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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Xeek Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:56 pm

IC Skill Name: Beast-like Nature.
Power Class: Racial.
OOC Representation: IC usage, gear, decoration tab.
Description: Due to his origins, Fiodh is very tall, even for a giant he is about the tall as a Wendigo. He has very beast-like features from most 'beast' like animals. Fiodh is constantly growling, he can communicate with most mammals, a lot of reptiles, some fishes, and a few birds. While he doesn't understand them perfectly, he is able to guess what they are saying or send them messages. Fiodh also fights barehanded, he has claws and fangs as well.
Explain relation: IC-power.
Notes: Him being tall changes a lot of things IC, including his knock down animation, what he carries, ect. While he fights IC bare handed, OOC he uses knuckles.
Level: 0

IC Skill Name: Finisher.
Power Class: Physical.
OOC Representation: Killing hit on a person/HP bar
Description: Fiodh, being aggressive, when he sees a person is weak enough(low HP enough for him to kill them), he tries to end with a horrible finisher, or fatality. There is almost no way to survive this. Regular finishers consist of tearing of limbs or smashing in the head or vital with sharp object or claws.
Explain relation: Dead characters are dead.
Notes: If the person goes in deadly, unless they have a power for it their deadly, Fiodh's attack only partly hit.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Zone
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Chain mastery
Description: Fiodh gets into the zone when using certain skills. He uses chi to boost his powers, giving his skills extra effect. Zone skills can not be repeated only, you must do a previous 'V' zone before doing a higher one. Zone powers obtain a quick power boost, allowing him to gain inhuman strength momentarily, though each zone must take a break after a while, and can not be spammed due to physical demand on his body.
Explain relation: Chain mastery allows powerful combos.
Notes: Just basically chain comboing.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Shark Bite (v1)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: focused fist(Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge(Out of Zone)
Description: Zone: Fiodh focused into a very powerful punch to the person's chest. This skill usually takes priority over normal attacks, a well placed hit with this skill can devastate a target, leaving them out of breath for a while and ready to be hit by other zone v2 attacks. The longer this is charged, the stronger it is.
Regular: A high powering punch.
Finisher: Fiodh punches into the target's chest or head, taking out any important organ.
Explain relation: Focused fist effects.
Notes: While OoZ and Zone have the same animation, zone has more power.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Snake bite (v1)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Charging strike(Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge(out of zone)
Description: Zone: Fiodh uses his speed to quickly snap at an enemy, striking them quickly and swiftly. This attack can be used while stunned due to it's speed. It also works like instinctive reaction. This attack leaves them ready for v2 zone.
Out of Zone: A high powering punch with a snake like motion.
Finisher: Fiodh does a quick punch, attempted to chop some limb off, or loosen some organs.
Explain relation: Charging strike effects
Notes: While OoZ and Zone have the same animation, zone has more power
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Rhino bash (v2)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Spinning uppercut(Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge(OoZ)
Description: Zone: Fiodh grabs the target and headbutts then, shoulder tackle, or a massive punch in the head to disorient the target. This leaves them unable to defend themselves properly for a while, setting them up a v3 attack.
OoZ: A powerful tackle
Finisher: Fiodh tears of the limbs of the target, some other part that can be ripped, or a random object and slams the target with it.
Explain relation: Spinning upper cut effect. It will not always make them suffer from the defense reduction.
Notes: The finisher has a different animation than the skill itself.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Bear Hug (v2)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Somersault kick(Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge (OoZ)
Description: Zone: Fiodh reaches to grab the target, squeezing them tightly for a while, not only doing damage but allowing them to be hit by someone else. After a while, he lets them go and 'claps' on their head or head butts them, leaving them disoriented to the point where they can not focus and use magic or alchemy. If the monster is much larger and can not be grabbed, he might bite them or just headbutt any part that is weak. It sets them for v3 zone.
OoZ: A strong grapple.
Finisher: Fiodh squeezes tightly, breaking them in half. If they are too big, he goes to try and squish their head.
Explain relation: Somersault Kick effects, may not always cause them to be disoriented.
Notes: Fiodh is very large, this doesn't work on monsters with advance heavy stander.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Gorilla Toss (v3)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Drop Kick (Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge(OoZ)
Description: Zone: Fiodh grabs the target, and tosses them to the ground with great strength. If the target is too big to be thrown, he just deliver a very powerful punch.
OoZ: A powerful toss
Finisher: Fiodh not only tosses the enemy, he grabs him by a limb, then flings them while holding to their limb, break the limb off.
Explain relation: Drop kick effects.
Notes: Advance heavy stander monsters can't be tossed.

