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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:08 pm

IC Item: Anesthetic
Item Class: There doesn't seem to be a class that really matches this kind of thing, though it could be close to enthralling. The thing is it's not music based...
OOC Item: Potions(just using any potion to show it)
Description: Anesthetics created using mandrakes as a main ingredient, and various other stabilizing herbs. The anesthetic was created to put patients in the Happy Tails Asylum into deep sleep temporarily if they become too riled up or need surgery. The anesthetic is either boiled into a mist that the patient is forced to breath, or is consumed.
Effects: Causes the patient to fall into a deep sleep. Time varies depending on how it was applied.
Given a concentrated dose the patient will fall asleep within one hour in-game, and stay asleep for two in-game days if they are not given another dose.
Given a small amount, the patient will become drowsy after one hour in-game. If the dose is not continuous, then they will not fall asleep. If it is, they will fall asleep within three in-game hours, and stay asleep two in-game days if doses are not continued.
Given a concentrated dose, the patient will become drowsy within two in-game hours, and fall asleep two more after. They will stay asleep for two in-game days if they are not given another dose.
Given a watered down dosage, the patient will become drowsy within three in-game hours. If the dose is not given multiple times(about three) within those three hours, the patient will not fall asleep. If given the doses, they will fall asleep in two in-game hours after the last dose, and stay asleep two in-game days.

Notes: Potions are used to show it if really required, but it's really mostly an RP tool
Level: 1

Possible situation:
If injected:
The substance was not created to be given intravenously, doing so would create a poisoning effect at a 50% chance. To see if poisoned, a duel with pets allowed will occur(or a poisoned weapon) and the person will be hit once. If the poison goes into affect, the patient is ill until it subsides. If the person decides they want their character to die from the poisoning, that is their decision.

Last edited by Soifa Toten on Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:53 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Kenelm Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:47 pm

Which part of the mandrake is used?

What are these "other stabilizing herbs?"

Assuming no training whatsoever, what are the chances of death due to miscalculations or adverse reactions by available dosing methods?

Edit: Which character is this getting applied to?

Last edited by Kenelm on Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added an important question.)

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:01 pm

Kenelm wrote:Which part of the mandrake is used?
Mostly the roots, despite the fact all parts of a mandrake are poisonous. I would also use nightshade IC, but I'm not sure if it exists in Erinn and I'll just go off of what I KNOW exists instead.

What are these "other stabilizing herbs?"
Base herbs. Base potions. Unfortunately, the herbs in game have little descriptions to go off of, so these are the only ones known to be used in potions as a stabilizing 'base' of sorts..and one of those is a base potion, not a base herb. Typically, in the anesthetic, both are used to get a stronger result, much like both would be used with a mana herb to make MP100 potions instead of just MP50.

Assuming no training whatsoever, what are the chances of death due to miscalculations or adverse reactions by available dosing methods?
Chances of death is low, as the mandrake's poison is not fully concentrated. There is a chance of the patient going into a coma if the dosage is too much for their body. Death would occur if they're not fed, of course. I am not sure if people breath unassisted while in a coma, but if not..that's another way they could die. However long the coma lasts is up to the person that was placed in it, though it must be a base period of one in-game week(7 days in-game). If they wish it to last longer, that is up to them.

Such dosages would be 5+ concentrated consumed doses(7+ concentrated inhaled ) in one in-game day to an average young adult/adult(16+ years in-game age)
3+ in one in-game day for younger.
Possibility of coma for 1 dose if the person is 3 years of age or younger.
Weak dosages will not cause a coma, except in persons 3 years of age or younger.

Edit: Which character is this getting applied to?
Soifa in particular, though it'd be used in the Happy Tails Asylum in general, so she would be assigning it to the staff there. If this is a problem, let me know.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:18 pm

Double post: But I would like to point out that if someone wants their character to react badly to the anesthetic and die/coma from a normal dose, that's fine with me. Anesthetics are a tricky thing and can kill someone with a dose that just put someone else to sleep, depending on the person. If someone goes "I want my char to die from this", that's on them, I won't be deciding that.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Kenelm Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:58 pm

Initially, this application of the mandrake piqued my curiosity, so I did some digging, thus the questions in my previous post.

