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"You Have Been Fooled."

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Xenny Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:16 pm

A note written in carefully scripted cursive can be found on every board of every town in the Kingdom.

"Hello and Good Day everyone who may be reading this note.

You have been fooled.

It has come to my attention that the man masquerading as "Fenrir Eir" is nothing but... what do the kids say these days? A poser? What ever it is, that man is not Eir. He is but a simpleton who goes by the name Temo Eir. He created the original note in order to distract attention from a certain little Alchemist named Mariella Eir. He created an uproar for this woman by imitating one of the most feared men in this kingdom's history.

Proof? My proof is my nature. I was one of Fenrir Eir's generals. I marched into battle with him to claim Emain Macha. I was one who spent countless hours working for his army. The man masquerading as Fenrir Eir is not him. I was there to witness the horrible, but great army he raised in the Black Dawn. I was there to hear the news of his demise and to watch the army scatter in the wake of his banishment.

If you have been fooled by him and rallied to join the army that fell years ago, then revolt against your false master. He is not the great man who we followed. If you are one who has been fooled by him and are rallying others to fight against him, then ignore his struggling attempts to distract us from his beloved Mariella Eir, or Bedelia Eir as she is now known by.

I apologize Temo, but you do not attempt to fool me and get away with it."

The note is signed in very clear cursive letters, "Xenneth Mater Matris, the White Witch of the Requiem."

At the bottom of the note, there are very clear directions to the Thief Basecamp.

Last edited by Xenny on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Auramune Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:17 pm

<<LOL.. Xenny is mad?>>

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Xenny Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:18 pm

((Very 8D))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Lynn17 Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:24 pm

Diren stood at the bulletin board in Port Cobh, on his way back to Iria to head home. "I made Citadel for nothing...." He stared, annoyed, but blinked a bit. "Xenny...? Wait, why is she out of bed?!" He face-palmed. "Well I'm glad that threat wasn't real..."
Gummy Sandworm
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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Auramune Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:30 pm

<<Temo: "You Have Been Fooled." Aypvg9 Trololol>>

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Adhamh Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:19 pm

Auron sighed as he read that, but he couldn't help but feel proud. Indirectly, he caused mass panic. He has no intentions on rebelling. "Why waste my time on a man that promises false chaos? I do suppose it's time to shine the spotlight on little miss Mariella, again."
Cromm Crunch
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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Temo Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:56 pm

After having read one of the bulletins for herself after receiving several reports among her scouts, Kurohi sent irritated response off to Xenny:


This...was going to change a lot.
Burrito Bison

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Danichuu Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:18 am

Were it any other day, without the interesting events, Dani would have just walked past the Dunbarton bulletin.

But due to recent events, she actually took the time to skim all the notes-- definitely finding something of interest that made her jaw drop.

"The nice man, Temo? And his wife?" she thought, shocked greatly by this bit of information. "...Does Retsu know about this? They're family, after all.."

Funny to think how a nice couple, family of a dear friend, you'd have dinner with one night end up in some sort of scandal like this... Worried, confused, and definitely still processing how things like these happen, Dani made her way back home. Time to write a few letters, in the most polite-nosy way she could manage.
Kosher Dill Troll
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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:51 am

Hm... It would seem I was both right and wrong, then, the Dunewyrm thought, as he received a letter from a certain individual in question. He hated warping through the use of goddess wings; it had always made him nauseous, but time was off the essence.

And he had someone to meet.

(( RP is already done, but felt I should post the response ))

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Temo Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:39 am

[[Almost forgot all about this kid, relation. :'D]]

Retsuno hadn't been into a town for a long while; but he knew something was odd by all the activity on the roads. Unfortunately, it was nothing he could get near enough to learn about. The new, more alert vigil of the guards was putting a cramp in his raids on wagons too, so the entire time he was forced to lay low without having actually caused any trouble! (Yet.)

He didn't hear about the recent news until happening across a camp he was planning to sneak a few goods from. He could've sworn he overheard his father being mentioned. If something was wrong, that might've explained why he hadn't received a letter from him in a while...

Guessing this was a good time as any to see what news he missed out on from towns, Retsu sent off a letter to a certain someone after he was clear of the campsite. He was honestly a bit edgy about going into towns while the guard was so high; but that didn't mean he didn't know people who were fine with it...
Burrito Bison

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"You Have Been Fooled." Empty Re: "You Have Been Fooled."

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:04 am

A note was placed up throughout all the cities by a large giant dragon woman. Though, when asked about it, she would say she is just a messenger.

And what would you have done?

I was also fooled by this message. And now hurt, angry that someone would joke about such a horrible thing. Did we not suffer from the Requiem's beliefs before? All of us, even those who stayed by his side. We all suffered, in one way or another.

But what would you have done if this wasn't a twisted prank? Pick up your swords and fight him? Or fight alongside with him? Have we learned nothing from the past, Erinn? You almost deserve it, if you've not changed in all of this time.

Dear Temo, if you're seeing this.. What could have been going through your mind at the time of the announcement. Do you no longer feel empathy towards the others in the world. That is what made you different than him, and why I considered you a friend and ally. I hope you haven't lost your way. Or else, you might as well be him.

There are still innocent people in the world. Children and those who do not believe in using a sword to get their points across. Using fear against them.. you have to see that it's wrong.

Your gods will not save you. Haven't you seen this already? Do not act as squalling pigs, ripe and ready for harvest. Unless you want history to repeat itself.

The Fenrir Eir's and Mithos Yggdrasil's are watching.. and waiting for their opportunity to strike.

Haven't you learned, yet?

A consciousnesses observer

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