IC Skill Name: Rampage (v3)
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Pummel(Zone) smash/punch/windmill/charge(OoZ)
Description:Zone: Fiodh grabs his target, and pretend it's a ragdoll, smashing him around the floor three times, the final time he leaves them on the ground. He can not carry those bigger than him.
OoZ: This skill has no out of zone.
Finisher: Fiodh grabs them, trying to roll them to a ball, breaking bones, and smashing them to the floor.
Explain relation: Different looks for pummel.
Notes: This skill has no out of zone, must be done with zone. IC-wise, the target can not be attacked while grabbed(well, they can, just not easily)
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Stomp EX
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Windmill
Description: Fiodh focuses to let out a very powerful stomp, using his chi to make the air around him also go down. This has a large distance, though he can not use it continuously because of the physical demand on his legs.
Finisher: The target(s) get crushed under his feet or the wind.
Explain relation:Rank 1 WM has a large AoE.
Notes: I am implementing the cooldown already. If I happen to RP as Fiodh before it's done, I will simply not use it for a while after I first used it. This can hit low flying targets.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Reptile regeneration.
Power Class: Regeneration
OOC Representation: Respite(Main) potion/rest/healing/mend(other)
Description: Fiodh uses his beast like power to quickly regenerate his life and stamina. This can also refresh his blood to remove some poisons. After this, he can not use certain magical skills(including alchemy), due to his chi temporarily taking over his body.
Explain relation: Same as respite. The others are shown for extra effects.
Notes: Does not usually heal wounds.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Breaking punch.
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Evasion + Normal hit/smash/charging strike for damage.
Description: Quickly concentrating his chi to his hand, Fiodh is able to punch off most arrows or bolt spells without taking damage. If he does this on an enemy, it does small damage.
Explain relation:Evasion allows those skills not to hurt you.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Frenzy
Power Class: Transformation/ Physical
OOC Representation: Savage Beast
Description: Fiodh goes into a rampage, he becomes stronger, and harder to take down. He doesn't grow, since he is big enough, but he is more resistance to all types of attacks. He also changes, becoming hairier, and more beast like. Allows for Lion's Roar
Explain relation: They both provide boost.