Which other nightshade did you have in mind? //Yes, I used "other." Do a little digging if you want to learn why. Razz

As long as no one biases success over failure, I should be a happy camper.

The specific character isn't really a problem, given this use of the mandrake along with a handful of other toxic plants was common medical practice in the game's setting.

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:24 am

Kenelm wrote:Initially, this application of the mandrake piqued my curiosity, so I did some digging, thus the questions in my previous post.

Which other nightshade did you have in mind? //Yes, I used "other." Do a little digging if you want to learn why. Razz
Henbane was considered.

As long as no one biases success over failure, I should be a happy camper.
...If you could reword this I'd like that. I dunno what you mean here. >///>

The specific character isn't really a problem, given this use of the mandrake along with a handful of other toxic plants was common medical practice in the game's setting.
Well, a majority of my other characters won't be using it, but it will be a commonly used thing in the asylum, so people that work there could be provided with it, which will include other player characters, if that is alright. I made sure to do a little research on anesthetics in time periods like the one in Mabi so it would fit.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Kenelm Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:04 pm

I've continued to poke around in relation to the nightshades mentioned...

Which part of the Henbane would be used?

Any other nightshades being considered? If so, which parts?

("Bias" is a synonym of "favor." You should know that! Razz) Successes would be the desired goal. Failures would be death, or something that forces an end to the dosing. The chances of success and failure are also completely dependent on how the correct dose is approached.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:52 pm

Kenelm wrote:I've continued to poke around in relation to the nightshades mentioned...

Which part of the Henbane would be used?

Using my phone to reply, so excuse if I typo or miss something. I looked into things in the nightshade family, but I stopped when I figured I couldn't prove they exist in Erinn and it's best to go off of something verified. Know what I meant?

Any other nightshades being considered? If so, which parts?

No others considered, though I continue research out of curiousity.

("Bias" is a synonym of "favor." You should know that! Razz) Successes would be the desired goal. Failures would be death, or something that forces an end to the dosing. The chances of success and failure are also completely dependent on how the correct dose is approached.

Makes..a little more sense, but are you asking a question or something? I can't tell.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:38 pm

Um... as this is a broad field, I assume any future items you want to create you will clear via the powers board. This seems more of an application for "Anesthetic: Mandrake Solution" rather than the general field of anesthesiology. Title may be misleading, so feel it may want to be more specific. =D

You acknowledge the combat possibilities with such a potion, aye?

I would also assume that, as this is a general use sort of thing, anyone with potions making at a certain rank may create such a potion?

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Xeek Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:49 pm

Dellinger wrote:Um... as this is a broad field, I assume any future items you want to create you will clear via the powers board. This seems more of an application for "Anesthetic: Mandrake Solution" rather than the general field of anesthesiology. Title may be misleading, so feel it may want to be more specific. =D

You acknowledge the combat possibilities with such a potion, aye?

I would also assume that, as this is a general use sort of thing, anyone with potions making at a certain rank may create such a potion?

Maybe we should have a section for currently existing items, which has their availability (how/where/if you can buy them), creation(How/if you can make them), and that jazz. I'd work perfect for alchemy crystals as well.

Also, I don't see much combat use in this skill, least no more than slipping a pill at someone. Since it's a poison is usually digested, trying to inject someone with this would not go far.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:08 pm

Dellinger wrote:Um... as this is a broad field, I assume any future items you want to create you will clear via the powers board. This seems more of an application for "Anesthetic: Mandrake Solution" rather than the general field of anesthesiology. Title may be misleading, so feel it may want to be more specific. =D
I always give my titles silly, yet slightly applicable, names..Though you're right. I'll fix that.

You acknowledge the combat possibilities with such a potion, aye?
Not sure what you mean. I did include what could happen IF injected, but to my knowledge, syringes do not..YET..exist. It is a possibility, though very slight at the moment, and the information on injecting this recipe is already in the first post.

