is going to turn out. I still feel like people aren't going to believe me, going to just think that nothing will work. I've tried redemption in many methods before, but this is a more out-there approach to it," the cat replied. She stared up at the ceiling, then turned her head to the side. "You need to get up and outside soon, you can't put it off." I know, I know Glacia thought. She got up, and gave a light smile to Tempest, who returned back into her cylinder. "No weapons....right. The only weapon I plan to keep around is you Tempest. Since I can't really get rid of you." She smiled a bit, and laughed. She got up, tossing on some clean clothes and her new robe. Going downstairs, she stopped by for continental breakfast, and then paid her room charges.

She approached the square, and simply sat there. There was a signboard beside her, which had her post on it. Some people came up to her, congratulating her on her efforts. Others called her names, accused her of lies. These were who Glacia ignored. One man attempted to stab Glacia, but a guard saw the weapon and stopped the man before anything dangerous happened. Tempest sat in a chair off to the side, watching. Glacia would be here for a while, she could tell.

((OOC update, I'll be IC in Tir when I'm online. You can come RP at anytime if you wish. Just ask in guild chat. Thought we'd get this moving along. Feel free to come up, shake hands, give her a hug, punch hit in the chest, slap her face. Weapons are NOT allowed, and a guard -will- stop you if you have one. Otherwise, enjoy))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:41 pm

((Another update on what this is. Basically Glacia is opening herself to feedback, criticism, and questions people may want to give/ask about her past actions and current actions. If you wish to ask her something ICly, showing up is the best way to, as she has all owls being redirected elsewhere, so will not respond to notes while presenting. She will be answering and responding, but will not be actually making a huge presentation.(Unless enough questions are asked) ))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Xeek Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:56 pm

(( DO you know this seems funny OOC? xD
she requested an apology, after her supah bomb was approved. ))

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:57 pm

((Yup, she even made mention of it to Soifa the other day. She "Worked out the finailities of her new spell".))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:01 pm

A post was made on bulletins after the tour was finished.

Thank you everyone who came out. There were many great questions and responses, as well as those that weren't that great. However, do not fret. If you have questions and were unable to attend, I will accept questions. Feel free to owl me.

The same signature was left, the Pawprint with the G in it, followed by "lacia".
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Kenelm Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:32 pm

Kenelm had passed through Bangor on his way into the mountains past the mines, and had stopped by the bulletin board to catch up on various events. He was unsure whether to be concerned about Glacia or not, given she had chosen not to stop by the Corenites' Tradehouse in Emain Macha.

Once to his study, Kenelm penned and sent off a letter to Glacia.

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Temo Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:47 am

Glacia. Tsk. He was disappointed. Again.

...disappointed that he missed this. Stupid work had him busy during the day, family in the evenings. Now that he'd been given a day off and so bored he was looking through old postings, he had the chance to send a reply as well.

Burrito Bison

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:41 pm

Glacia recieved both letters, and sent off replies.

To Kenelm:

To Jack ((ohmaigosh))
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Kenelm Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:37 pm

The Ghost sat in his study working on various logistical tasks when the reply came. Once he comfortable with where the paperwork stood, he took some time to read the response and pen his own.

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:42 pm

She wasn't too surprised with the lack of trust, so she sent a reply back.

Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Adhamh Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:30 am

On all the boards in which this topic was posted on, this reply was left. The white-robed author vanished by the means of a Waxen Wing.

You should return to your criminal life. You're much more suited to that than you are to this- whatever this is you're doing. Don't let other attempt to change you according to their views. Be who you are. Be who you were meant to be and ENJOY IT.
Cromm Crunch
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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Cyler Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:57 pm

A long haired male walked over the board, looking for decent sales or jobs, coming across the letter.
Well following certain views should be followed. Yes. Mainly yours. But be careful, I see that this is a very mature and nice thing you are trying to do. Better yourself. But make sure you do not entirely lose your soul in the process. You could slowly show how much you are sorry by work. Volunteer to help at a church or store. Make a fund raiser for the ill. Something! Just follow your heart, then use your head and figure out if the heart is right in that decision.

Sincerely, fellow member of society.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Glaceon Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:16 pm

Two resposes were posted but a robed woman.

((TO Ani's post))

Did I enjoy criminal life? Was the time spent in jail -really- worth the deeds I did? I don't think so. I rather enjoy spending time with my family now, and having a peaceful life. It's better that way. Am I attempting to change who I am? No, I'm trying to get people to look beyond the crimes.

((TO Cyler's))

I'm sorry, but if you were up-to-date on information, or had read older posts I put here, you will have seen I tried to be a priestess at one point. Does that not count as volunteering to help at the church? Becoming something but no being. Does it not seem like I'm not already following my heart? Was doing this tour not following my heart? I wish to be a member of society, yes. But in layman's terms, one could say I wish to be accepted by society. I'm pinned as a criminal, some still think I should be in jail still. I'm trying to prove them wrong, I'm trying to make it a point that I can fit into society. Is it so much to ask for that I can enjoy having a life with my family and be a normal person?

No signatures were left with these posts, in fact, the pensmanship was also different.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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A plea for "forgiveness" Empty Re: A plea for "forgiveness"

Post  Cyler Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:29 pm

After buying DISCOUNTED HAM (GASP) he returned to see any new offers to see the reply, replying as well.

I was talking about a less larger role, as in donating time for a church by renovations, help with any other tasks needed instead of being such a large role. Yes that probably helped a lot too, but it was so much authority too, so it wasn't as much as volunteering as more of a job. Everything is a being. And the heart one was more toward the post left by the person before me. You are wise for not following it, but if you wish to become a member of society again, maybe a more positive attitude would help. Atone for the things you did. You could make a list and try to make it up to all those you have done wrong. Hey as you said. I don't know you. But it is an idea. Also...normal? Many and I mean MANY people wish for that in their life. But y'know what? There is no normal. It cannot be applied to a being with feeling. If there was normal, then we would all be in suits, walking in perfect lines, living a dull life. So if you keep pursuing this "normal" good luck. Good luck in life, this will be my final post. Take care, I hope you end up well.

Sincerely, Hano.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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