IC Skill Name: Lion's Roar
Power Class: Physical
OOC Representation: Giant Full Swing.
Description: Fiodh lets out a very powerful scream, doing damage to a lot things straight ahead of him.
Explain relation: Giant full swing with knuckles does a cone AoE forward.
Notes: It does normal damage, but on an AoE.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Chi boost
Power Class: Physical/defensive
OOC Representation: Ophelia's tears.
Description: Fiodh has a large chi boost, protecting him temporarily while it boost his powers for a longer while. He can not used this often because of the stress on his body.
Explain relation: Personas do that. Protect then boost.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Beast's fury
Power Class: Transformation.
OOC Representation: Demi-god.
Description: Fiodh calls his wild powers, he grows large falcon wings, although they can not be used to fight, they help him move very fast, and allow him to jump large distances(flying pet). He regenerates faster, and allows him to react to blows better. It also allows three new skills. He may not use this often because of the stress on his body.
Explain relation: Demi-god gives them boost.
Notes: attacking the wings will not hurt him, just slow him down.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Claw of Destruction.
Power Class: Physical.
OOC Representation: Wings of rage
Description: Fiodh uses his chi to create a giant claw. He swings it forward, slashing at anything near by. It creates a temporary bleed effect and can ignore most armors or protection wards.
Explain relation: Same effects as wing of rage, the bleed is the after DoT.
Notes: Due to this being a melee attack, he can not throw it.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Advance Heavy Stander
Power Class: Defensive
OOC Representation: Wings of eclipse
Description: Fiodh uses his Chi to make sure he stays on this ground. His weight, balanced, and defense increase, allowing him to keep his feet firmly on the ground while still being able to move quickly. After a few hit, the chi would fade off, and he will be able to be knocked down.
Explain relation: Eclipse provides a temporary adv. heavy stander.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Dark Spirits.
Power Class: Artificial/Unique
OOC Representation: Shadow Spirit.
Description: Having the residue from Glas' soul in him, Fiodh is able to summon animals made of pure darkness to aid him, and attack his targets. He must recharge by fueling himself from the darkness of the fomors.
Explain relation: Shadow spirits effects.
Notes: He can only get darkness from 'dark' fomors, meaning no bandits.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Wolves' Howl.
Power Class: Racial
OOC Representation: Rage pets.
Description: Fiodh does differently levels of large power roars to knock back, temporarily paralyze, or stop his enemies. Each level has a different cooldown.
Explain relation: Pet-rage knocks that.
Notes: These roars may not always work. (in the event where I can't summon a pet)
Level: 1

IC Skill Name: Animal manipulation.
Power Class: Enthralling.
OOC Representation: Taunt/Taming
Description: Fiodh is able to manipulate some animals emotion, he can beacon them to attack, or try and calm them down.
Explain relation: Both skills control aggro.
Notes: This has a chance of fail, and doesn't work on humanoids as much.
Level: 1

IC Skill Name:Shadow Dash
Power Class: Movement
OOC Representation: Tumble.
Description: Fiodh uses his Chi to quickly jump, leaving a shadowy-trail to his path. He can be intercepted. After the dash, Fiodh's speed increases temporarily.
Explain relation: Tumble moves you backwards, and gives a speed boost at higher ranks.
Notes: While tumble only goes backwards, I'll turn Fiodh to show him going forward.
Level: 1

Last edited by Xeek on Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 31

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Xeek Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:47 am

Added a new power~ Since Fiodh doesn't like to jump.

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Glaceon Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:05 am

Tumble doesn't give a speed boost to movement speed. The +Speed% is for tumble, not movement speed after tumble. Just clarifying.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Xeek Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:00 pm

Glaceon wrote:Tumble doesn't give a speed boost to movement speed. The +Speed% is for tumble, not movement speed after tumble. Just clarifying.

Oh, it's just how quick tumble gets executed?


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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Xeek Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:54 pm

Some thread love to Fiodh plz?

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Mithos Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:45 pm

Sounds legit. Mostly bloody reskins...

I'll approve of it, as I don't see anything out of the ordinary or breaking the game mechanics. =D

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Xeek Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:52 pm

Mithos wrote:Sounds legit. Mostly bloody reskins...

I'll approve of it, as I don't see anything out of the ordinary or breaking the game mechanics. =D

I approve of your approval.

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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Guest Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:54 pm

Bloody reskins...way to sound both morbid and very, very British, Mithos.



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Fiodhtan, Bear-fu. Empty Re: Fiodhtan, Bear-fu.

Post  Dellinger Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:37 pm

I'm going to approve everything but Finisher. Tearing something limb from limb to kill them is a 'preference,' not a 'power.' =P

I would like to state that I'm not sure about how Dark Spirits works in relation to mechanics, so I'd state that you should probably demo that at some point with someone to make sure it seems kosher. >.>

Y'know, that demo thing we said. Otherwise, welcome to the world of reskins.

Also aren't a lot of these lvl 0? If they are level 1 for a reason not listed, hit me up.

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