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Sinela Nelita, The Shy One.

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Sinela Nelita, The Shy One. Empty Sinela Nelita, The Shy One.

Post  Lenaliere Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:18 pm

Name: Sinela Nelita
Age: 26
Race: futakuchi-onna (two mouthed woman), Milletian
Hair color: Orange/Brown

Eye color: Pale blue

Weapon of Choice: Knuckles

Likes: Eating, exploring, making friends

Dislikes: overly excited people, Balrogs, small lizards.

Personality: Shy (EXTREMELY shy), usually hungry, brave, not stupid.

Bio: In life on Earth, in Japan, Nel was the young wife of a Stingy Man. The man would hardly feed her, and yet expected her to work hard. Being the shy girl she was, she worked hard for him. There was no way she could fight back. In her spare time, she would create vibrant stories to get her mind off the pain, but at one point the pain of hunger overwhelmed her. Her husband was out, and so she crept into the kitchen. Looking around, she realized she could not eat any of it. It was not time for her to eat, yet her body said otherwise. Distressed by this dilemma and losing her mind to the hunger, the built up hate and hunger manifested itself as a mouth on the back of her head. The mouth was concealed by her hair, and it hungered. Forming her hair into tendrils, she fed this mouth until her hunger was satisfied, and when her husband returned, she said that she honestly hadn't eaten it. It was true too. She had not eaten the food, in a sense.

This continued for a while, however the husband, being the stingy man he was, would get very suspicious. One summer morning, as they finished breakfast, he pretended to leave. Immediately, she walked over to a food pantry. That's when he saw it... Her long hair spiked out as if they were tentacles, and the tentacles grabbed at any morsel of food they could find. Then the food would disappear into a hole in her head. How disgusting the man thought this was. He ran off to work, and planned a way to kill his wife.

That night, after Nel had fallen asleep, her evil husband snuck into the room. With a large pair of scissors, he cut her hair so that it couldn't form those long groping tendrils anymore. As she awakened, he screamed "Die you Demon! You're not my wife!" and jabbed the scissors into the side of her neck...

Nel would awake in the soul stream, confused as to where she was. Regardless, this place was nicer than her old home already. She approached a blonde girl who seemed to be busy sending an owl off. After having a riveting conversation, Nao sent Nel to Erinn in an elf-like body. Nel retains the second mouth, but she also kept her short hair. Her hair will still grow back though, and eventually she'll get all too hungry again.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 496
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 28
Location : So far west of california that I'm west of the atlantic o3o

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