I would also assume that, as this is a general use sort of thing, anyone with potions making at a certain rank may create such a potion?
Anyone with potion making in general could try. I won't assign an actual rank to it, but maybe suggest at least rank potion making above Novice..

I like that suggestion Xeek, very nice.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:15 pm

Xeek wrote:Also, I don't see much combat use in this skill, least no more than slipping a pill at someone. Since it's a poison is usually digested, trying to inject someone with this would not go far.

Combat application would be applicable if 'intravenous application' implies the possibility of syringes in the future. IV application implies syringe. Syringe could imply a possible injection in a combat scenario. Broader picture sort of thing, and covering the base before it's thought about.

Ex: Soifa is attempting to treat a crazed werewolf-creature. The creature was not adequately strapped down, so breaks free of the straps and wants to do that crazed werewolf 'break everything.' Combat ensues. Soifa would have the option, depending on the quality of the syringe, to try to inject during a combat-like scenario. Hence, valid concern.

Soifa's currently doing some research on syringes as we speak. Also, all drugs are normally more potent when injected intravenously. Less of the drug is lost during the digestive process, so it is more dangerous in that sense. Hence why a nicotine injection is absurdly dangerous. >.>

Last edited by Dellinger on Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:16 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:
Dellinger wrote:Um... as this is a broad field, I assume any future items you want to create you will clear via the powers board. This seems more of an application for "Anesthetic: Mandrake Solution" rather than the general field of anesthesiology. Title may be misleading, so feel it may want to be more specific. =D
I always give my titles silly, yet slightly applicable, names..Though you're right. I'll fix that.

You acknowledge the combat possibilities with such a potion, aye?
Not sure what you mean. I did include what could happen IF injected, but to my knowledge, syringes do not..YET..exist. It is a possibility, though very slight at the moment, and the information on injecting this recipe is already in the first post.

I would also assume that, as this is a general use sort of thing, anyone with potions making at a certain rank may create such a potion?
Anyone with potion making in general could try. I won't assign an actual rank to it, but maybe suggest at least rank potion making above Novice..

I like that suggestion Xeek, very nice.

Just making sure you aware that it could have some possible implications if syringes were approved in the future, as they're not an obvious in-game item. Wrote example in the above post before I saw your response. Otherwise, seems you've addressed the concerns. -nods-

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:19 pm

Unless digested or boiled into an inhaled gas, this recipe is toxic.

So it would merely have a chance of poisoning the crazed..whatever. IF in the future I request a syringe item, I will do another anesthetic request for the intravenous application.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:44 pm

Gotcha, gotcha. Seems my concerns have been addressed. -nods-

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Glaceon Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:59 pm

Syringes do exist, as apparently Jab's used on in an RP on glacia before. They aren't that complicated of an item really.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:01 pm

Still an item not in default existence in Erinn that I know of.

So unless I can prove it already exists, I'm going to request it instead of go "Oh sure I have that cuz reasons"


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:22 pm

Again, items probably going to be something we look into. No one's really in trouble, but we just want to make sure we have a list of stuff that is now considered 'in-game.' -nods-

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:25 pm

Is that an approval or are there more concerns I can answer? Very Happy

I'll research more for you!

Anything +_+


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:33 pm

You know me, I give it some time to see if other concerns come up.

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:36 pm

-closes floor- Nope.

Everyone has to float while questioning. That is the rule now.

Seriously though, anyone else? I can't approve my own things, that's silly.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Xeek Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:05 pm

Syringes are pretty primitive-ish items. Keep in mind, the majority of Milliteans are Earthen.

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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:06 pm

They are, but I still don't assume things. Seems to me like a silly thing to do.


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:53 pm

Finally changed the title. >3>


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Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe Empty Re: Anesthetics of the Happy Tails Asylum: Mandrake Recipe

Post  Dellinger Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:44 pm

As the floor is openned, and I have no concerns, my approval is given pending Ken saying all is well. =D

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